Autor Thema: [3.5] Rassensuche für Warlock  (Gelesen 1364 mal)


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[3.5] Rassensuche für Warlock
« am: 10. April 2009, 20:56:58 »

demnächst darf ich mal wieder als Spieler in einer freien Kampagne aktiv sein.
Das Ganze wird eine Planes-Kampagne, angefangen bei Lvl 1.

Unser Attributssystem entsteht durch Würfeln und meine zu vergebenen Werte lauten:

Ich würde gerne einen Warlock spielen, der möglichst viel Schaden macht, dabei aber kein ordinärer Mensch ist.
Das Charakterkonzept mit dem Hellfire-Warlok habe ich mir schon angeschaut ist aber leider bei uns wohl nicht spielbar, da unser Meister seine Heidenfreude an einem Binderspieler hätte.. :) (Den man wegen des Konstitutionsschaden braucht)
Zudem habe ich ne Menge Spaß an besodneren Rassen.

Erfahrungsgemäß tut sich unser Meister immer etwas schwer mit magischen Gegenständen, weshalb ich versuche eine möglichst hohe Attributssteigerung zu erreichen. Zudem sind uns Monsterrassen offen, weshalb natürlich Rassen eine gute Möglichkeit bieten Attribute oder schicke Sonderfertigkeiten abzugreifen.

Das Problem ist das Lvl-Adjusment, bzw die Stufe die verliert wenn man die Monsterrassen steigert, wenn man einen Caster spielen will.

Ich habe mir überlegt eine Pixie zu spielen. Ungl. interessante Boni, aber leider 5 Stufen zu evolven. Mit den wenigen HP komme ich schon irgendwie klar. Aber 5 Stufen bei einem Warlock zu verlieren...

Langer Rede kurzer Sinn:

Ich suche interessante Rassen die DEX und CHA steigern. Auch Vorschläge für Warlock-Konzepte wären spannend.



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Re: [3.5] Rassensuche für Warlock
« Antwort #1 am: 10. April 2009, 21:25:26 »

Zum Thema Rassen findest du dort folgendes:


Player’s Handbook Races

Halfling by Oogar
I am starting to see Halfling as a nice choice for Warlock race. Small size and a +2 dex basically adds a net of +2 to hit with the Eldritch Blasts and +2 AC. The Save bonus is nice and if you are in Forgotten Realms you can snag the extra feat with the one subrace (If you need the feat).

While you end up low in skill points, I expect that if you spend much time on this board, you will likely be spending your skill points in very specific ways anyhow. The loss of strength and weapon size do not really hinder too greatly, and use of Fell Flight or Flee the Scene can assist in the loss of movement speed.

For flavor it is rather easy for me to see a halfling that had an ancestor that tried to pull a fast one on an arch devil, or some big mucky muck from the abyss, and ended up passing along this little legacy to our little hero (anti-hero).

Human by Thinblade
Humans are always a viable option. Many warlock builds are feat starved, and, while they have a good list of skills, they lack skill points. Human helps with both of these. Human is also the only race (besides doppelganger) that can get Able Learner and become a Chameleon.

Other Races

Hellbred (Fiendish Codex II) by DastardlyDan:
+2 racial bonus to Intimidate
Evil Exception: Good-aligned Hellbred can use Evil-aligned items without penalty.
Devil's Favor: Bonus feat (+2 bonus on any roll 1/day)
Automatic Language: Infernal (Qualifier for Hellfire Warlock PrC)

Infernal Aspect: Choose Body or Spirit

    1st Clvl: +4 save vs. poison, +2 Con, -2 Int
    4th Clvl: Bonus Devil-Touched Feat
    14th Clvl: Bonus Devil-Touched Feat


    1st Clvl: 30' Darkvision, +2 Sense Motive, +2 Cha, -2 Con
    6th Clvl: 60' Darkvision
    9th Clvl: 120' Darkvision
    12th Clvl: Can see in any darkness, including magical as strong as Deeper Darkness spell
    15th Clvl: Telepathy to 100'

Hengeyokai – Crane, Sparrow (Oriental Adventures) by Thinblade:
The chaotic good animal shapechangers from Oriental Adventures make good fey-themed warlocks. In their hybrid form they gain a +2 Dex as well as a fly speed, freeing up one of the valuable lesser invocation spots for something other than Fell Flight. You can also use your invocations while in your animal form. (How do you know which of those flocking sparrows is the warlock? It’s the one throwing eldritch blasts at you.)

Note that the 3.5 update in Dragon 318 removed their +1 LA by making them Humanoid (shapechangers). This makes them much more attractive.

Jaebrin (Monster Manual 5) by Richmud and HelloRaptor
[by Richmud]
I've been looking at the Jaebrins from MM5 which have several interesting features that may prove useful for a warlock

The get a charisma bonus, a bonus to bluff and diplomacy both handy for a warlock, a luck bonus to AC, immunity to enchantments and the ability to fake being enchanted which are just all around handy. Most interestingly they have a bite attack that can lower will saves. I can see it being quite good for a warlock as they can be capable enough in combat to bite a foe before unleashing something that requires a will save (charm always being a good option)

    [by HelloRaptor]
    Stats: -2 Str, +2 Cha (add the Magic Blooded template for a nice -2 Str, -2 Wis, +2 Cha)
    Misc Bonuses: +1 Luck to AC, Enchantment spells cast at +1 DC, +2 on Appraise, Bluff, Perform and Diplomacy checks.
    Natural Attack: Bite. Also acts as a special attack 'Will Sapper', any creature struck by it must make a DC (10+ConModifier+1/2 Class Levels) Will Save or suffer a -4 to Will saves for the next 10 rounds.
    Absorb Enchantment: Not only are Jaebrin immune to Enchantment spells and effects, they automatically know when they're Enchanted and what the intended effect is, and can feign being under its effect. Others have to beat them with Sense Motive vs a Bluff check to know they're faking.

    All they have going against them is a Level Adjustment of +1. If you play in a game with LA buyoff (I do), buying this off is trivial.

Karsite (Tome of Magic) by kadeity
Um, Karsite, the +2LA race from Tome of Magic, makes an amazing warlock.

They get +2con & +2cha as well as spell resistance 10+class levels, and heal 2hp for every spell level of a spell that fails against their SR. Sure they cant be spellcasters, but they can use Spell like abilities normally. And a side note, they can be psions, not that it matters. they have another cool ability that makes a magic item inactive for a round. All this in addition to the human feat and skill points. I think the 2LA is worth it.

Anyway I'm saying this because i recall someone saying they couldn't find a good warlock race.

Petal (Monster Manual 3) by NatchFeral
Petal [Tiny Fey] +2 LA, gives -8 Str +10 Dex +4 Con +4 Int +8 Cha

With an elite array for ability scores (15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8) this could give you:
Str 4 Dex 24 Con 17 Int 14 Wis 8 Cha 23. Seems ideal for a warlock.

Pixie (Monster Manual 1) by mjung
I personally like the pixie warlock. Sure, you pay 4 LA, but you more than make up with it with versatility and utter ridiculousness.

Pixie gives you:
- +8 dex and +6 cha (amongst other stat adjustments)
- Small size. Harder to hit and easier to hit others
- 60 foot (good) fly speed
- Dodge as a bonus feat
- +1 natural armor
- DR 10/cold iron, Spell resistance 15+levels and persistent (suppressible) greater invisibility.
- Some nice SLAs.

This race was made for warlocks. You can fly around, invisible and hurl little eldritch blasts at your enemies. Best thing is, you are virtually guaranteed damage and you are virtually untouchable.

- Because Eldritch Blast is a ranged touch attack, your target gets no armor or natural armor bonuses to their AC.
- Unless your target can see invis, they further get no dex or dodge bonus to AC and you get a +2 on your attacks against sighted targets.

So let's see...they don't get dodge, dex, armor or natural armor bonuses...they still get um...size...and um...deflection. With +8 to your dex, some BAB, +2 for being invis and +1 for being small, you can virtually guarantee a hit EVERY TIME.

So what about when they strike back? Oh well, first they have to find you (invisible). Then they have to reach you somehow (flying). Then they have to hit you (small size and high dex). Then they have to overcome either your spell resistance or your damage reduction. Not very likely they'll be hitting you much.

You can see where all this is going. Sure, a fighter could dish out more damage in one round. But your steady once per round 7d6 and nigh untouchability will certainly make you a force to be reckoned with. With the right feat selection and items, I truly believe this character would be just about invincible unless the DM specifically is trying to take you down. You can outlast just about anything in the game.

Primordial Giant Template (Secrets of Xen’drik) by tacoronte
In the most recent Eberron Setting book, Secrets of Xen’drik, there is a new template for Giants "Primordial Giant" that makes Warlock a favored class for the character, enhances mental stats (with penalty on physical), adds a Spell-like ability and gives a +1 bonus on caster level for Spell-like Abilities.

Best of all, it doesn't increase Level Adjustment; making something like an Ogre/Troll/Half-Giant more playable as a Warlock.

For instance a Primordial Giant Ogre (LA +2) would have stat adjustments of +6 STR, -2 DEX, +2 CON, no mental penalties, and if you throw in Practiced Spellcaster, you are just 1 caster level behind a typical Warlock.
That is a fair trade-off for a melee/hideous blow oriented Warlock.

Whisper Gnome (Races of Stone) by Eytan
Whisper Gnomes make great Warlock/Arcane Tricksters. They have a more serious demeanor - perfect for warlocks, huge bonuses on stealth total +4 Move Silently + 8 hide, and they have mage hand as a spell like ability. Also, the +2 to dex and con is very nice. The -2 to charisma is a little tough, but this warlock build really doesn't rely too much on eldritch essence invocations, though they don't hurt. The invocations they really want are:

Entropic Warding - good protection from ranged attacks which is really what they need because they don't want to be in melee. It also adds to their stealthiness by making it impossible to track them, even using scent.
Invisibility (or Improved Invisibility)
Beguiling Influence - +6 diplomacy, bluff, intimidate
Spider Climb
Flee the Scene - Short range dimension door + brief major image
Dark Discorporation
Shadow Walk

I like these because they really compliment rogue (adding a lot of maneuverability, which in term increases defense). Also, they fit the shadowy sneakiness of rogues. You also have a crazy magical sneak attack.

Xeph (Expanded Psionics Handbook) by Thinblade
Xephs deserve a special mention since they are innately psionic. This opens the door to taking Psionic Shot, Greater Psionic Shot, and Psionic Meditation without having to spend a feat on Wild Talent or lose caster levels dipping into Psion or Psychic Warrior. Their +2 Dex is also nice for hitting with your eldritch blast.
You're a wizard.
Traditionally, it means that at level 1 a house cat is a serious threat to you, while at level 20 you're "weak" to the same extent that OJ is "looking for the real killers".


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Re: [3.5] Rassensuche für Warlock
« Antwort #2 am: 10. April 2009, 21:59:13 »
Danke für die Antwort.

Petal klingt interessant. Eigtl schon zu krass solche Attributsboni (und andere Fähigkeiten) für LA +2

Leider gibt es Petal ja nicht als aufgeschlüsselte Playerklasse. Ich google zwar schon fleissig, hab aber noch ncihts gefunden und im SAvage Species ist nichts zu finden.

Hat wer PEtal evtl aufgeschlüsselt?
Wie kommt man überhaupt auf die genannten +10 DEX? Muss meinen MEister das ja logisch aufgeschlüsselt vorlegen, damit ich nen Petal spielen kann.



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Re: [3.5] Rassensuche für Warlock
« Antwort #3 am: 10. April 2009, 22:08:59 »
Ohne dass die Copyrights verletzt werden:

Abilities: Str 3, Dex 20, Con 15, Int 15, Wis 10, Cha 18 (siehe MM3)

--> -8 Str +10 Dex +4 Con +4 Int +8 Cha (Template Regeln helfen dafür wgn Auf-Abrundungen)

Mehr dazu findest du im MonsterManual 1 S. 298
You're a wizard.
Traditionally, it means that at level 1 a house cat is a serious threat to you, while at level 20 you're "weak" to the same extent that OJ is "looking for the real killers".

Judas Dukat

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Re: [3.5] Rassensuche für Warlock
« Antwort #4 am: 10. April 2009, 22:14:34 »
Danke für die Antwort.

Petal klingt interessant. Eigtl schon zu krass solche Attributsboni (und andere Fähigkeiten) für LA +2

Leider gibt es Petal ja nicht als aufgeschlüsselte Playerklasse. Ich google zwar schon fleissig, hab aber noch ncihts gefunden und im SAvage Species ist nichts zu finden.

Hat wer PEtal evtl aufgeschlüsselt?
Wie kommt man überhaupt auf die genannten +10 DEX? Muss meinen MEister das ja logisch aufgeschlüsselt vorlegen, damit ich nen Petal spielen kann.


Ach, das ist leicht. Schau mal im DMG, p. 172 unter "Ability Scores for Monster PCs" nach.
"Gesunder Menschenverstand: eigentlich nur eine Anhäufung von Vorurteilen, die man bis zum 18. Lebensjahr erworben hat."


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Re: [3.5] Rassensuche für Warlock
« Antwort #5 am: 10. April 2009, 23:19:28 »
prima, prima :)

Nun nur noch hoffen, dass mein Meister Petal nicht als zu "heftig" einstuft.
LA 2 bei den Attributsboni + Sleep Songs...

Danke noch mal für die schnellen Antworten!


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Re: [3.5] Rassensuche für Warlock
« Antwort #6 am: 16. Mai 2009, 12:18:32 »
Races of the Dragon, p. 21, ff: Spellscale.
Kein L.A., Cha +2, Con -2, Dragonblooded (erlaubt einige Dragon-Feats, so du da Bock drauf hast).
Des Weiteren hast Du Zugang zu einer Latte von Drachenritualen, die Du Dir am besten selbst durchliest, so Du das Buch zur Verfügung hast.