Autor Thema: Earthdawn 3rd Edition (von RedBrick) bald als klassische Printversion  (Gelesen 8593 mal)


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RedBrick Joins Flaming Cobra
Mongoose Publishing is pleased to announce that we have signed contracts with RedBrick Limited to publish new editions of the Earthdawn, Fading Suns, Blue Planet, Age of Legend 4e, and Equinox game lines under our Flaming Cobra imprint, already famous for such popular games as Dragon Warriors and Spycraft 2.0.

Under this arrangement, RedBrick Limited retains full creative control of writing, design, editing, and layout. Mongoose Publishing will handle printing, marketing, sales, and distribution.

The first RedBrick Limited products to be released under the Flaming Cobra imprint will be available in game stores worldwide from July 2009, starting with Earthdawn Third Edition, before moving into the product release schedules for our other game lines.

More information on RedBrick’s product releases will be published at the start of next month on Mongoose’s web site at and RedBrick's company web site at

RedBrick Limited is headquartered in Auckland, New Zealand. Age of Legend4e™ is a trademark of RedBrick Limited. Equinox™ is a trademark of RedBrick Germany. Earthdawn® is a registered trademark of FASA Corporation. Fading Suns™ is a trademark of Holistic Design Inc. Blue Planet™ is a trademark of Biohazard Games. Flaming Cobra™ is a trademark of Mongoose Publishing. All used under license.


« Letzte Änderung: 16. März 2009, 10:54:23 von Cut »
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Re: RedBrick Earthdawn jetzt auch als klassische Printversion
« Antwort #1 am: 15. März 2009, 19:41:54 »
Und nochmal die News: Diesesmal aus der Warte des neuseeländischen Verlags RedBrick!.

The Times, They Are A-Changing!
Posted by RedBrick Limited on March 15, 2009

RedBrick Limited is pleased to announce that it has signed contracts with Mongoose Publishing to publish new editions of their Earthdawn, Fading Suns, Blue Planet, Age of Legend 4e, and Equinox game lines under Mongoose Publishing’s Flaming Cobra imprint, already famous for such popular games as Dragon Warriors and Spycraft 2.0.

Under this arrangement, RedBrick Limited retains full creative control of writing, design, editing, and layout. Mongoose Publishing will handle printing, marketing, sales, and distribution.

The first RedBrick Limited products to be released under the Flaming Cobra imprint will be available in game stores worldwide from July 2009, starting with Earthdawn Third Edition, before moving into the product release schedules for our other game lines.

After five years honing its skills as a game publisher on the Earthdawn Classic and Fading Suns Second Edition game lines, and being among the forefront of RPG publishers embracing the digital and print-on-demand publishing models, RedBrick Limited are excited to be working with Mongoose Publishing and taking the next step toward bringing our games to a wider audience. Mongoose Publishing are the “perfect partner” for RedBrick Limited and everyone on board the ‘Brick looks forward to a lengthy collaboration with the Mongoose team under the hood of the Flaming Cobra.

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  • Mörder der 4E
Schade... eine gute Kampagnenwelt wird für ein mieses System verheitzt...  :-\
1984 was not supposed to be an instruction manual.


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Nein, Xiam, Du missverstehst das.

Earthdawn ändert sich nicht. Das System bleibt. Es geht hier nicht (alleine) um "Age of Legend", die Umsetzung vopn Earthdawn auf die 4E von D&D.

Nein, alle Rollenspielsysteme von RedBrick werden so wie sie sind über das Mongoose Label "Flaming Cobra" gedruckt und auf den Markt gebracht.

Das ist eine Wiedergeburt der bisher nicht leicht zu bekommenden angeblich besseren ED-Version, keine Umschreibung auf d20 oder D&D 4E!
On the Internet you can be anything you want.
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  • Mörder der 4E
Oh, okay, dann habe ich nichts gesagt  :)
1984 was not supposed to be an instruction manual.


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Oh, okay, dann habe ich nichts gesagt  :)


Kein Ding. Im Prinzip war's sogar gut, dass Du geschrieben hast. Ich hatte das garnicht hingeschrieben, warum ich das so gut finde: Eben, die Tatsache, dass es bisher diese angeblich tollere neuseeländische ED-Variante nur über den beschwerlicheren Weg des Printing-on-Demand (via gab. Und da Mongoose die meisten Online Händler beliefert (amazon klappt nicht immer) kann man sicherlich demnächst leichter an das Material kommen, als bisher!  :thumbup:
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Schade... eine gute Kampagnenwelt wird für ein mieses System verheitzt...  :-\

So, nochmal Neues zu dem Thema. Ich lag auch ein wenig nebendran. Bei den neuen Earthdawn Büchern wird es sich tatsächlich um eine neue Edition des Spieles, jedoch basierend auf der Classic Earthdawn Variante die auch schon von RedBrick vertrieben wurde, bisher aber nur als PDF oder printing-on-demand Bücher.

Die neue, dritte (3rd) Edition wird eine Weiterentwicklung des bekannten Classic Earthdawns sein. Dazu zwei Einträge des RedBrick Managers vom Mongoose Forum:

Zitat von: Anunnaki

Zitat von: EDG
This is a new edition of Earthdawn? Not the same as the big red books that Redbrick did through Lulu?

The "big red books" are referred to as Earthdawn Classic (EDC for short). The RedBrick releases under Mongoose's Flaming Cobra imprint are Earthdawn Third Edition (though they will retain RedBrick's red motif). It is indeed a new edition.

Kind regards,

Managing Director

Zitat von: Anunnaki

Zitat von: SnowDog
Personally I have liked rules of Earthdawn. I have seen two problems with them.

1) Quite a low amount of skills (as opposed to talents).

2) Description of rules has been less than optimal (read clear). Second edition was a huge improvement on that regard.

I hope the Fading Suns will be 3rd edition, too as previous editions seem to have some rules problems, too (only minor).

RedBrick's Earthdawn Classic attempted to clarify and consolidate previous editions of Earthdawn. The RedBrick release of Earthdawn Third Edition under Mongoose's Flaming Cobra imprint will further improve on that work.

We will be releasing Third Editions of Fading Suns and Blue Planet under Flaming Cobra, along with Age of Legend 4e (products for D&D4e based on Earthdawn's Barsaive campaign setting) and Equinox, a far-future sci-fi game set in the Eighth World.

Kind regards,

Managing Director

So, ich hoffe jetzt alles halbwegs stimmig dargestellt zu haben.
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Wer also auf die beiden extrem dicken Grundregelbände "Player's und Gamemaster's Compendium" scharf war (beide über 500 Seiten stark) sollte zusehen, dass er sie sich jetzt sehr bald bei besorgt oder auf der RPC in Köln am RedBrick Stand zuschlägt, da ich gelesen habe, dass die neuen 3rd Edition Regelwerke leider deutlich abgespeckt werden sollen :(
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So, Neuigkeiten zur 3rd Edition von Earthdawn:

Es werden wieder ein Gamemaster's Compendium und ein Player's Compendium erscheinen. Doch statt 522 Seiten werden die neuen beiden Bände jeweils 296 Seiten umfassen.

Zu finden auf der RedBrick Produktseite bei Mongoose Publishing:



Beide Bücher sind für Juli 2009 angekündigt.

« Letzte Änderung: 06. April 2009, 18:35:12 von Cut »
On the Internet you can be anything you want.
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Und HIER gibt´s noch ein Statement von Seiten RedBricks zum Thema.

Zitat von: RedBrick
RedBrick & Mongoose: Questions and Answers, Part 1
By James Flowers • Published: March 17, 2009

Since news broke about our partnership with Mongoose Publishing, we’ve had a lot of comments and feedback. This list is nowhere near comprehensive. And, like all good responses, won’t answer all of your concerns or questions. However, we hope it provides you with some additional thoughts and considerations as you continue (or not) to interact with RedBrick Limited.

We will post up more of these over the next few weeks. Some questions specific to particular game lines will be dealt with in the forums, but the areas of current focus are around fans of Earthdawn Classic, who are most affected by the recent announcement.

Why is RedBrick partnering with Flaming Cobra and Mongoose?
After Lulu, our print-on-demand partner, raised its print prices in October 2008 (and more so when their shipping prices increased unexpectedly), we started looking at options. The print price increase meant increasing the prices of our books again (you will note that we haven't done this—by example, the hardcover Player's and Gamemaster's Compendiums were slated to move to USD$59.95 each), which we really didn’t want to do. Even though we know how much is packed into these "tomes" the per unit price was getting untenable. The shipping increases were really the icing on the cake and the main catalyst for a move. The upshot of this was a major review of our business model and looking for alternatives.

After a lot of emails and phone calls, we put together a revised model which we felt would be both progressive and meet our long-term requirements. However, the additional overhead of migrating to this model meant it was something we couldn’t do quickly. Enter Mongoose. Mongoose Publishing had contacted us some time ago about their Flaming Cobra imprint. At the time, things were working well with Lulu, and we felt that it wasn't something that RedBrick wanted to pursue. Of course, since then, Mongoose made some forays into print-on-demand, without success. But they had moved on from this, learning valuable lessons (as businesses do). And we had to do the same from our Lulu experiences. So we entered discussions with Mongoose and things moved very quickly from there. Approvals were sought from our licensors, contracts reworked, numbers crunched, and terms of business negotiated and agreed. And here we are at the beginning again.

What does Mongoose and Flaming Cobra bring to this relationship? Many things. Our businesses are surprisingly similar. Mongoose started earlier than RedBrick, but their business model is based on taking gaming properties and supporting them well. Runequest and Traveller are prime examples. Experience. Mongoose have a lot of experience in the industry. Support. And they are happy to share that experience (one of the reasons for the Flaming Cobra imprint existing). Distribution. Mongoose have an extensive distribution network covering Europe and the USA—no reasons for gamers not being able to get our books! Marketing. Conventions, advertising, and their own “house” magazine are more good reasons for RedBrick to be working under the Flaming Cobra's hood. Quality. The quality of their books is excellent (we have performed due diligence). Independence. And, most importantly, we can continue to produce our own high-quality products autonomously. Though we now have to work to a production schedule.

Overall, for RedBrick, this is a huge step forward to becoming a larger business. And, while we are sure that it will take us some time to get used to working in a more regimented manner, it means that when we do step up to the task, we will be a better organisation for that.

You announced Earthdawn Third Edition as being the first release under Flaming Cobra. Why a new edition of Earthdawn?
Good timing is a rare thing in any industry. Timing isn’t on our side here either. We hadn’t planned to release a new edition of Earthdawn this soon, but the main reason for doing so is really very simple: to avoid retailer confusion. With Second Edition officially “dead”, it is important that Earthdawn Third Edition be clearly represented as the “current” edition. We had already experienced enough confusion about Earthdawn Classic—what it is or isn’t—and we wanted to avoid that with this release. Of course, it is no great secret that we have been working on a Third Edition of the game for some time now. The decision to bring that release forward ultimately comes down to timing and market presence.

Of course we recognize that this decision may be unpopular with fans of the game. The pace of moving to Flaming Cobra meant that we had to make some very difficult business calls. And this, unfortunately, was the most difficult to make. Therefore, we felt it was important that we let people know about our new business partnership with Mongoose Publishing as soon as possible, that a new edition of Earthdawn is coming, and that there is no ambiguity or rumor-mongering about what we are doing.

Ultimately, the success of any publisher is determined by its customers. We really don’t want to upset any Earthdawn fans with this announcement. But we recognize that we will. For that, we can only ask forgiveness. We want to ensure the longevity of all of our games. That can only happen with commercial support for those games. And the partnership with Mongoose opens up more opportunities for gamers to be exposed to our products and, ultimately, more opportunities to do other things in time. Where we go from here can only be judged by our fans (and history will tell if this was an overall good or bad decision).

But what about my Earthdawn Classic books? Are they redundant now?
From a supported game line perspective, yes. From a useful product perspective, no. There is more crammed into the two core Compendiums than many game lines see in their lifetime. As with ED1 and ED2, and like other games that have come and gone, this is just another step in evolution. Be aware that, in terms of printed books, our best-selling individual book (the Player’s Compendium) sold just over six hundred print copies—softcover and hardcover combined—over the last three years. From the perspective of a print-on-demand success story, it definitely was. Overall, this isn’t much more than a small print run would sell. Personally, I would consider these to be in the realms of “collector’s items” now. Useful books to own for their consolidated approach, imminently self-contained and playable as is, but once we pull the plug on Lulu, they become collectibles, a piece of Earthdawn history.

So, what happens now? Can I still get Earthdawn Classic books in print?
For the moment, yes. Apart from some select products (novels, for instance), we plan to disable the Lulu print lines before the end of June. This is to accommodate anyone who wants to take the opportunity to grab another copy for their gaming group, assuming they don’t plan to move to a different game line or adopt Third Edition Earthdawn when it becomes available. If sales completely dry up, we may terminate print titles sooner. Regardless, we will post a News item to our web sites notifying customers that these books are no longer available.

Note that some titles will remain available on Lulu. Notably, novels will be kept as print-on-demand at this time.

What about Earthdawn Classic eBooks?
We are working on this. Owners of Earthdawn Classic ebooks will most likely receive a discount coupon toward the Third Edition-equivalent ebooks. Downloads will still be available for current customers from your account at OneBookShelf. Novels will remain unchanged as eBooks. Everything else will be removed to make way for Earthdawn Third Edition.

The release process stemming from our partnership with Mongoose Publishing will follow their process. Generally, eBooks are released about a month after print books become available. This is the complete opposite of how RedBrick have worked in the past and again is a condition of the change to retail distribution. In many ways, however, eBooks become more valuable for us and for you as a means to ensure that you have access to a regularly errata’d master copy. Because of the nature of retail and distribution, we cannot update print books as easily.

Well, I’m really unhappy about all this. Now I have to weather yet another change and spend even more money on books that I already have much of the content for. It sucks.
Again, reiterating that this decision was not an easy one and we knew going in that it would draw the ire of many fans, thinking that we had betrayed them. And as a consequence, losing trust and respect that we have spent a lot of time trying to build. We’re not doing this to be money-grubbing capitalists (though we would understand if you think we are). We simply have to evolve to ensure the ongoing viability of both RedBrick and our game lines. Times are hard. We all know that. We do this as a labor of love, but that love wears thin sometimes. In these hard times, hard decisions have to be made and we have to stand behind them, for right or for wrong. Ultimately, we do what is best for our licensors and our fans. But we recognize that there will be a lot of anger at this time. Sorry.

On a personal note, as Managing Director of RedBrick Limited, I feel bad for my development team, who have to weather this as well. If there is any one person to direct your scorn and rage, please, that would be me. I made the final decision, and the responsibility for it lies with me alone. However, I do ask that you consider the other members of Team RedBrick who have to work extra hard now to achieve new targets. The workload for them got a whole lot bigger from this partnership and they are the ones who deserve your ongoing support.

Thank you for sharing your concerns and providing us with feedback. More responses will be posted over the next few weeks.

Spoiler (Anzeigen)

R: Each day our children will race around our home to see who is the fastest.
N: And what exactly will we be feeding these children?
R: The slowest.


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Earthdawn 3rd Edition (von RedBrick) bald als klassische Printversion
« Antwort #10 am: 07. Juni 2009, 22:46:27 »
Unter kann man nun die neuen Cover der 3rd Edition GRWs ansehen.

« Letzte Änderung: 16. Juni 2009, 00:13:49 von Cut »
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Earthdawn 3rd Edition (von RedBrick) bald als klassische Printversion
« Antwort #11 am: 16. Juni 2009, 00:10:41 »
Es gibt weitere Neuigkeiten.

Auf gibt es die ersten Dateien und Previews zum den beiden Guides und bei Mongoose gibt es zwei weitere angekündigte Produkte zu bestaunen: Gamemaster's Companion und Player's Companion.

Die Cover waren doch auch schonmal ganz schön. Was denkt ihr?

« Letzte Änderung: 16. Juni 2009, 00:12:14 von Cut »
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Wer also auf die beiden extrem dicken Grundregelbände "Player's und Gamemaster's Compendium" scharf war (beide über 500 Seiten stark) sollte zusehen, dass er sie sich jetzt sehr bald bei besorgt oder auf der RPC in Köln am RedBrick Stand zuschlägt, da ich gelesen habe, dass die neuen 3rd Edition Regelwerke leider deutlich abgespeckt werden sollen :(

Da hast Du evtl. was mißverstanden. Red Brick hat das bisher so gehandhabt, dass das Material auf die beiden ersten Bücher verteilt war, und die jeweils recht kostspielig waren. Jetzt soll das ganze auf 4 Bücher verteilt werden, aber das Material insgesamt nicht nicht ab. Aus einem Tanelorn-Posting von einem Mitarbeiter:

Wenn man das mal mit den alten 1. Edition Büchern vergleicht, welche Inhalte erscheinen jeweils in den vier ersten Büchern?

In den ersten vier Büchern erscheint inhaltlich das gleiche wie in der Classic Edition. Im Vergleich zur 1st Edition umfassen diese vier Bücher Earthdawn First Edition, Earthdawn Companion, Magic: A Manual of Mystic Secrets, Arcane Mysteries of Barsaive, The Adept’s Way, Earthdawn Gamemaster Pack, Earthdawn Survival Guide, The Barsaive Boxed Set, Creatures of Barsaive, Dragons, Horrors sowie diverse Regeln aus den restlichen alten Quellenbüchern. :)



Thread (siehe S.2 unten)

Preislich sieht das so aus: momentan zahle ich für die beiden Red Brick Grundbücher 90 Pfund. Bei Mongoose zahle ich für die 4 Bücher 90 Pfund. Jetzt ist meine Frage: bekommt da der Leser nicht genau gleich viel Inhalt pro Kombi? Oder habe ich was übersehen?
« Letzte Änderung: 16. Juni 2009, 00:39:35 von Windjammer »
A blind man may be very pitturesque; but it takes two eyes to see the picture. - Chesterton


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Earthdawn 3rd Edition (von RedBrick) bald als klassische Printversion
« Antwort #13 am: 16. Juni 2009, 12:20:55 »
Nun, die Regeln von Earthdawn Classic und die Regeln der neuen 3rd Edition die über Mongoose erscheint, werden sich laut Aussage des Verlages nicht zu 100 % decken. So wird die 3rd Edition eine Weiterentwicklung sein.

Für Spieler, die also lieber auf der von Red Brick zuerst veröffentlichten Earthdawn Classic Schiene weiterspielen möchten, sind die beiden "alten" RedBrick Bände vielleicht interessanter. Die Sache mit der Regelweiterentwicklung haben nicht nur Carsten "Dammi" Damm sondern auch noch andere Mitarbeiter von RedBrick auf diversen Foren, nicht zuletzt ihrem eigenen kundgetan, was ein paar Fans auch schon missfallen hat.

Weiterhin werden sicherlich das Layout und einige andere Details geändert, nicht zuletzt die Cover.

Im Prinzip hast Du aber dahingehend recht, dass sich an den Setting Informationen nicht viel ändern wird. Da kann man also als Neueinsteiger beruhigt warten, was einem die 3rd Edition bringen wird und mit den wohl leichter zu bekommenden Mongoose Büchern spielen.

Hattest Du bei Deinen Preisrecherchen eigentlich die horrenden Versandkosten von berücksichtigt?

PS: Außerdem stammt das von Dir zitierte Posting von mir aus der Zeit, als die News, dass ED zu Mongoose via Flaming Cobra geht noch so neu, dass die Aussagen (auch von Verlagsseite) nicht unbedingt mit dem übereinstimmen, was heute Stand der Dinge ist. Die Empfehlung sich die beiden Red Brick Bände zu holen, sei es um zu spielen oder um sie als Sammlerstück zu haben, kam übrigens ursprünglich auch von Dammi. Aber was soll der auch anderes sagen. ;)
« Letzte Änderung: 16. Juni 2009, 12:23:49 von Cut »
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Earthdawn 3rd Edition (von RedBrick) bald als klassische Printversion
« Antwort #14 am: 23. Juni 2009, 10:55:35 »
Neues Preview.

Mit ein paar einleitenden Worten, was geändert wurde im Vergleich zu vorangegangenen Editionen:

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