Autor Thema: Which Fantasy Author are you?  (Gelesen 3420 mal)


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Which Fantasy Author are you?
« Antwort #15 am: 10. Juni 2009, 16:13:27 »
Your result for Which fantasy writer are you? ...
Orson Scott Card (b.1951)

-1 High-Brow, -13 Violent, 21 Experimental and 1 Cynical!

Orson Scott Card (b.1951)

Congratulations! You are Low-Brow, Peaceful, Experimental and Cynical! These concepts are defined below.

Although primarily known for his science fiction novels, Orson Scott Card is also a prominent fantasy writer. His suite of books known as The Tales of Alvin Maker are among the finest examples of how fantasy can combine page-turning narration with a discussion of deeper moral messages. The books are set in an alternate world where, among other things, the French Revolution never happened, which has made America look quite different than in the world we're familiar with. Apart from showing a different political map, the world of The Tales of Alvin Maker features functioning magic, the European settlers of North America bringing various forms of folk-magic with them to their new home. Here they confront Native Americans, who also use magic, but of a slightly different type. The protagonist, Alvin, is a seventh son of a seventh son and as such has great magic powers at his disposal. Much of the series comes forth as an attempt to discuss the birth of the US and celebrating its virtues without shunning away from the mistakes that have been made.

Card is one of the most appealing story-tellers alive today and has the ability to combine his light and easy prose with experimenting with what fantasy can be, by bringing up subjects such as racism and slavery, by using alternate world settings and last but not least by letting the "small world" of family-life (complete with sibling envy from those who weren't born with the ability to do magic) have a prominent place in his stories.

Card is also one to propagate against violence, but without falling into the trap of being unrealistic or romantically pacifist. The question of who should be reading Card, those who want to be entertained or those who want to be challenged is easily answered: They all should!

 You are also a lot like Katharine Kerr.

If you want some action, try Lian Hearn.

If you'd like a challenge, try your exact opposite, China Miéville.
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Which Fantasy Author are you?
« Antwort #16 am: 10. Juni 2009, 16:21:56 »
Darigaaz wins the Thread.

Aber nur weil Berandor Mieville nicht bekommen hat. Auf mein Ergebnis bin ich schon gespannt. :D
Ich kenne die Typen da alle gar nicht^^, ich bin nur ein einfacher DM, der merkt, wieviel Geld er verdienen würde, wenn er seine Geschichten nicht an rülpsende Chipsvernichtungsmaschinen und Nerds verschwenden würde.

« Letzte Änderung: 10. Juni 2009, 16:26:37 von Darigaaz »
Realismus erhöht nur den DC

Wahre Worte sind nicht angenehm, angenehme Worte sind nicht wahr!


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Which Fantasy Author are you?
« Antwort #17 am: 10. Juni 2009, 16:25:08 »
Das ist einer der Gründe, warum ich das hier eingestellt habe – vielleicht probiert man dadurch ja mal einen Autor oder eine Autorin aus, die man vorher nicht mal kannte?

Orson Scott Card geht aber gar nicht, mit vorsichtiger Ausnahme von Enders Game (Das Spiel). Allerdings eher, weil ich ihn mit funamentalistisch-mormonischen Ideen verknüpfe und daher seine Bücher nicht lesen kann.
Bitte schickt mir keine PMs hier, sondern kontaktiert mich, wenn nötig, über meine Homepage


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Which Fantasy Author are you?
« Antwort #18 am: 10. Juni 2009, 16:27:49 »
Möglich, daß ich mir Morcook mal ansehe ;).

Es ist schade, daß dieser Test keine offiziell anerkannte Aussage macht, er könnte eine schöne Werbung sein, wenn man Mitspieler sucht.
« Letzte Änderung: 10. Juni 2009, 16:30:33 von Darigaaz »
Realismus erhöht nur den DC

Wahre Worte sind nicht angenehm, angenehme Worte sind nicht wahr!

Which Fantasy Author are you?
« Antwort #19 am: 10. Juni 2009, 16:28:04 »
Ich würd gern Wormys cynical Wertung sehen, die ist bestimmt dreistellig.


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Which Fantasy Author are you?
« Antwort #20 am: 10. Juni 2009, 17:07:40 »
High-Brow vs. Low-Brow
You received 7 points

Violent vs. Peaceful
You received 11 points

Experimental vs. Traditional
You received  7 points

Cynical vs. Romantic

You received -1 points

Congratulations! You are High-Brow, Violent, Experimental and Romantic! These concepts are defined below.

US author Gene Wolfe is a very typical example of the kind of writer who is more appreciated by critics and, above all, other writers, than by the wider public. Science fiction writer Michael Swanwick has, for example, dubbed Gene Wolfe the greatest writer in the English language alive today. However, Wolfe's novel in four parts, The Book of the New Sun (1980-83), is widely known and considered a classic within both fantasy and science fiction (the book is generally considered fantasy although it is actually set in a distant future, where some technology may seem like magic to the novel's characters).

Wolfe, a veteran of the Korean war, is un-afraid of describing the fear and violence caused by warfare and the protagonist of his most well-known piece of fiction is a torturer, who at one time openly defends the importance of his work.

Wolfe is well-known for his stylistic excellence, often using first person narration in a masterful way. His narrators are often unreliable, for different reasons, sometimes leaving it up to the reader to read between the lines and figure out what's really going on.

Being a "literary" author, one of those few writers whose books it's worth the time and effort of reading more than once, does not stop Wolfe from being a great storyteller who is quite able to create all the magic and page-turning suspence of a typical best-selling writer. Much of this might stem from Wolfe's empathy with his characters and his almost religious commitment to his worlds. Several critics have pointed out the influence of Wolfe's strong Roman Catholic faith to his fiction.

No fantasy fan should go through life without having at least tried to read Wolfe. There are few writers who manage to put imagination back into the word fantasy like he does.

You are also a lot like Mary Gentle.

If you want something more gentle, try Tove Jansson.

If you'd like a challenge, try your exact opposite, Robert Jordan.
A blind man may be very pitturesque; but it takes two eyes to see the picture. - Chesterton


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Which Fantasy Author are you?
« Antwort #21 am: 10. Juni 2009, 17:10:02 »
21 Experimental
Nichts anderes habe ich mir bei Dir erwartet.
A blind man may be very pitturesque; but it takes two eyes to see the picture. - Chesterton


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Which Fantasy Author are you?
« Antwort #22 am: 10. Juni 2009, 17:45:31 »
Ursula K Le Guin (b. 1929)

7 High-Brow, -19 Violent, -5 Experimental and 15 Cynical!

Könnte schlimmer sein! :D


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Which Fantasy Author are you?
« Antwort #23 am: 10. Juni 2009, 17:51:29 »
Philip Pullman (b.1946)
1 High-Brow, -1 Violent, 3 Experimental and 33 Cynical!
You are also a lot like Tove Jansson.
If you want something some action, try Gene Wolfe.
If you'd like a challenge, try your exact opposite, J R R Tolkien.
Your score
This is how to interpret your score: Your attitudes have been measured on four different scales, called 1) High-Brow vs. Low-Brow, 2) Violent vs. Peaceful, 3) Experimental vs. Traditional and 4) Cynical vs. Romantic. Imagine that when you were born, you were in a state of innocence, a tabula rasa who would have scored zero on each scale. Since then, a number of circumstances (including genetical, cultural and environmental factors) have pushed you towards either end of these scales. If you're at 45 or -45 you would be almost entirely cynical, low-brow or whatever. The closer to zero you are, the less extreme your attitude. However, you should always be more of either (eg more romantic than cynical). Please note that even though High-Brow, Violent, Experimental and Cynical have positive numbers (1 through 45) and their opposites negative numbers (-1 through -45), this doesn't mean that either quality is better. All attitudes have their positive and negative sides, as explained below.
High-Brow vs Low-Brow
You received 1 points, making you more High-Brow than Low-Brow. Being high-browed in this context refers to being more fascinated with the sort of art that critics and scholars tend to favour, rather than the best-selling kind. At their best, high-brows are cultured, able to appreciate the finer nuances of literature and not content with simplifications. At their worst they are, well, snobs.
 Violent vs. Peaceful
You received -1 points, making you more Peaceful than Violent.  This scale is a measurement of a) if you are tolerant to violence in fiction and b) whether you see violence as a means that can be used to achieve a good end. If you aren't, and you don't, then you are peaceful as defined here. At their best, peaceful people are the ones who encourage dialogue and understanding as a means of solving conflicts. At their worst, they are standing passively by as they or third parties are hurt by less scrupulous individuals.
Experimental vs. Traditional
You received 3 points, making you more Experimental than Traditional. Your position on this scale indicates if you're more likely to seek out the new and unexpected or if you are more comfortable with the familiar, especially in regards to culture. Note that traditional as defined here does not equal conservative, in the political sense. At their best, experimental people are the ones who show humanity the way forward. At their worst, they provoke for the sake of provocation only.
Cynical vs Romantic
You received 33 points, making you more Cynical than Romantic. Your position on this scale indicates if you are more likely to be wary, suspicious and skeptical to people around you and the world at large, or if you are more likely to believe in grand schemes, happy endings and the basic goodness of humankind. It is by far the most vaguely defined scale, which is why you'll find the sentence "you are also a lot like x" above. If you feel that your position on this scale is wrong, then you are probably more like author x. At their best, cynical people are able to see through lies and spot crucial flaws in plans and schemes. At their worst, they are overly negative, bringing everybody else down.


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Which Fantasy Author are you?
« Antwort #24 am: 10. Juni 2009, 18:02:00 »
Verdammt, ich bin neidisch auf Windjammer. Wolfe ist brilliant, auch wenn ich nicht von mir behaupten kann, dass ich seine Bücher verstehe. Aber wer kann das schon...


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Which Fantasy Author are you?
« Antwort #25 am: 10. Juni 2009, 18:18:53 »
Your result for Which fantasy writer are you? ...
J K Rowling (b. 1965)

-1 High-Brow, -1 Violent, -11 Experimental and -1 Cynical!

J K Rowling is the creator of one of the present's great cultural icons, Harry Potter, and one of the best selling authors of all times. The Harry Potter books, beginning with Harry Potter and the Philosoper's Stone (1997) and concluding with Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (2007), set off a re-newed interest in reading in general among children, as well as increasing the perceived commercial potential of fantastic literature for children. Rowling achieved this by returning to good old story-telling (owing a lot to Roald Dahl, the grand old master of British children's books) and by being unafraid of mixing grand emotions and serious messages with comedy and adventure in her fiction, a combination that has made her books equally loved by readers of all ages. Though the value of her books is sometimes questioned by critics, it's obvious that she has been able to entertain literally millions of readers of all ages all over the world. This makes her one of the most admired fantasy writers of all times.

You are also a lot like Robert Jordan.

If you want some action, try J R R Tolkien.

If you'd like a challenge, try your exact opposite, Mary Gentle.
Gleisarbeiter sind die faulsten Arbeiter der Welt. Immer wenn ich mit dem Zug an denen vorbei fahr, stehen die nur rum!


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Which Fantasy Author are you?
« Antwort #26 am: 10. Juni 2009, 18:23:50 »
Gleiche Liste wie Osric.
Wobei ich Orson Scott Card mag, Mieville super finde, Kathrine Kerr eher nervig und Lian Hearn nicht kenne.

Was ich auch nicht verstehe ist warum Mieville als mein Gegenteil gekennzeichnet wird, denn ich würde ihn auch eher auf der experimental Seite sehen.
« Letzte Änderung: 10. Juni 2009, 18:26:54 von Topas »
Immense harm is caused by the belief that work is virtuous.
- Bertrand Russel


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Which Fantasy Author are you?
« Antwort #27 am: 10. Juni 2009, 18:35:32 »
Leider hat ja noch keiner Mieville gekriegt, aber analog zu Moorcock würde ich vermuten, dass die Core Storys bei Mieville eben doch klassischen Mustern folgen und nur die Ausgestaltung besonders ist, der daher als traditionell gilt.
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Which Fantasy Author are you?
« Antwort #28 am: 10. Juni 2009, 20:05:31 »
Mary Gentle (b. 1956)
11 High-Brow, 11 Violent, 13 Experimental and 33 Cynical!

Spoiler (Anzeigen)

If you'd like a challenge, try your exact opposite, J K Rowling.
Die Wissenschaft nötigt uns, den Glauben an einfache Kausalitäten aufzugeben.
- Friedrich


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Which Fantasy Author are you?
« Antwort #29 am: 10. Juni 2009, 20:52:13 »

Ich hab noch nie was von Orson Scott gelesen. Ich dachte der wär cool, sonst hätte ich es nie gepostet. Ich will kein Mormone sein, das stand auch nicht so im Test. (Vielleicht ist Vielweibeierei ganz cool. Ich warne allerdings vor all diesen Kindern. Zwei reichen. Das ist ein sehr ernst gemeinter Ratschlag.)
Was würde Robert Jordans Frau dazu sagen?