D&D / d20 > 4E-Regeln

Adventurer´s Vault 1: Frage(n)

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Ja, das weiß ich auch. Ich meinte einfach nur, ob die Wizards eventuell das Regelwerk der vierten Edition genauso wie kürzlich das der 3ten, der 1. und 2. AD&D Fassung erratiert neu herausgeben.

So, die letzten vier Gegenstände "mit ohne" klaren Angaben:

Impenetrable Barding
Page 123: Replace the item´s property. This change allows the barding to scale appropriately to monster damage.

Gloves of Storing
Page 134: This item´s property has been reformatted into two at-will powers using a minor action each.

Crown of Infernal Legacy
Page 140: Replace the item with the following item.
This update syncs up this text with the revision to infernal wrath

Cloak of Distortion
Page 151: Replace the item´s property. This change keeps the property better in line with character defense expectations.

Tolle Errata, oder?

Impenetrable Barding
While ridden, the mount gains resist 5 to all damage.
    Level 11: Resist 10 to all damage.
    Level 21: Resist 15 to all damage.

Gloves of Storing
Power (Minor Action)
You touch an unattended item to store it in one of the gloves. Each glove can hold one item, and each item must weigh no more than 10 pounds. Items have no weight while within the gloves.

Power (Minor Action)
You cause an item stored within one glove to materialize in your hand. Weapons so produced are ready to wield, but items that require an additional action to equip (such as shields) must still be readied.

Crown of Infernal Legacy
When you use infernal wrath, your next attack before the end of your next turn deals extra damage equal to half your Charisma modifier.
Level 19: The extra damage equals your Charisma modifier.

Cloak of Distortion
You gain an item bonus to all defenses against ranged attacks from more than 5 squares away equal to this item’s enhancement bonus.

Nun zurück aus dem Urlaub, bedanke ich mich hiermit ganz herzlich für die Hilfe! :)


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