Autor Thema: Eberron Player's Guide Preview  (Gelesen 11798 mal)


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« Antwort #30 am: 29. Mai 2009, 09:27:43 »
Fast, die alternative Religion der Tairnadal und der Valenar scheint jetzt gesondert geführt zu sein: Spirits of the Past.
Und die Cults of the Dragon Below scheinen jetzt Khyber Cults zu heißen.


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« Antwort #31 am: 29. Mai 2009, 10:48:39 »
Fast, die alternative Religion der Tairnadal und der Valenar scheint jetzt gesondert geführt zu sein: Spirits of the Past.

Das war doch auch schon im Faiths of Eberron so!  8)

Ferrus Animus

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« Antwort #32 am: 31. Mai 2009, 12:07:28 »


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« Antwort #33 am: 31. Mai 2009, 13:28:13 »
Kalashtar sind im EPG
Zitat von: Gleemax
Without going into full detail (how much game material are we allowed to post in terms of things like racial abilities? I've never quite figured it out) the character definitely had some psi-flavored racial abilities/feats, one being telepathy 5 as a language (so an at will ability as opposed to a mindlink encounter power).
Zitat von: Keith Baker
Well, just to hit a few points...

    * If your target is more than 25 feet away, it's useless.
    * It lets you communicate with a living creature. If you want to read a book or a street sign, you're out of luck.
    * It only works on a single creature at a time. If you're trying to address a crowd, it's useless. And if you run into five hostile creatures, the ability to speak to one of them when he's within 5 squares has lots of problems. By the time he's that close, it may be too late for diplomacy. His companions may not realize you are communicating... or may believe you are manipulating their companion's mind.
    * It only works if the target wants to communicate with you. If you know Deep Speech, then you can eavesdrop on the dolgrims and understand what they are saying. You can't eavesdrop with telepathy. You run into three dolgrims. You address one with your telepathy. He ignores you and says something in Deep Speech to his companions. Was it "He's trying to talk with me, should I listen" or "He's trying to talk to me - I call dibs on his brain after we lead him into the ambush"? If you know the language, you know - otherwise, you're in the dark.
    * Some creatures are just going to be freaked out by it. If you speak their language, you're showing that you've made some effort to learn about their culture. If you use telepathy, you are spooky invading-my-thoughts man. How do we know you aren't trying to manipulate our thoughts?

It's very versatile. It certainly facilitates communication with other creatures. But is that really a bad thing? Is it FUN to have your group of adventurers run into Drow in Xen'drik and be completely unable to communicate with them? If you've got the kalashtar, your problems aren't magically wiped away; you still have to convince them to let the kalashtar within 5 squares, to keep them calm when the kalashtar speaks into their minds, to coordinate with them when the kalashtar can only communicate with one of them at a time and has to stay close... and he still can't understand them when they talk amongst themselves. Are they afraid of you, or actively plotting treachery? To me, this is something that provides lots of interesting RP hooks. It's more challenging than having PCs who simply speak their language, and easier than playing full-on charades if there's no common language. So you could certainly rule that it's only usable if you share a language, at which point it just becomes short-distance silent communication. But what I like most about it IS the fact that it lets the kalashtar function as a social bridge - to help interpret and mediate in situations where language would otherwise be a difficult barrier and potentially prevent interaction and roleplaying.

As for the explanation, consider this: All things dream. You can usually understand the creatures in your dreams when they talk to you. This is really what kalashtar telepathy is all about... the voice of the dream, speaking directly to your dream-self. If you followed this idea to its logical limits, you might say that they couldn't telepathically communicate with creatures that don't dream.

So I think it's versatile and useful. But I don't see it as MONSTROUSLY overpowered; I see it as making a telepathic race a great match for players who place high priority on social interaction and diplomacy.
Klingt verlockend. :)
A blind man may be very pitturesque; but it takes two eyes to see the picture. - Chesterton


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« Antwort #34 am: 31. Mai 2009, 13:34:04 »
Zitat von: Keith Baker
As for the explanation, consider this: All things dream. You can usually understand the creatures in your dreams when they talk to you. This is really what kalashtar telepathy is all about... the voice of the dream, speaking directly to your dream-self. If you followed this idea to its logical limits, you might say that they couldn't telepathically communicate with creatures that don't dream.[/b]

Das Problem damit wäre natürlich, dass die Kalashtar ausgerechnet mit sich selbst unfähig zur telepathischen Kommunikation wären. Sie träumen nämlich nicht.

Es sei denn, das hätten sie geändert
Think the rulebook has all the answers? Then let's see that rulebook run a campaign! - Mike Mearls
Wormy's Worlds

Ferrus Animus

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« Antwort #35 am: 31. Mai 2009, 14:15:10 »
Das Problem damit wäre natürlich, dass die Kalashtar ausgerechnet mit sich selbst unfähig zur telepathischen Kommunikation wären. Sie träumen nämlich nicht.

Es sei denn, das hätten sie geändert

Ich denke das können sie dadurch kompensieren, dass sie zum Teil Träume sind...


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« Antwort #36 am: 31. Mai 2009, 14:46:41 »
Naja, mir wär halt ne andre Erklärung lieber, aber PSI steht wohl nicht allzuweit oben auf der WotC-Agenda.
Think the rulebook has all the answers? Then let's see that rulebook run a campaign! - Mike Mearls
Wormy's Worlds

Nathan Grey

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« Antwort #37 am: 03. Juni 2009, 10:34:27 »
Ich denke es passt ganz gut hierrein:
In diesem Monat, werden im Dragon die Dragonmarks vorgestellt bzw. es wird erklärt wie diese für die 4E konvertiert wurden und es gibt eine Bericht wie der Artificier durch die Playtests verändert wurde. Ich bin mal sehr gespannt, auch wenn diesen Monat natürlich das EPG erscheint.

Nathan Grey

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« Antwort #38 am: 03. Juni 2009, 10:55:57 »
Naja, mir wär halt ne andre Erklärung lieber, aber PSI steht wohl nicht allzuweit oben auf der WotC-Agenda.

Wer weiss, laut dem Ampersand vom aktuellen Dragon, kommt PSI mit dem PHB III, also warum sollten die Kalashtar nicht auch PSI-like sein?


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« Antwort #39 am: 03. Juni 2009, 16:01:59 »
Oh, so schnell? Haett ich gar nicht gedacht. :)
Think the rulebook has all the answers? Then let's see that rulebook run a campaign! - Mike Mearls
Wormy's Worlds

Nathan Grey

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« Antwort #40 am: 03. Juni 2009, 17:24:14 »
Naja, wenn bedenkt wie lange ich als 3.5-nur-auf-deutsch-Spieler gewartet habe, bis PSI gekommen ist, geht es doch recht fix. Besonders wenn man Insider ist, nehme ich jetzt mal an.


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« Antwort #41 am: 04. Juni 2009, 07:39:10 »
Hier hat schon jemand den Player's Guide und berichtet darüber.

Gruß Zechi
Planen ist alles, Pläne sind nichts.

Nathan Grey

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« Antwort #42 am: 04. Juni 2009, 07:55:37 »
Na, das hört sich alles ja garnicht schlecht an, ich bin wirklich gespannt auf das Buch.

Was ich wirklich gut finde, ist das anscheinend die Designer des EPG die selbe Idee für die Dragonmarks hatten, wie wir im Gate damals. Einen Bonus auf eine Skill und die Fähigkeit Hausrituale zu wirken.
« Letzte Änderung: 04. Juni 2009, 07:58:45 von Nathan Grey »

Nathan Grey

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« Antwort #43 am: 04. Juni 2009, 08:06:53 »
Hmm ist halt nur die Frage wie ernst man dies nehmen kann, denn Scott_Rouse hat dazu geschrieben:

Zitat von: Scott Rouse
Wizards of the Coast (now called Wizards of the North Sea)
June 3, 2009
For Immediate Release:

Today , like the cut from a long lost vorpal sword, EN World member Jack99 replaced entire Dungeons & Dragons marketing and PR teams with his early spoiling of the Eberron Players Guide and E2: Kingdom of the Ghouls.

When asked for comment D&D Senior Brand Manager Scott Rouse was quoted as saying " at first I thought something was rotten in Denmark until I realized the cheesy smell was actually the smell of freshly minted Euros and Greenbacks" Rouse went onto to say that if Jack99 kept it up he'd have to start updating his resume.

Jack99 could not be found for comment as it is believed he is currently somewhere in the future picking up the yet undisclosed campaign setting for 2011.

Was schon sehr danach klingt, als wäre es unmöglich das Jack99 die Bücher schon hat, da ich mich aber nich auskenne bei Enworld, kann ich nich sagen ob Scott_Rouse bei Endworld, der gleiche ist welcher Brandmanger für D&D ist.

Ferrus Animus

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« Antwort #44 am: 04. Juni 2009, 11:08:49 »
Was schon sehr danach klingt, als wäre es unmöglich das Jack99 die Bücher schon hat, da ich mich aber nich auskenne bei Enworld, kann ich nich sagen ob Scott_Rouse bei Endworld, der gleiche ist welcher Brandmanger für D&D ist.

Ist er...oder war es bisher...

Aber da wir jetzt bald Changelings haben....

Und warum soll er die Bücher nicht haben? Die ersten "Ich habe das Buch, was wollt ihr wissen?"-Previews sind immer um diese Zeit des Monats.