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[LFR] Die Philosophie hinter Living Forgotten Realms

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--- Zitat ---But perhaps the most important thing that's changed is the philosophy behind being a DM for our shared-world games. In the past, emphasis was placed on tournament-style play. Under this philosophy, adventures had to be run "as written" to provide a "consistent" play experience. Tournament-style play is an artifact of the past, and while it does have its place (like the D&D Championship Series) it runs counter to the experience of an accessible shared-world campaign. Now, the DM has been given one golden rule: Make decisions and adjudications that enhance the fun of the adventure when possible. DMs are now empowered to adjust adventures to accomplish this task, just like they would in their home games. Having a good play experience is now the number one priority.
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Tempus Fugit:
Oh, mein Lieblingswort...   :thumbup:  :urgs:

Nathan Grey:
Was haben bloss alle gegen Spass?? :huh:  Also ich spiele Rollenspiele, immer um Spass zu haben. :)


--- Zitat von: Wizards ---[...] a good play experience is now the number one priority.

--- Ende Zitat ---

Ja, und das Lieblingswort hat diesmal gottlob eine etwas weniger einsilbige Variante mitgebracht, die durchaus akzeptabel klingt.

Ich finde den Text auch bei weitem nicht so platt formuliert, wie andere Ankündigungen zu D&D 4. Es kommt sogar nur einmal das Wort "fun" vor und dann im nächsten Satz (den Curundil zitiert hat) etwas, was man als geradezu erwachsene Aussage betrachten kann...


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