Autor Thema: [5E] Tieflinge  (Gelesen 2118 mal)

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[5E] Tieflinge
« am: 10. Oktober 2014, 09:01:02 »
Tiefling (Revised)

The girl herself was well worth looking at, but did she know she had a tail? I realized I must have actually blurted out what I was thinking when she replied.
“Do I now?” The girl looked at her tail. “So I do! An here I was thinking that it was a trick of me eye. My, aren’t yeh a sharp cutter?” She bared her teeth. “Why don’t yeh piss off ta whatever hole yeh crawled out of and leave me be?! Me nor me tail is for trade, jig?” As I fumbled for a reply, Morte interposed, “It’s just as well neither you nor your tail are for sale. You couldn’t squeak out a living with ‘em, anyway.” Fortunately, his voice was too low pitched for her to make him out, and she just looked questioningly at Morte. I'd already made a fool of myself. Might as well try to satisfy my curiosity.
“He didn’t say anything… but I'm still curious… why do you have a tail?”
“Are yeh daft? Can it be that yer dumber than stone, or mayhap yer the Power o’ ignorance? May the dabus brick yeh over and make yeh a street!” Morte answered my question.
 “She’s a tiefling, chief. They got some demon’s blood in ‘em, and that makes ‘em paranoid and defensive… nice tail, though. Shame it’s plastered on such an ugly body.”

Scions of a fiendish bloodline, tieflings stand out wherever they go, their strange appearance betraying their origins. To some, tieflings are a curiosity, an oddity deserving of close examination or study. To many more, they are a bane upon the world, fated to bring ill fortune to whoever shelters them. Cast aside and downtrodden by all but the most tolerant individuals, tieflings learn early on that they will never be accepted and adopt a cynical and self-serving attitude that often serves to further alienate them. A rare few however triumph over both their heritage and the expectations of others, becoming heroes in their own right.

Disquieting and Diverse

In a general sense all tieflings look somewhat human but few could easily hide among the general population. A tiefling's fiendish blood - even in the absence of any physical differences - gives itself away through a sense of unease, which pervades the minds of those nearby them, and most tieflings have a faintly sulfurous smell about them. Even more obvious are the various physical traits a tiefling's ancestry bestows them with, which vary from the stark to the subtle. Among the most common tiefling features are horns, a tail of some sort, and reddish-hued skin, though none of these are universal to all tieflings. Individual heritages are also prone to particular distinctions.

Children of Evil

All tieflings are the spawn of an unholy union between fiends and humans. Such a union may have taken place relatively recently... or in the distant past. Tiefling bloodlines are known to run dormant for decades or even centuries, the fiendish taint unseen in a tiefling's human parents until it erupts forth unexpectedly. At other times a tiefling has a more recent origin; perhaps their mother was a cambion or their grandfather an arcanaloth. Whatever, the case it is this origin which gives tieflings their foul reputation and leads to their persecution in most cultures.

Wanted Nowhere and Feared Everywhere

Tieflings are perpetual outcasts, with no home to call their own and no shared culture or heritage. At best, tieflings who find one another will band together to face their struggles together. More often, however, tieflings find themselves alone in a world that fears and shuns them. As a result most tieflings are cynical and suspicious of others, as wary of others as they are of them. Others however struggle to prove themselves in a world afraid of that which is not familiar, working even harder than usual to make something of themselves. Whatever their attitude towards the outside world, tieflings have learned time and time again that they can rely on no one but themselves.

Tiefling (Revised) Names

Most tieflings possess names common to the culture of their birth, though on occasion they are known to take on new names as a mark of self-identification. Often disowned from their family or even abandoned at birth, few tieflings feel much kinship with their families and abandon whatever surnames they were born with by the time they reach maturity. Occasionally, tieflings are given or choose a meaningful name in Abyssal or Infernal. Some of the more common ones are listed below.

Male Names:
Agamen, Aneer, Behm, Haer'dalis, Kerbos, Mahesh, Thanos, Valen, Vicar

Female Names:
Acantha, Annah, Eulah, Farideh, Layleth, Mara, Neeshka, Tesiph, Zen'faris

Tiefling (Revised) Traits

Ability Score Increase:
Your Charisma score increases by 2.

Tieflings age at a rate largely comparable with humans, but which slows as they get older. On occasion tieflings have been known to live as long as 150 years or more.

Because of both their fiendish blood and the poor treatment they experience at the hands of others, tieflings are often selfish and spiteful, inclining them slightly towards evil. Their self-reliance and independent nature also makes them chaotic more often than not, regardless of their specific heritage.

Tieflings are usually about the same height as humans, though often slightly heavier. Your size is Medium.

Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

You can speak, read, and write Common and one extra language of your choice. Some tieflings choose to learn Abyssal or Infernal, usually to get in touch with their heritage. Others are more inclined to learn a more practical language, such as a regional human tongue.

(see p. 43 of the Player's Handbook 5th edition)

Infernal Legacy:
(see p. 43 of the Player's Handbook 5th edition)

Tiefling (Revised) Subraces
Tiefling (Revised) have a number of subraces. Choose one of the following Tiefling (Revised) subraces.


The scions of devils, hellspawn tieflings are among the most common of their kind, owing to the frequent dabbling of devils in the affairs of humans. Hellspawn tieflings often smell of brimstone, with a prehensile tail and horns. Their skin tends towards a reddish hue and may be speckled. Some also possess hooves or goatlike legs, though these are not common to all hellspawn. (Note: This is intended to represent both more traditionally devil-spawned tieflings as well as Bael-Turath/Narfell/Sarlona teiflings)

Ability Score Increase: Your Intelligence increases by 1.
Hellish Resistance: (see p. 43 of the Player's Handbook 5th edition)


Descended from the creatures of the Abyss, demonborn tieflings are second in number only to hellspawn. Demonborn typically have a somewhat bestial appearance, with patches of light fur or scaly skin and prominent fangs. Some have a forked tongue and demonborn horns sometimes have small antlers instead of horns. Their skin is often hot to the touch.

Ability Score Increase: Your Constitution increases by 1.
Toxic Soul: You have resistance to poison damage.


Lothlings are the result of those infrequent couplings between yugoloths and mortal humans. Lothlings often have pointed ears but lack horns and have leathery skin that trends more towards bluish gray or green than red. Lothling's are usually less hairy than other tieflings and males may be incapable of growing a beard. A few rare lothlings possess no shadow.

Ability Score Increase: Your Dexterity increases by 1.
Corrosive Heritage: You have resistance to acid damage.

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« Letzte Änderung: 10. Oktober 2014, 09:09:02 von Speren »
No one touches the faerie!