Autor Thema: Helena  (Gelesen 9893 mal)


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  • Gast
« am: 07. Dezember 2003, 21:08:53 »
 hier mal ein erster charakter von mir.
da ich zur zeit nicht viel zum spielen komme, ist das hier keine vorgeschichte, sondern vielmehr eine fortlaufende geschichte, so man denn will. Sie beschreibt den werdegang eines kompletten charakters.
wundert euch nicht, wenn euch götter und co. nicht geläufig vorkomme, der char ist bestandteil meiner eigenen spielwelt.
an hausregeln ist nur zu beachten, daß ich das star wars system von vp und wp eingeführt habe und die multiplier für kritische treffer dementsprechend x1/x1,5 und x2 sind. Und ach ja, die vp können auch als eine art „heroenpunkte“ benutzt werden, nämlich um ein würfelergebnis um haargenau 1 (bei einem punkt) zu verbessern.
Wenn mir sonst noch etwas einfällt, so werde ich es mit sicherheit posten.
ach ja, die ganze story und die zugehörigen charwerte sind in englisch abgefasst.
Ich wird versuchen jeden tag einen kleinen story-teil mehr reinzustellen.

You’ve recognized the figure, as it entered. A tall being quite in shape, but clothed in a threadbare overcoat which also cloaked its face. It joined the man at the next table who promptly ordered an ale for his “good friend”.
Interested in possible gossip, you lean a bit forward and hear this:
„And her name shall be L’wren“. That were the last words of my father, as I was told a hundred years later.
L’wren… A name I cannot identify with. The name of some long lost child – of a missing baby.
My name is Helena. It is a strong - a good name with an ancient heritage and I am proud to bear it.
But I was not always Helena. I was Verandra, Melain and Judith on the way… and yes, everything started with L’wren…
I was born as the daughter of an elven mage and his wife and grew up in the sacred forest of Arinon. I dwelled in the greater trees of eternity and slept covered in their leaves.
Learning the ways o this everlasting source of all life, I was raised to become a protector of the ailantery – a druid, empowered with the allowance to ask the grove for help in times of trouble.
I remember my teacher, Hilliarion. I’ve spend many days with him – exploring the amazing secrets of the wood.
Why this were the last words, my father said? He left without comment thereafter. L’wren… the name means forgiveness in your tongue.
I would have been no good druid, Balthasar. I enjoyed the company of the animals and I revelled in the forest like nowhere else – true. But than it happened. One day before I should get my staff of accordance…
I still can’t believe it. It is this name L’wren, my *fathers* flaw. I couldn’t wait to see the ailantery. I dared to enter but what I saw changed my whole life.
It was just an assembly of rotten and somehow infested pest plants! I, … I can only guess today, but I think the ailantery itself has punished me for my foolishness.
I destroyed everything which was of value for me. And it should not have been the last time…
The bitter consequences for what I’ve done are relatively easy to describe.
All my memories about the druidic secrets were wiped out and I was forced to choose exile as my just reward for what I’ve done.
Since that moment, I’ve never seen the sacred forest again.  
Gender: Female
Race: elf
Class & Level: Ex-Druid L4
Height: 1,69m
Weight: 48kg
Age: 100 years
Eye colour: blue
Hair colour: blonde
Hit Points: 24/12
Initiative: +2
Speed: 30 feet
Armour Class: 12; touch: 12, flat-fooded: 10
Base Attack: +3
Melee Attack:. +5 (1d6+3, wooden staff), +1/-3 (1d6+2/1d6+1, wooden staff)
Special Qualities: elven traits
Alignment: neutral neutral
Saving throws: Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +5
Stats: Strength 14 (+2), Dexterity 14 (+2), Constitution 12 (+1), Intelligence 11 (+0), Wisdom 13 (+1), Charisma 14 (+2).
Skills: survival: +9, spot: +6, listen: +6, heal: +9, knowledge (nature): +4, handle animal: +4
Feats: self-sufficient, track
Possessions: wooden staff, rags  
Languages spoken: common, elvish


  • Gast
« Antwort #1 am: 09. Dezember 2003, 01:32:48 »
 You could feel a chill go through your veins, as the woman spoke of all that with a cold, bitter and somehow unforgivable voice.
But that was not all you heard, the story goes on…
I wandered the borders of my former and ancestral home for days until I realized that I had not only lost the knowledge of how to speak with the trees and animals, but that I would never find my way back into the elven city of Ce’eral Callas again.
My dolor was boundless in its extent, but finally I accepted my curse, which was – at the same time – my cause.
Being the probably hardest time of my life, I then stumbled from one mess right into another.
I could barely make my living from what I could find in the outer rim of the scanty woodland and thus often begged at the great road to the human city of Waskengale.
Having learned the human language as a part of my former training, I once mad contact with a tradesman who regularly travelled from Askelav to Waskengale in order to sell his crops at the great market every heleviday.
The – for human standards – old man was a very humble one of your kind, Balthasar. He often gave me food and made me survive even in the darkest days out there.
But one miserable day, I should have known it, I could hear his cart again and decided to show myself quite early.
Thus I ran into a band of highwayman who ambushed the tradesman and left him on the road to die, after mortally wounding him.
As they saw me, I realized that something was odd, but too late. They caught, tied and blindfolded me with ease.
We travelled further along the rode until we reached Waskengale, as my orientation sense told me.
The highwayman were members of a criminal organisation called the Green Vices.
 Initially they decided to rape and kill me thereafter. The spoke about it the whole journey…
But somehow their master, the head of the organisation was convinced that I could serve otherwise. Today I know why. He was a half-elf and had pity with me as I told him, that I miss the woods.
Shhh – a hundred years, Balthasar, and I was that naïve.
Anyway, I was lucky.
I was quite strong and dexterous in these days and Mallak, so the bosses name, found me to be after his fancy. He trained me as his personal bodyguard and thief at command. While being quite subtle and friendly all the while, I was seldom betrayed in a more abhorrent way.
Though the Vices killed the only friend I had during my troublesome times outside Arinon, I came to reveal, that even they were humans, individuals with their very own dreams  and ambitions – failed ambitions – like me. Many of them have disappointed society and where thus rejected by it. I could understand their feelings of hatred, despair and loneliness. Perhaps that’s why it was not difficult for them to make me join their ranks.
Mallak often spoke with me, he cared for me and invested his precious time to philosophise about nature and the balance of all things being. He told me that all the undoing of the Green Vices were necessary to maintain that natural harmony between good and evil and that they would only get their backs on society.
I could not hate the sacred forest or the druids, but I hated me. Mallak told me that the reason for my hatred is of no matter, as long as I hate.
I was deeply concerned by this sentence of him, until I found out that it is simply not true.
But to find that out, I had to pack even more guilt onto my shoulders.
I learned how to “show people the consequences” of not being able satisfy the Green Vices and the costs of dealing with criminals if you believe in fairness and friendliness.
More than once I was employed as a simple stealer and sometimes I had to show off my ruthlessness in open combat.
Oh Balthasar, this was this was a dark time in my life. I was quick to learn and even quicker to forget. Finally the Vices named me Judith. Judith was a useful, a malicious name, Mallak told me. A name which should make decent people fear for their money and lives.
I was a whore, my friend and I sold my soul to the devil these days.
Gender: Female
Race: elf
Class & Level: Ex-Druid L4, Rogue L3, Fighter L1
Height: 1,69m
Weight: 48kg
Age: 107 years
Eye colour: blue
Hair colour: blonde
Hit Points: 46/12
Initiative: +6
Speed: 30 feet
Armour Class: 12; touch: 12, flat-fooded: 10
Base Attack: +6
Melee Attack:. +8 (1d4+2, dagger), +4/+0 (1d4+2/1d4+1, dagger & dagger)
Special Attacks: sneak attack 2d6
Special Qualities: elven traits, trapfinding, evasion, additional feat  
Alignment: neutral neutral
Saving throws: Fort +8, Ref +8, Will +6
Stats: Strength 14 (+2), Dexterity 14 (+2), Constitution 12 (+1), Intelligence 12 (+1), Wisdom 13 (+1), Charisma 14 (+2).
Skills: survival: +9, spot: +6, listen: +6, heal: +9, knowledge (nature): +5, handle animal: +4, appraise: +5, escape artist: +5, sleight of hand: +5, hide: +5, move silently: +5, disable device: +5, open lock: +4, bluff: +4, jump: +4, climb: +3  
Feats: self-sufficient, track, improved initiative, lightning reflexes, dodge
Possessions: tight black clothes,2x dagger (1x hidden in a boot), thieves tools, 50gp.
Languages spoken: common, elvish


  • Gast
« Antwort #2 am: 13. Dezember 2003, 23:39:32 »
 The sound of her voice made you shiver, as she spoke the last sentence. You could not believe what you heard already, but somehow you knew, that this was not the end of her story…
But one day my life – again – took an unexpected turn.
Mallak came to suffer from an unknown illness and became stranger and stranger.
One day, he ordered me and a small team to assassinate a high-ranked noble woman, while she would be alone in her residence at Waskengale.
Until that moment, I never killed anyone, but Mallak told me, that this would be my last test to reign over the Vices at his side – as his equal. He told me, the person we should kill is an evil and exploitative being without respect and/or dignity.
Thinking it would be just to extinguish her petty life, I set off with the rest of the team – just to find out, that our target was a 14-year old girl.
Balthasar, I was shocked to the extreme.
A child! Mallak wanted me to kill a child!
That could not be true. This little girl was far from being anything, but a young human on its way to become something – something, Balthasar, she had every choice.
I could not kill her. As I refused to obey the command of our leader by any means, the rest of the team decided to teach me, that one does not work against the Vices in any way.
In the following fight, I was nearly killed and left behind – together with the dead girl and a knife in my hand.
I guess, the parents must have found us and as I woke up, I found myself to be a guest of a small prison cell. They thought me guilty of killing the young girl, as the guard said.
At the court hearing, it was clear, that I should be hanged. Luckily destiny had other things in mind…
The abbot of the nearby cloister came to my aid, offering the council a new idea. Instead of hanging me, I should be commanded to leave the town forever and spend my life by serving the monks of Waskengale for the rest of my life.
Since I swore that I am not guilty and that I would love to pay for whatever lawless deed I had done, the judges finally agreed and exiled me.
By that, my time at the monastery and with father Hedwin, the abbot began.
It was a harsh and hard life there. The monks live from what their own garden gives them and they work hard every day .
But through their work, they showed something I had forgotten a long time ago – their unutterable faith into their god.
The strength, power and sense of onward impressed me beyond measure, Balthasar.
I soon became a zealot in learning their ways and habits, hoping to find redemption through it.
I attended church every morning and helped Hedwin preparing for it in the early morning times.
After my first year, it came to pass, that Hedwin took me into a secret room in the monastery. He told me, that I would have shown my faith and dignity to their goddess, the loving and merciful lady of the roses.
He also told me, that beside the things I did for the cloister through helping in the garden or attending for morning services, he could feel that there was something greater in me. He said, that he had a vision last evening and know would fully believe that I could never kill a young girl.
Thus being freed from that dark image, I was overly happy. Hedwin further believed, that I’d gained the chance to prove that I could serve the merciful lady otherwise.
He introduced me to padre Viduron. He was a very harsh and introverted person, Balthasar and a monk I despised for he never seemed to work in the garden or do anything to help his brothers.
But I soon changed my mind about him…
He was a battle monk, a protector of his brothers and the innocent, a seeker of guidance and faith – not only in the cloister, but the whole country. He wanted to find himself – as I wanted to.
I became his apprentice and learned the secret of the entity of body and mind – the most important thing you have to know, if you are willing to serve the cause of the merciful lady. I was eager to demonstrate my faith in outward strength, but had to learn, that the inner willpower is much more of what a monk uses to become one with himself.
Through the rigid training and by unbroken zeal to become a faithful follower of Galthea, sister Melain. I soon became experienced enough, so that padre Viduron took me out with him.
We marched to the border at the great mountains, the wall of stones, where the orcs had settled in the last century.
The blessed man showed me the small villages and the unbelievable poverty of the people there.
We had donkeys with us, their saddle bags filled with food for the winter. The people cheered wherever we travelled. It was a stunning experience.
There I also saw what faith can do… The last village we visited was under siege by some orcish bandits and the militias could barely make their stand against the green bastards.  
Padre Viduron made the foul scum run for their lives, as he joined the people in their struggle.
But as we returned to the monastery, the thought of those poor people refused to leave my mind…
Gender: Female
Race: elf
Class & Level: Ex-Druid L4, Rogue L3, Fighter L1, Monk L2
Height: 1,69m
Weight: 48kg
Age: 110 years
Eye colour: blue
Hair colour: blonde
Hit Points: 70/12
Initiative: +6
Speed: 30 feet
Armour Class: 12; touch: 12, flat-fooded: 10
Base Attack: +7
Melee Attack:. +9 (1d6+2, unarmed strike), +5/+1 (1d6+2/1d6+1, unarmed strike & unarmed strike)
Special Attacks: sneak attack 2d6, flurry of blows at -1/-1
Special Qualities: elven traits, trapfinding, evasion, additional feat, unarmed strike, 2x bonus feat
Alignment: neutral neutral
Saving throws: Fort +11, Ref +11, Will +11
Stats: Strength 14 (+2), Dexterity 14 (+2), Constitution 12 (+1), Intelligence 12 (+1), Wisdom 13 (+1), Charisma 14 (+2).
Skills: survival: +9, spot: +6, listen: +6, heal: +9, knowledge (nature): +5, handle animal: +4, appraise: +5, escape artist: +5, sleight of hand: +5, hide: +5, move silently: +5, disable device: +5, open lock: +4, bluff: +4, jump: +4, climb: +3, knowledge (religion): +6, sense motive: +2, profession: (cloister monk): +3  
Feats: self-sufficient, track, improved initiative, lightning reflexes, dodge, iron will, stunning fist, deflect arrows
Possessions: wide monks outfit
Languages spoken: common, elvish