Autor Thema: UltraModern4 OGL  (Gelesen 9011 mal)

Beschreibung: D&D 4e OGL

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UltraModern4 OGL
« am: 25. Juni 2012, 08:55:38 »
Dias Ex Machina hat ein OGL Produkt für D&D 4e herausgebracht:


The mission of U4 is to present 4th EDITION D&D rules for use in non-fantasy settings. These include pre-modern settings, contemporary settings, and those that are far flung fantastic and futuristic. U4 is perfectly suited for any of these following campaigns:

Modern warfare
Space opera
Urban fantasy
Wild west, with or without aliens

U4 has no included setting, allowing you to explore the rules in whatever context you wish. The rules are offered in a general way, not assuming any time period. The equipment lists a wide range of various firearms. Though most are modern, there are quite a few that are retro and futuristic.


The new "Ladder" system which offers more adjustability with character creation. Modify your class with one of seven ladders.
Eleven new classes including sniper, faceman, infiltrator, and the grappler.
New armor including powered combat suits.
New skills & feats.
All new weapons including traditional firearms, rocket launchers, and laser rifles.
Pimp your auto. Purchase vehicles and modify their features.
All new opponents from fanatics to tanks.

Link zur Seite:

What is Ultramodern 4?

It began with Amethyst in 2008. It was our goal at Dias Ex Machina (DEM) to push beyond the accepted assumptions and philosophies of the 4th EDITION DUNGEONS & DRAGONS rules. Beginning with the introduction of non-fantasy elements into the rules, we then began entertaining ideas that further broke from the design structure laid down by Wizards of the Coast: attack powers that inflicted no damage; classes with multiple roles. Although these ideas worked well on their own, in a fantasy setting against traditional classes, the end result was found to be a little confusing to new players. However, this did not stop us from pressing on into even more radical concepts. It was determined that these ideas were incompatible with the spirit of DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, but were still viable when separated from the fantasy setting.
Ultramodern4, or U4, is the result--a supplement designed to offer classes, features, feats, skills and equipment for settings outside of DUNGEONS & DRAGONS but still employing the 4th EDITION rules.
Unlike the rules you may be accustomed to, there are some noteworthy deviations we should explain up front:
1) Smaller Classes: Class builds only offer two or three power options per level compared to four or five with traditional classes. You gain more variety with your ladder.
2) Ladders: Ladders are chosen at character creation and affect how you play your character. They alter your class, offer you alternate powers, and even award enhancement bonuses, money, and further abilities as your progress.
3) No Magic: As this assumes a non-fantasy setting, U4 balances the lack of magic items with free enhancement bonuses and additional abilities gained through your ladder. These can be ignored if employing magic in your game.
4) Non Combat: Several powers and even entire classes feature no direct combat abilities. Some may affect a combat encounter, like moving or imposing conditions on enemy units or offering benefits to allies, but they won’t directly damage an enemy unit.

Dias Ex Machina games is proud to release the OGL rules for their recently-released RPG, Ultramodern4, using 4 th Edition D&D architecture. This OGL PDF lacks artwork and layout, but it is free.

Ultramodern4 is presented as an OGL to both support 4th Edition gaming and to reach a larger fan base. The decision was a difficult one, brought on from conversations with fans regarding the insecurity of the economy. Simply put, some people didn't want to spend money on something they might hate. Ultramodern4 is the result of three years of writing, rewriting, and playtesting. We're proud of the system and believe that so passionately, we're willing to let the product speak for itself. Even though the OGL does reference maps, these maps are only available in the full edition (as they cost money to make). We are hoping that this OGL will reach a larger audience which may result in more sales. If you like what you read, please purchase the PDF or POD, or barring that, send a donation via PAYPAL to ENJOY.

Link zum Download:
« Letzte Änderung: 25. Juni 2012, 13:47:36 von toshi »


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UltraModern4 OGL
« Antwort #1 am: 07. Februar 2018, 11:10:13 »
The source of these data helped me a lot. Can you tell me?