Autor Thema: Spellgun  (Gelesen 4020 mal)


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« Antwort #45 am: 25. September 2005, 19:56:58 »
 UMD finde ich auch passend, zumal der Charakter ja nur als Wizard ewig viele Skillpoints hätte, während der Sorcerer besser beim nachladen ist.
Und um Wands zu emulieren muss man schon einige Ranks aufwenden.

Base Attack Erhöhen finde ich je öfter ich darüber nachdenke immer besser ;)
Marge, setz Kaffee auf, dann trink den Kaffee und fang an Burger zu machen!


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« Antwort #46 am: 26. September 2005, 01:53:25 »
 Mal schauen was Doombrand dazu sagt ;) Ich sehe da eigentlich auch kein großes Problem...
"Ihr tut... kluge Tat." Ignatar the Warlock


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« Antwort #47 am: 28. September 2005, 13:28:56 »
 Also mal ehrlich das muss doch oben gehalten werden hier, solange, bis sich da noch der ein oder andere erbarmt und mal drüberschaut.
Marge, setz Kaffee auf, dann trink den Kaffee und fang an Burger zu machen!


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« Antwort #48 am: 29. September 2005, 02:51:26 »
 Danke Buddha ;)
"Ihr tut... kluge Tat." Ignatar the Warlock


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« Antwort #49 am: 01. Oktober 2005, 11:52:29 »
 Also ich finde die Base Attack Erhöhung vertretbar. So viele Zauber kriegt er erstmal gar nicht und dann braucht er sie ja auch noch um seine Fähigkeiten einzusetzen Deshalb sehe ich da kein Problem.


Well, some people hate it, some people love it.<br><br>Therefore..<br><br>Balanced! :)


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« Antwort #50 am: 02. Oktober 2005, 02:26:12 »
 Okkay, danke :) Werde dann in der Woche einen Beispiel-NSC bauen, bzw. gleich die geplante SC, von der ich dann auch eine NSC-Fassung mache ;)
"Ihr tut... kluge Tat." Ignatar the Warlock


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« Antwort #51 am: 26. Oktober 2005, 20:56:37 »
 Nee, ich habe das Projekt nicht vergessen :D Hier ist nun der Beispiel-NSC:

Audiarde is an orphant who spent her whole life on a shipdeck, instructed by a kind-hearted ship mage. However,  she had never been as charitable as her mentor, so she left him (at peace, still) as she felt herself grown-up. Without her wise tutor, she joined a pirate crew, where she now serves as a mage and a ranged warrior at the same time. Though, Audiarde feels herself free and important for the crew she now belongs to.
 Audiarde de Malemort: Female human swashbuckler1/fighter2/diviner3/spellgun3; CR 9; Medium humanoid (human); HD 3d10+3d4+3d6+9; hp 48; Init +2; Spd 30 ft.; AC 21 (with mage armor and shield), touch 13, flat-footed 18 (with mage armor and shield); Base Atk +7; Grp +9; Atk +10 melee (1d6/18-20, rapier) or +12 ranged (1d10+1/x3, +1 pistol) or +12 ranged (1d12/x3, masterwork musket); Full Atk. +10/+5 melee (1d6/18-20, rapier) or +12 ranged (1d10+1/x3, +1 pistol) or +12 ranged (1d12/x3, masterwork musket); SA spells, windriding touch 2/day; SQ arcane reload, casting gunwielder, familiar, mystical funsmithing; AL CN; SV Fort +8, Ref +8, Wil +4; Str 10, Dex 17 (15 without gloves of Dexterity +2), Con 12, Int 18 (16 without headband of Intellect +2), Wis 8, Cha 13.
 Skills and Feats: Balance +10, Bluff +8, Concentration +13, Craft (firearms) +11, Diplomacy +10, Disable Device +8, Intimidate +3, Jump +2, Knowledge (arcana) +9, Sense Motive +3, Spellcraft +14 (+16 to learn divination spells), Spot +4, Tumble +10; Combat Expertise°, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (firearms), Nimble Fingers, Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Ranged Disarm°, Scribe Scroll°, Sense Weakness, Weapon Finesse°, Weapon Focus (firearms)°.
 Languages: Common, Chondathan; Damaran, Elven, Gnome, Orc.
 Arcane Reload (Su): Audiarde may sacrifice a prepared spell of 1st level or higher as a swift action to reduce the reloading time of any firearm she uses to a move action, which, however, still provokes an attack of opportunity.
 Casting Gunwielder (Ex): Audiarde can cast spells including somatic components even when wielding two firearms at the same time. She can also reload a firearm when holding another firearm in the other hand.
 Mystical Gunsmithing (Ex): Audiarde can create magical firearms, as if she possed the Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat.
 Windriding Touch (Ex): Twice per day, Audiarde may deliver a touch spell via bullet launched through a firearm she wields, within one range increment of the weapon used. If she does not shot the enchanted bullet within 3 rounds, the spell is lost.
 Wizard Spells Prepared (5/5/4; caster level 4th; prohibited school enchantment): 0-dancing lights, detect magic, prestidigidation, read magic (2); 1st –Kaupaer’s skittish nerves, mage armor, shield, true strike (2); 2nd–cat’s grace (2), ghoul touch (DC 16), see invisibility.
 Spellbook: as above plus 0-all othes except daze; 1st-ray of enfeeblement.
 Posessions: cloak of resistance +1, +1 Pistol, masterwork Musket, rapier, gloves of Dexterity +2, headband of Intellect +2, hempen rope, spellbook, ink, inkpen, parchment (5 pcs.)
"Ihr tut... kluge Tat." Ignatar the Warlock