Autor Thema: Looking for German Regional Coordinators for Pathfinder Society  (Gelesen 5487 mal)


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Please forgive my inability to communicate in German. I do put Google Translate to good use though  :D

I read this post tonight on the forums.  It's from several years ago.

I know Germany has had a rich tradition of RPGs and terrific players and I would absolutely love to bring those players into the PFS family.  We do have German translation Pathfinder books Afterall.

I've been on the job for a year as PFS Campaign Coordinator.  I've been constantly looking for a Venture-Captain, or several VCs, in Germany. Is there still interest in PFS play in Germany? Since I've been on the job, I've expanded From 4 international VCs, to more than 20 VCs and VLs.  These are all over the place, from Turkey to South Africa to Iceland and everywhere in between. You can find a complete list at

I've also highlighted 7-8 regions in the world through my weekly, Monday PFS blogs at

I would absolutely love to have a VC or VL in every major city in Germany. These wold include at least the following:


I'm open to other cities as well. The application process can be found at

If you know of anyone who might be interested, or want to discuss further, please contact me at

Mike Brock
PFS Campaign Coordinator
Paizo Publishing
« Letzte Änderung: 15. September 2012, 06:39:06 von MikeBrock »


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Looking for German Regional Coordinators for Pathfinder Society
« Antwort #1 am: 15. September 2012, 09:25:26 »
Die Anforderungen sind ja wirklich lustig:

- ihr müsst über 18 sein
- ihr müsst eure monatlichen Aufgaben erfüllen:
- ihr hostet mind. ein Spiel im Monat
- ihr hostet mind. 2 events über Pathfinder im Monat
- ihr müsst einer großen Messe bewohnen und dort für Paizo arbeiten
- ihr seid die Ansprechpartner für die Region
- ihr sammelt die Daten etc. der Spiele und tragt sie auf ein
- ihr haltet Rücksprache mit über Kundenwünsche
- ihr kennt alle Regeln und seid Ansprechpartner bei Regelfragen
- ihr kennt Paizos Produkte und könnt Auskunft über sie geben (ihr seid also Paizo-Experten)
- ihr arbeitet freiwillig und ihr seid kein Angestellter von Paizo

Dafür bekommt ihr:
- das Hotel bei dem großen Event (GenCon oder in Deutschland, vergleichsweise) bezahlt (nicht Anreise/Essen)
- Zugriff auf alle Paizo Produkte als PDF auf (nur englisch?)
- Regional Coordinator Dinner (PaizoCon und GenCon)
- Forumabzeichen


Ich liebe es, wie die Amerikaner nichts wollen und doch so viel geben!  ::)
(I love how americans expect so little and yet give so much.)



Fabius Maximus

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Looking for German Regional Coordinators for Pathfinder Society
« Antwort #2 am: 15. September 2012, 21:37:31 »
Welcome, Mike.

Good of you to drop by here. I'm sure there are some players/GMs here that are interested in Society play.

It seems weird, however, that you came here, and didn't go to the official message board for Pathfinder first. Ulisses is the publisher for Pathfinder's German translation, and I think they should at least know about your plans. I don't know if they would be interested in helping to organize Society play in Germany, but it's worth a try.

You already caught your first detractor, too. ;)

@oobacke, if you're able to understand Paizo's document, your English is good enough to answer Mike's post in English, as well. Please do so; it's only polite.
Stolzes Mitglied der Psionik-Liga.


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Looking for German Regional Coordinators for Pathfinder Society
« Antwort #3 am: 15. September 2012, 22:24:09 »
Welcome, Mike.

Good of you to drop by here. I'm sure there are some players/GMs here that are interested in Society play.

It seems weird, however, that you came here, and didn't go to the official message board for Pathfinder first. Ulisses is the publisher for Pathfinder's German translation, and I think they should at least know about your plans. I don't know if they would be interested in helping to organize Society play in Germany, but it's worth a try.

You already caught your first detractor, too. ;)

@oobacke, if you're able to understand Paizo's document, your English is good enough to answer Mike's post in English, as well. Please do so; it's only polite.

I was unaware of the other forum.  I will be sure to post there tonight. Thanks for pointing it out!  As I said, I was unaware of this forum until someone brought back a three year old post over at  Two forums are better than one after all :-). Which of the forums over there is the correct one to postin?

Hopefully, Ulisses will be interested in helping out.  I know Black Books is in France has been and I've been working with them, and they have been instrumental in helping us kick start PFS in France. We may even be hosting a PaizoCon France next year due to their efforts.

As for detractors, PFS isn't for everyone and I understand that.  People have commented that Paizo and PFS have been shut off to Europeans at large, and Germans in particular, and this was my effort to try to reach out and welcome you all and be inclusive.  If PFS isn't your thing, then I certainly wish you well in finding a game that is.


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Looking for German Regional Coordinators for Pathfinder Society
« Antwort #4 am: 16. September 2012, 07:04:42 »
And I have also posted over at Ulisses forums.  Thanks a bunch for the tip.


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Looking for German Regional Coordinators for Pathfinder Society
« Antwort #5 am: 16. September 2012, 19:17:52 »
It looks like there is one PFS game day already taking place in Darmstadt.  You can find more details at


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Looking for German Regional Coordinators for Pathfinder Society
« Antwort #6 am: 16. September 2012, 21:24:02 »
I was translating so other users can participate. Consider it a freebie.

My comment is directed to paizo's "hey, work your butt off and get little to nothing in return!"-policy which is so typical for US corporations - which are people! Seriously? :suspious:


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Looking for German Regional Coordinators for Pathfinder Society
« Antwort #7 am: 16. September 2012, 21:50:01 »
I was translating so other users can participate. Consider it a freebie.

My comment is directed to paizo's "hey, work your butt off and get little to nothing in return!"-policy which is so typical for US corporations - which are people! Seriously? :suspious:

For someone who is already organizing two game days a month, and GMing one game a month, it doesn't seem like too much extra work to add sending a report of one page in length every 3 months about the status of PFS in your region. You take 5 minutes to enter those two game days on our event page. It usually takes less than 5 minutes after you have entered the first one. That is all the responsibility their really is for VCs to fulfill.  What other work are you advising of that is "working your butt off"?

Before I was hired at Paizo, I was a Venture-Captain for Atlanta.  I can speak from first hand knowledge that when I was assigned as a VC, it didn't create anymore work than I was already doing as an enthusiastic gamer and fan. And, I had other enthusiastic fans that helped me run these game days so I didn't have to be at each and every one.  At one point, we were running 8 game days a month. I only attended one, though I made sure those who were going to be at the other game days had everything they needed so they would have a good time at the game day.  

As for "compensation", or rewards for being a Venture-Captain, the complete library of every Paizo Product PDFs alone are worth more than $2500 USD. I know they are in English but it is what we currently have.  VCs also receive every future product in PDF form as long as they are a VC. Also, VCs receive a copy of Hero Lab with all the extra additions to it.  That is more than $600 USD in value.  We also give four polo shirts to VCs which is another $100 USD in giveaways. In addition, we generally send $100-$300 USD in products for support of game days and conventions for VCs to provide.

 What other suggestions do you have that we could offer? I do not kow the German play base and it's the reason I came here.  I am sorry if I have offended you by posting this topic.
« Letzte Änderung: 16. September 2012, 22:28:53 von MikeBrock »

Fabius Maximus

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Looking for German Regional Coordinators for Pathfinder Society
« Antwort #8 am: 16. September 2012, 23:02:13 »
Mike, Germans are much more direct when voicing their opinions, as a rule. You didn't insult anyone, and I'm sure it wasn't oobacke's intention to do so, either.

The compensation is fine, in my opinion. The only problem I see is that to reach every Pathfinder gamer, the scenarios have to be translated. I don't know if Ulisses can manage that.
Stolzes Mitglied der Psionik-Liga.


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Looking for German Regional Coordinators for Pathfinder Society
« Antwort #9 am: 17. September 2012, 00:14:30 »
I can asure you I did not mean to offend you, though I can see that it is offensive to you. I do not believe that you are in any position to change that policy, which is still my opinion about your rewards. I apologize, if I offended you personally. I don't believe that a discussion is necessary or helpful.

I think the program itself is a terrific idea, but as Fabius Maximus has mentioned, although there are Germans capable of communicating in Englisch, German VCs receiving German translations (actual books :wink:) would help to spread Pathfinder.


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Looking for German Regional Coordinators for Pathfinder Society
« Antwort #10 am: 17. September 2012, 00:24:20 »
I can asure you I did not mean to offend you, though I can see that it is offensive to you. I do not believe that you are in any position to change that policy, which is still my opinion about your rewards. I apologize, if I offended you personally. I don't believe that a discussion is necessary or helpful.

I think the program itself is a terrific idea, but as Fabius Maximus has mentioned, although there are Germans capable of communicating in Englisch, German VCs receiving German translations (actual books :wink:) would help to spread Pathfinder.

I'm not offended at all.  All of my post are typed in a matter of fact tone.  I was a police detective for many years before my current job and worked crimes against children. It takes much more than a message board post to insult me or offend me.  Trust me, there is no ill will here.

I am the Organized Play Coordinator at Paizo Publishing as a full time employee.  I can petition to make changes to a policy if need be.  My bosses are very open to listening to my thoughts. If the program ever gets up and going, I can also see if we can work with Ulisses Spiel to provide Pathfinder books in German.  Currently, we work with Black Books to offer French translation books for convention prize support at French conventions.  It is a change I worked with my executive committee to make happen.  I see no reason why we couldn't make German Pathfinder books offered as prize support.  But, like we have in France now, there has to be a strong show of support for PFS before I could approach the powers that be to make it happen.
« Letzte Änderung: 17. September 2012, 00:29:36 von MikeBrock »


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Looking for German Regional Coordinators for Pathfinder Society
« Antwort #11 am: 17. September 2012, 03:26:21 »
I have been a Venture-Captain for 1 year in Boston, Massachusetts USA.

When the VC program came out my small home group of gamers felt the expectations were pretty high for the rewards listed. None of us stepped forward for a year (though there were 2 or 3 that probably considered it).

But after having the position for 1 year, I'd like to say that Paizo is very generous and sells itself short. There are many perks not listed as they are not standard benefits or ones Paizo has full control over (free Beginner Box, Hero Labs, etc) and while the list of expectations is intimidating at first, there is a lot of leeway on the level of service for each point. It seems as long as each individual is working hard to support PFS as best they can, that it is not critical if they meet or exceed every single requirement all the time. I mean, not every VC participates regularly on the message boards. Not every VC is a Paizo product expert. Not every VC is able to attend GenCon or PaizoCon each year. Yet as long as they are supporting PFS in some acceptable manner, they are still welcome to remain a VC.


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Looking for German Regional Coordinators for Pathfinder Society
« Antwort #12 am: 17. September 2012, 08:54:31 »
Hallo Mike, as a general recommendation I strongly suggest you to contact Ulisses and ask them what they think about your plans and--if possible--bring them aboard. The reason is, that the market for roleplaying games in Germany is not as big as you seem to think. Yes, there is a lot of roleplaying going on but the sales figures do not match that number. As a result, German publishers taditionally protect their market very jealously.

If Paizo now tries to push organized play behind Ulisses back, throwing their English books on the market on conventions or elsewhere, that might cause trouble... What we do not have any use for in Germany is another break between an American publisher and it's German license holder (as it happened a few years ago with Wizards and Feder und Schwert).
1984 was not supposed to be an instruction manual.


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Looking for German Regional Coordinators for Pathfinder Society
« Antwort #13 am: 17. September 2012, 09:40:26 »
Dies ist eine Kopie von meinem Beitrag auf dem Ulisses board.


Mike hat mich durch den Englischen Venturecaptain kontaktiert. Ich habe alle Beitraege nur ueberflogen.

Wer bin ich ueberhaupt dass ich hier poste?

Ich bin ein Rollenspieler der vor 15 Jahren nach England ausgewandert ist und jetzt in der Naehe von Dover lebt. Vor 3 Jahren war ich auf der Suche nach einer Pathfinder Gruppe um mitspielen zu koennen. Der zukuenftige Venture Captain in England hat mich damals auf ein paar Speiel eingeladen. Drei Jahre spaeter und ich bin einer der drei vier Europaeischen 4*Sterne GMs (100+ Scenarios geleitet). Ich haette mich schon laengst fuer eine Stelle als Venture-Officer in Deutschland beworben - aber ich wohne eben nicht mehr dort.

Was ist Organized Play: OP (Organized Play) hat zwei Hauptunterschiede zu einem normalen Spiel (Homegame). Es gibt eine uebergeordnete Spielleitung (Mike hat diesen Job vor einem Jahr uebernommen und macht soweit einen fantastischen Job). Es gibt festgelegt Szenarien die alle in etwa 4-5 Stunden gespielt werden koennen - 28 pro Jahr. Es gibt uebergeordnete Regeln - der einzelne Spielleiter kann also nicht seine eigenen Regeln erstellen die von diesen abweichen.

All dies erscheint erst einmal ein wenig restiktiv. Aber hier kommt der Hauptvorteil von OP - einen Charakter den man erstellt hat kann man von einem Spiel in ein anderes Spiel uebernehmen. Also wenn ich nach London fahre und mit meinem Character spielen will - keinerlei Problem. Ich brauche nur eine PFS Gruppe die ein Spiel anbietet im richtigen Level anbietet und kann mitspielen - und Erfahrung etc. bekomme ich auch wenn ich in meiner eigenen Spielgruppe zurueck bin.

Die grossen Vorteile des OP - man lernt neue Spieler kennen, neue Spielstiele, neue Spielleiter. Dank PFS bin ich ein deutlich besserer Spielleiter geworden. Und ich habe viele neue Spieler und Freunde kennengelernt. 2-3 mal pro Jahr lade ich so Spieler bei mir ein und wir haben hier ein Wochenende wo wir Freitag abends anfangen und bis Sonntag mehrere Szenarien durchspielen.

Kann man PFS in der eigenen Gruppe spielen: JA - so habe ich angefangen. 75% meiner Spielgruppe ist nie auf einer Convention gewesen. Aber es hat den Vorteil dass ich nicht jede Woche exakt die gleichen Spieler benoetige. So ist meine Spielgruppe sehr gewachsen und ich habe viele neue Spieler fuer Pathfinder geworben.

Die Liste was man alles machen muss ist soooo lang. Das ist ja ein Vollzeit Job. Als Venture-Captain uebernimmt man eine Verantwortung. Im Prinzip muss man Spass am spielenleitern oder organisieren haben. Man muss nicht alle Bedingungen erfuellen. Dies ist wie eine Bewerbung - die Jobbeschreibung ist fuer den idealen Kandidaten - das sogenannte eierlegende Wollmilchschwein. Dies soll gewaehrleisten, dass sich nur Kandidaten bewerben die es ernst meinen - und nicht irgendwer der einmal im Monat im eigenen Wohnzimmer mit der gleichen Gruppe spielt. Also dies nicht woertlich nehmen.

Meine Stadt ist nicht in der Liste? Es gibt hier nicht genug Spieler ...

Ich kann dazu nur sagen - vor kurzem ist ein Venture-captain fuer Island benannt worden. Wenn es also genug Rollenspieler in Island gibt, dann muss es ja wohl auch moeglich sein in Deutschland welche zu finden. Wenn ihr aus einer kleineren Stadt kommt - KEINE SORGE. Besser eine Kleinstadt mit einer Convention 1-mal im Jahr und vielleicht einem Rollespielladen als eine Grossstadt wo niemand interessiert ist.

Schade dass ich momentan nicht mehr in Deutschland wohne und hier in England haben wir einfach einen VC der besser ist als ich. Aber ich ermutige jeden es ruhig zu versuchen. Solltet ihr in Frankfurt oder Naehe Frankfurt wohnen, dann komme ich auch gerne mal vorbei als Gast-GM oder als Spieler. Meine Eltern wohnen dort noch und so bin ich da etwa 2 mal im Jahr.

Fuer Fragen - ihr koennt mich gerne kontaktieren.

Jens ak Thod