Autor Thema: Die epische Herausforderung Charaktergalerie  (Gelesen 14474 mal)


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Die epische Herausforderung Charaktergalerie
« am: 11. Dezember 2005, 22:05:43 »
 Hier mein Charakter von der epic challenge von Tempus (noch unformatiert)

Mithramion Amakiir
Human, Neutral Good
Deity: none
Age: ?
Wizard 5, Incantatrix 19, Fatespinner 5, Archmage 4, Netherese Arcanist 5

Abilities (32 Point Buy)
STR  8(0)       -3 age                                 = 8
DEX 10(2) +5 inherent -3 age                       = 12
CON 10(2) +5 inherent -3 age                       = 12
INT 18(16)  +5 inherent +2 age + 10 (Level)    = 35
WIS 15(8) +5 inherent   +2 age                     = 22
CHA 12(4) + 2 age                                        = 14

Caster Level 40

HP 38W4+38 (134)

BAB +19/+14

special abilities: Metamagic Effect 15/day(gebufft 50/day) , Metamagic Spell Trigger, Seize Concentration, Instant Metamagic 7/day, Snatch Spell, Improved Metamagic, Spin Fate, Fickle Finger of Fate, Spin Destiny, Deny Fate, Resist Fate, Seal Fate, mastery of Shaping, Mastery of Elements, Arcane Reach, Spell Power +1, Epic Spell Artisan

lvl class       feats
Wish          Heighten spell
Wizard 1     Spellcasting Prodigy,Scribe Scroll, Fearless
Wizard 2    
Wizard 3    Iron Will
Wizard 4
Wizard 5   Quicken Spell
Incantatrix 1  Spell Focus (evocation), Empower Spell
Incantatrix 2
Incantatrix 3
Incantatrix 4  Skill Focus (Spellcraft), Maximize Spell
Incantatrix 5
Incantatrix 6
Fatespinner 1 Spell Focus(Transmutation)
Fatespinner 2
Fatespinner 3 Delay Spell
Fatespinner 4
Fatespinner 5
Archmage 1
Archmage 2 Twin Spell
Archmage 3
Archmage 4
Incantatrix 7 Improved Heighten spell
Incantatrix 8  Improved Spell Capacity
Incantatrix 9
Incantatrix 10 Intensify Spell
Incantatrix 11 Improved Spell Capacity
Incantatrix 12
Incantatrix 13 Improved Metamagic
Incantatrix 14 Improved Spell Capacity
Incantatrix 15
Incantatrix 16 Improved Metamagic
Incantatrix 17 Improved Spell Capacity
Incantatrix 18
Incantatrix 19 Multispell
Netherese Arcanist 1 Epic Spellcasting Multispell
Netherese Arcanist 2 Spell Focus (epic)
Netherese Arcanist 3
Netherese Arcanist 4 Multispell ,Greater Spell Focus (epic)
Netherese Arcanist 5

Skills:                 Ranks    Abil   Syn    Misc
Knowledge(arc)    43         12
Concentration       43         1
Spellcraft              43         12      7          30
UMD                    41          2
Spot                      21          5      
Listen                   21          5
Tumble                 21         2
Diplomacy            21         2

AC:  10(base) + 2 (DEX)+8(armor)

Saves                 F/ R/ W
Wizard 5          +1/+1/+4
Incantatrix 7     +2/+2/+5
Fatespinner 4   +1/+1/+4
Archmage   4  +1/+1/+4
epic                 +10/+10/+10
abilities           +1/+1/+6
Luck                 +1/+1/+1
competence      +1/+1/+1
resistance        +18/+18/+18
morale             +2/+2/+2
Summe:          +38/+38/+5

Epic Spells      2.400.000
Ring of Universal Energy Immunity 2.160.000
10* Ioun Stone of Spellbattle (wie ring of spellbattle nur slotless) 1.352.000
ring of protection +10  1.000.000
Cloak of Epic Resistance +18: 3.240.000
Tasmia's Heart 127.000
Bracer's of Armor +8  64.000
Boccob's Blessed Book 12.500
Heward’s Handy Haversack 2.000
Ioun Stone – Dusty Rose Prism 5.000
Ioun Stone – Orange Prism 30.000
Ioun Stone – Pale Green Prism 20.000
Robe of proof against Transmutation +1 36.000
Mithral Buckler of Heavy Fortification +5 101.165
Belt of Death Ward (permanent Death Ward) 168.000
Ioun Stone of Heroism (Heroism permanent) 63.000
22*scroll wish 634.150
rod of epic absorption 1.500.000
Ioun Stone of spellcraft +30 180.000
Ioun Stone of ranged Touch (+5 auf Ranged Touch attacks) 100.000
Stone of Good Luck 20.000
Spells für Spellbook: 150.000
Boots of Swiftness 256.000
Materialkomponenten, Foki usw.  +500.000
Kampfstab +1 2100

0: all
1: True Strike, Chill Touch, Ray of Enfeeblement, Enlarge Person, Expeditious Retreat, Feather Fall, Reduce Person
CA: Orb of Fire lesser          
2: Touch of Idiocy, Blindness/Deafness, Darkvision
CA: Phantasmal Assailants  , CD: Scent
BoVD: Sadism  PgtF: Blindsight
3: Magic Circle against Chaos/Evil/Good/Law, Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Displacement,Blink, Haste, Fly, Keen Edge, Slow
CA: Bands of Steel, Mage Armor Greater
4: Remove Curse, Dimension Door, Enervation, Polymorph, Invisibility Greater, Phantasmal Killer, Scrying F
CD: Wrack   CA: Blast of Flame, Orb of Acid, Orb of Cold, Orb of Electricity, Orb of Fire, Orb of Force, Orb of Sound, Assay Resistance, Unluck
RoW: Aerial Alacrity    Drac: Lower Spell Resistance  PgtF: Superior Darkvision
5: Dismissal, Cone of Cold, Wall of Force, Telekinesis, Baleful Polymorph
CA: Duelward, Blink Greater    CV: Nightstalker's Transformation CD: Improved Blink
PgtF: Grimwald's Greymantle, Lutzaen's Frequent Jaunt, Simbul's Spell Matrix
6: Antimagic Field, Dispel Magic Greater, True Seeing M , Chain Lightning, Contingency F , Disintegrate, Flesh to Stone, Stone to Flesh, Quickshift (BoED), Transformation M
7: Banishment, Spell Turning, Teleport Greater, Arcane Sight Greater, Scrying Greater, Delayed Blast Fireball, Forcecage M, Prismatic Spray, Finger of Death, Ethereal Jaunt, Reverse Gravity
CA: Ghostform
Drac: Antimagic RayM , PgtF: Antimagic Aura, Greater Ironguard, Simbul's Spell Sequencer
8:Dimensional Lock, Mind Blank, Prismatic Wall, Protection from Spells M F, Maze, Planar Binding Greater, Trap the Soul M F, Moment of Prescience, Polar Ray, Sunburst, Iron Body, Polymorph Any Object, Temporal Stasis M
CA:Blackfire, Flensing
9:Freedom, Imprisonment, Mage’s Disjunction, Prismatic Sphere, Foresight, Meteor Swarm, Crushing Hand, Energy Drain, Wail of the Banshee, Etherealness, Shapechange F, Time Stop
CA: Absorption, Reaving Dispel, Sphere of Ultimate Destruction, Superior Invisibility, Summon Elemental Monolith M
PgtF: Elminster's Effulgent Epuration, Simbul's Spell Trigger

Epic Spells:

Melee Reflection
Seed: Reflect
Spellcraft DC: 38
Components: V,S
Casting Time: 2 days
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Permanent
Development: 266.000 GM, 10640 XP Seed: Reflect (DC 27)
Factors:  make permanent (x5 DC)- 4 additional participants contributing a level 9 slot (-68 DC) Mentalism field (-5 DC) 2 days casting time( -24 DC)

Ranged Reflection
Seed: Reflect
Spellcraft DC: 38
Components: V,S
Casting Time: 2 days
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: Permanent
Development: 266.000 GM, 10640 XP Seed: Reflect (DC 27)
Factors:  make permanent (x5 DC)- 4 additional participants contributing a level 9 slot (-68 DC) Mentalism field (-5 DC) 2 days casting time( -24 DC)

Fortify Intelligence:
Spellcraft DC: 68 (see text)
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: Touch
Target: personal
Duration: 100 hours
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
Development: 476.000 GM 19.040 XP Deed: Fortify (DC 17)
Factors:  +80 hours Duration(+8 DC) - 4 additional participants contributing a level 9 slot (-68 DC) Mentalism field (-5 DC)  11 additional minutes casting time (-20 DC), change range to personal (-2 DC) 69 additional points of Intelligence (+138 DC)

Fortify Constitution:
Spellcraft DC: 27 (see text)
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 11 minutes
Range: Touch
Target: personal
Duration: 100 hours
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
Development: 189.000 GM 7.560 XP Deed: Fortify (DC 17)
Factors:  +80 hours Duration(+8 DC) - 4 additional participants contributing a level 9 slot (-68 DC) Mentalism field (-5 DC)  10 additional minutes casting time (-20 DC), change range to personal (-2 DC) 48 additional points of Constitution (+98 DC)

Fortify Dexterity:
Spellcraft DC: 29 (see text)
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 11 minutes
Range: Touch
Target: personal
Duration: 100 hours
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
Development: 203.000 GM 8.120 XP Deed: Fortify (DC 17)
Factors:  +80 hours Duration(+8 DC) - 4 additional participants contributing a level 9 slot (-68 DC) Mentalism field (-5 DC)  10 additional minutes casting time (-20 DC), change range to personal (-2 DC) 50 additional points of Dexterity (+98 DC)

Ward: Energy Drain, Ability Drain, Ability Damage
Spellcraft DC: 14
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 11 minute
Range: Touch
Target or Effect: Personal
Duration: 120 hours
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes
Development: 98.000 GM 3.920 XP Seed: Ward (DC: 14)
Factors: Ward Energy Drain, Ability Drain, Ability Damage (+78), 4 additional participants contributing a level 9 slot (-68 DC) 96 hours additional Duration(+8 DC)Mentalism field (-5 DC)  10 additional minutes casting time (-20 DC), change range to personal (-2 DC) ad hoc (+8 DC)

Ward: Spells Level 1-9
Spellcraft DC: 87
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 11 minute
Range: Personal
Target or Effect: You
Duration: 120 hours
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes
Development: 609.000 GM 24.360 XP Seed: Ward (DC: 14), 8 additional Spell Levels (+160 DC)  Mentalism field (-5 DC)  10 additional minutes casting time (-20 DC), 4 additional participants contributing a level 9 slot (-68 DC) 96 hours additional Duration(+8 DC), change range to personal (-2 DC)

Contigent Super Dispel
Spellcraft DC: 19
Components: V, S
Casting Time: contigent ritual( 11 minutes)
Range: 300 ft.
Target: One creature, object, or spell
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
Development: 133.000 GM 5320 XP Seed: Dispel (DC: 19) + contigent (+ 25 DC) +72 on dispel check (+72 DC) 10 additional minutes casting time (-20 DC),Mentalism field (-5 DC)  4 additional participants contributing a level 9 slot (-68 DC) 4d6 backlash (-4 DC)
Dispel check against all spells on target with 1d20+82

Contigent Super Area Dispel
Spellcraft DC: 26
Components: V, S
Casting Time: contigent ritual( 11 minutes)
Range: 300 ft.
Target: One creature, object, or spell
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
Development: 182.000 GM 7280 XP Seed: Dispel (DC: 19)+ change target to area (+10 DC) + change area to 20 ft. Radius (+ 2 DC) increase area by 400% (+16 DC) contigent (+ 25 DC) +51 on dispel check (+51 DC) 10 additional minutes casting time (-20 DC),Mentalism field (-5 DC)  4 additional participants contributing a level 9 slot (-68 DC) 4d6 backlash (-4 DC)
Description: Dispel check against all spells in 100 ft. Radius with 1d20+61

Chronotyryn Form (voll gebufft):
Large Magical Beast, HD 38W4+1102 hp 1198 Init + 30 Spd 30 ft,  fly 100 ft (good)
AC 81 Touch 51 Flat-footed 51  SV: Fort +66 Ref +67 Wil +55
Atk: Ranged Touch +57
Str 26 Dex 71 Con 69 IN 104 Wis 22 Ch 12
SQ: Dual Actions, Blind Sight , immunity to fear, immunity to energy (all types), immunity to polymorphing attacks, immunity to criticals, freedom of movement, immunity to death effects ,immunity to ability damage, ability drain and energy drain

Sieger der Epischen Herausforderung 2005


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Die epische Herausforderung Charaktergalerie
« Antwort #1 am: 12. Dezember 2005, 09:57:44 »
 Krasses biest echt krass


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Die epische Herausforderung Charaktergalerie
« Antwort #2 am: 12. Dezember 2005, 10:07:50 »
 Tebryn die Zauberklinge

Male Gray Elf– Wizard 1(Racial Substitution 1)/Fighter2/Swahbuckler3/Spellsword2, Archmage 5, Initiate of the Sevenfold Veil 7, Bladesinger 19
Experience: 13280XP left to burn
Patron deity: Corellon Larethian
Medium Humanoid
Hit Dice: 10(Stufe 1)+4d10(22)+21d8(94,5)+13d4(32,5)+390=549HP
Initiative: +20
Speed: 30 ft (6 squares)
Armor Class: 40 (10,+12Dex,+17Int+1insight) touch 40, flat footed 40
Base Attack/Grapple: +28/+34
Attack melee: +51 melee(28Base+12Dex,+9weapon+1WF, +1ionenstein) defending adamantine Rapier(1d6+32 (6Str+9weapon+17int)/18-20x2)
Full Attack: +51/+46/+41/+36 melee (1d6+32/18-20x2) or Song of Fury +49/+49/+44/+39/+34 melee (1d6+32/18-20x2)
Space / Reach: 5 ft. / 5 ft.
Special Attacks: Song of Fury, Song of Celerity(4th), Insightful strike, Kaleidoscopic Doom(Sp), Greave Strike(Boots), Golem Strike(Boots), Wraith Strike(Ring), Arcane Fire
Special Qualities: Evasion(Boots), Freedom of Movement(Boots), Cannot lose Dex-Bonus to AC(Robe), Universial Elemental Immunity(Ring), Bladesong Style, Greater Spellsong, Spell Power(x4), Unimpeachable Abjuration (+7), unanswerable Strike(+4), Warding4/day(Veil 1-7), reactive Warding, Double Warding, Generalised Wizard
Saves: Fort+43, Refl+42, Will+41
Abilities:Str 23, Dex 34, Con 30, Int 44, Wis 18, Cha 18
Skills(only Ranks): Balance+25, Climb+7, Consentration+42, Escape Artist+4, Jump+16, Knowledge Arcana(+42), Knowledge The Planes+33, Knowledge Nature+22, Knowledge Dungeoneering+22, Perform Dance+12, Perform Sing+2, Search+22, Sense Motive+4, Spellcraft+42, Spot+21, Swim+7, Tumble+42
Feats: Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus Rapier, Combat Casting, Combat Expertise, Dodge, Practised Spellcaster, Spell Focus Evocation, Skill Focus Spellcraft, Spell Focus Abjuration, Improved Initiative(from Wish), Greater SpellFocus Abjuration, Quicken Spell, Empower Spell,
Epic Feats: Superior Initiative, Epic Spellcasting, Mulitspell(x3), Automatic Quicken Spell(x3), Improved Spell Capacity
Languages: Elfen, Common, Dwarven , Goblin, Elfen, Abyssal, Celestial, Infernal, Sylvan, Drow, Undercommon, Ork
Alignment: neutral good


1   Swashbuckler
2   Elven Wizard
3   Swashbuckler
4   Fighter
5   Fighter
6   Swashbuckler
7   Elven Bladesinger
8   Elven Bladesinger
9   Elven Bladesinger
10   Elven Bladesinger
11   Elven Bladesinger
12   Elven Bladesinger
13   Elven Bladesinger
14   Elven Bladesinger
15   Elven Bladesinger
16   Elven Bladesinger
17   Spellsword
18   Spellsword
19   Archmage
20   Archmage
21   Archmage
22   Archmage
23   Archmage
24   Initiate of the Sevenfold Veil
25   Initiate of the Sevenfold Veil
26   Initiate of the Sevenfold Veil
27   Initiate of the Sevenfold Veil
28   Initiate of the Sevenfold Veil
29   Initiate of the Sevenfold Veil
30   Initiate of the Sevenfold Veil
31   Elven Bladesinger
32   Elven Bladesinger
33   Elven Bladesinger
34   Elven Bladesinger
35   Elven Bladesinger
36   Elven Bladesinger
37   Elven Bladesinger
38   Elven Bladesinger
39   Elven Bladesinger


Tomes: total 760K
-Manual of bodily health+5
-Manual of gainful exercise+5
-Manual of quickness in action+5
-Tome of clear thought+5
-Tome of leadership and influence+4
-Tome of understanding+4

Boosts: 4.300K
Belt of Giant Strenght+6
Gloves of Dexterity+12
Bracers of Health+12
Headband of Intellect+12
Amulet of Wisdom+6
Cloak of Charisma+6

Ion Stones: Total 247K
Pale Green 30K
Orange 30K
4xLavender and Green 40K
Iridescend 18K
Dusty rose 5K
Clear 4K

Boots of epic allround 188K
-Evasion 60K
-Freedom of Movement 40K
-Grave Strike continous 48K
-Golem Strike continuous 48K

Robe of the eyes 120K

Ring of the epic Spellblade 2.430K
-Universial elemental immunity 2.100K
-Wizardry III 140K
-Wraith Strike continuous 192K

2xRing of long life 340K
-Arcane Might 40K
-Wizardry II 80K
-Enduring Life: Each time the wearer falls under 300HP an harm is castet. This effect is only useable once per round. The ring has 10 charges.

Rods: 989.750
Excellent Magic 650K
3xPersistant Spell, normal 339.750

Adamantine Rapier +9 defending 2.000K

Cold Iron Rapier +3 18K

Vest of Resistance+10 1.000K

Stone of Good Luck 20K

Große AdamantidKugel 75K

10xWish 288K
10xLimited Wish

Epic Spells 1.143K

Epic Spells:

Veil of Abjuration
Spellcraft DC: 14
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: touch
Effect: personal
Duration: 16 Days
Saving Throw: none
Spell Resistance: Yes
To Develop: 126.000 gp, 5040xp.
Factors: Ward against Mage’s Disjunction (DC+16), Ward against Imprisonment (+16DC),  Ward against Antimagic Field (+10DC), Disintegrate (+10DC), Ward against Daylight (+4DC), Ward against Silence (+2DC), increased duration by 1500%(+30DC)
Mitigation Factors: From area to personal (-2DC), Increased Casting Time by 9 Minutes (- 18DC), ritual (4 9th lvl slot) (-68DC)
This Spell protects against Mage’s Disjunction, Imprisonment, Antimagic Field, Disintegrate, Daylight and Silence.
The Ritual costs 400XP and 2800gp.

Spellcraft DC: 51
Components: V
Casting Time: 1 swift-action
Range: 300ft.
Target: One Creature, object, or spell
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
To Develop: 459.000gp, 18360XP
Factors: Increased Dispel Check by 47 (+47 DC), Casting Time 1 quickened action (+28DC), no somatic components (+2DC)
Mitigation Factors: Backlash damage 25d6 (-25DC), XP Burn 2000XP (-20DC)
This Spell functions like Dispel Magic except that its Dispel Check is 1d20+57.

Superior Agility
Spellcraft DC: 23
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 10 minute
Range: touch
Target: personal
Duration: 4 days
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
To Develop: 144.000 gp, 5760xp.
Factors: additional +17 to ability Score (+102DC), increased duration +300%(+6DC)
Mitigation Factors: change from target to personal (-2DC), increased casting time by 9 minutes (-18DC), ritual (4 9th lvl slots) (-68DC), XP Burn 2000XP(-20DC)
The spell gives the caster a +18 perfection bonus to Dexterity.
The Ritual costs 400XP and 2800gp.

Superior Intelligence
Spellcraft DC: 23
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: touch
Target: personal
Duration: 4 days
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
To Develop: 144.000 gp, 5760xp.
Factors: additional +17 to ability Score (+102DC), increased duration +300% (+6DC)
Mitigation Factors: change from target to personal (-2DC), increased casting time by 9 minutes (-18DC), ritual (4 9th lvl slots) (-68DC), XP Burn 2000XP (-20DC)
The spell gives the caster a +18 perfection bonus to Intelligence.
The Ritual costs 400XP and 2800gp.

Epic Mage Armor
Spellcraft DC: 14
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 10 minute
Range: touch
Target: personal
Duration: 5 days
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
To Develop: 126.000 gp, 5040xp.
Factors: additional +50 to armor class (+100DC), increased duration +400%(+8DC)
Mitigation Factors: change from target to personal (-2DC), increased casting time by 9 minutes (-18DC), ritual (4 9th lvl slots) (-68DC), XP Burn 2000XP (-20DC)
The spell gives the caster an armor bonus of 54.
The Ritual costs 400XP and 2800gp.

Epic perfect Armor
Spellcraft DC: 16
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 10 minute
Target: personal
Duration: 2 days
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
To Develop: 144.000 gp, 5760xp.
Factors: additional +11 to armor class (+110DC), increased duration +100%(+2DC)
Mitigation Factors: change from target to personal (-2DC), increased casting time by 9 minutes (-18DC), ritual (4 9th lvl slots) (-68DC), XP Burn 2000XP (-20DC)
The spell gives the caster a perfection bonus to AC of 12.

Gebuffter Zustand:
Am Beispiel: Arenakampf gegen Guhlstuhl

Epic Buffs:
-Epic agility
-Epic intelligence
-Veil of Abjuration
-Epic armor
-Epic perfekt armor

Shapechange: Gloom (epic SRD)
other important buffs for stats:
reduce person, shield, false life, elation, haste, keen edge, Herosism greater, Ghost Form, forsight, crushing hand

Abilities: Str 43(16), Dex 81(35), Con 46(18), Int 61(25), Wis 35(12), Cha 40(15)

Armor Class(gegen einen): AC: 166: (10+37dex+19int+15deflection(ghost form)+1reduce person, +1haste,+12insight+4hand+12perfection+1dodge+54armor) touch 112, flat footed 166
-Optional noch full defence+12 und defending weapon+9 für Touch AC 133

Damage: 1d4+50(16str+9+25int) (15-20/x2)
Sneak Attack: 13d6 (ca 45)
Full Attack: +80/+80/+80/+75/+70/+65
Initiative: +45
Hit Points: 832+false life+greater herosims
Fortitude: +57
Will: +53
Spell Resistance 35
Blindsight 60ft
DR 10/epic


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Die epische Herausforderung Charaktergalerie
« Antwort #3 am: 12. Dezember 2005, 11:28:58 »
 Vadania Sternenstaub

CR 40
Pixie Rogue 10/ Sorcerer 6/ Arcane Trickster 15/ Exalted Arcanist 5
NG Small fey
Init: +44; Senses: Low-Light-Vision, Darkvision, permanent arcane sight, permanent see invisibility, continuous true seeing, Listen +24, Spot +29
Languages: Common, Sylvan, Elven, Vesh, Draconian, Celestial, permanent Tongues, emphatic link
AC 136, touch 68, flat footed 80; dodge (x2 with Aerial Alacrity); improved uncanny dodge; natural invisible
hp 280 (36 HD); DR 10/ cold iron
Resist: evasion; slippery mind; energy resistance (any) 30; SR 51; continuous deathward; continuous freedom of movement; sustenance air, food and water, protected from energy damage, ability damage and ability drain
Fort +30*, Ref +70**, Will + 38
*) substituted once per round by reflex save
**) +71 with Aerial Alacrity
Speed: 40 ft. (8 squares); fly 120 ft. (good) [70 ft. (14 squares); fly 180 ft. (perfect) with Aerial Alacrity and Haste]
Ranged small +6 mighty (+2) holy magebane composite longbow +73/+66 (1d6+8) invisible or
small +6 mighty (+2) holy magebane composite longbow +71/+66 (1d6+8) while visible
Base Attack +18; Grp +14
Atk Options: sleep arrows (DC 30), memory loss arrows (DC 30), sneak attack +12d6 (+12d8 vs. evil creatures), Incomptu sneak attack 4/ day; faster consecrate, faster purify
Combat gear: 2 Rods of Metamagic, quicken (greater), Rod of Metamagic, Energy Substitution (Fire) (greater), Rod of Metamagic, Maximize (greater), Rod of Excellent Magic, Staff of Prism, Amulett of Grave strike (slotless), +5 heavy fortification Mithril buckler, 9*wish (scroll), 10*greater restoration (scroll), 10*Eladrin Form (CL 20 scroll, BoED), 5*Gate (CL 20 scroll), 5*Scrying (scroll), Wand Restoration, Wand Consecrate, Wand Cure Serious Wounds, 10*Heal (scroll), 5*Mindblank (scroll), 3*Unbinding (scroll, CD), 10*Greater planer Binding

Sorcerer Spells known: (CL 31/ 32 for good spells)
Epic (2/day) – Vadanias Protection, Gods Grace
11th (4/day) –
10th (4/day) –
9th (9/day) – Meteor Swarm (+71 ranged touch DC 37), Timestop, Prismatic Sphere (DC 37), ShapechangeB (DC 37), Armageddon*, Exalted Fury*, Sanctify of the Wicked*(DC 37), Channel Greater Celestial*
8th (9/day) - Horrid Wilting (DC 36), Polar Ray (+71 ranged touch), Polymorph any Object (DC 36), Greater Planer BindingB, Otto’s Irresistible danceB (+71 melee touch), Dragon Cloud*, Restore Soul’s Treasure*
7th (9/day) –Limited Wish (DC 35), Amber Sarcophargus, Delayed Blast Fireball (DC 35), Greater TeleportB (DC 35), Cry of Ysgard*, Constricting Chains*, Rain of Ambers* (DC 35), Phoenix Fire* (DC 35), Cannel Celestial*
6th (10/day) - Chain Lightning (DC 34), Disintegrate (+71 ranged touch, DC 34), Greater Dispel Magic, Exalted Raiment*, Valiant Steed*, Storm of Shards* (DC 34)
5th (10/day) – Cone of Cold (DC 33), Telekinesis, Hold Monster (DC 33), Wall of Force, Inquisition* (DC 33), Curtain of Light* (DC 33), Sicken Evil*
4th (10/day) – Aerial Alacrity, Charm Monster (DC 32), Holy Smite (DC 32), Orb of Acid (+71 ranged touch, DC 32), Luminous Armor, Greater*; Sunmantle*, Diamond Spray*(DC 32)
3rd (10/day) – Magic Circle against Evil, Fireball (DC 31), Haste, Lightning Bolt (DC 31), Hammer of Righteousness* (DC 31), Celestial Aspect*
2nd (11/day) – Melf’s Acid Arrow (+71 ranged touch), Resist Energy, Scorching Ray (+71 ranged touch), Tasha`s Hideous Laughter (DC 30), Touch of Idiocy (+71 melee touch), Luminous Armor*, Ayailla’s Radiant Burst*(DC 30)
1st (11/day) - Magic Missile, True Strike, Ray of Enfeeblement (+71 ranged touch), Lesser Orb of Fire (+71 ranged touch), Golem Strike, Twilight Luck*, Divine Inspiration*
0 (6/day) – Arcane Mark, Ghost Sound (DC 29), Light, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Ray of Frost (+71 ranged touch), Disrupt Undead (+71 ranged touch), Mending, Prestidigitation
*Sanctified Spell, B: Bonus Spell from Spell Knowledge
Spell-like Abilities (CL 8):
1/day - Permanent Image (DC 34), Polymorph, Confusion (DC 32), Dispel Magic, Detect Thoughts (DC 30), Invisibility (self only), Detect Evil, Detect Good, Detect Law, Detect Chaos, Entangle (DC 29), Dancing Lights (DC 28)
Abilities: Str 13 (15), Dex 30 (90), Con 19 (21), Int 21, Wis 19 (21), Cha 34 (46)

SQ: aura of good, familiar, share spells, trapsense +2, trap finding, ranged landemain 4/ day, fey traits
Feats: AlertnessB (Ion stone), Consecrate Spell, Blinding Speed, DodgeB, Dexterous Fortitude, Empower Spell, Epic Spellcasting, Improved Spell Capacity 10, Improved Spell Capacity 11, Practiced Spellcaster, Purify Spell, Sacred StrikeB, Silent Spell, Still Spell, Spell Knowledge (x2)B, Spell Penetration, Weapon Finesse, Words of CreationB.   B: Bonus Feat
Skills: Bluff +43, Concentration +25, Decipher Script +15, Disable Device +27 (+23 ranged), Diplomacy +29, Escape Artist +79, Hide +59 (+99/+79 invisible), Listen +24, Move Silently +60, Knowledge (arcana) +30, Knowledge (the planes) +6, Knowledge (religion) +10, Open Lock +57 (+52 ranged), Search +34, Sense Motive +10, Slight of Hand +61 (+56 ranged), Spellcraft +78 (+80 for scrolls), Spot +29, Tumble +70, Use Magic Device +30 (+34 for scrolls)
Possessions: Combat gear + Ring of Epic Protection +10, Ring of universal Elemental resistance, major, Gloves of Retribution (BoED), Cloak of Epic Charisma +12, Amulett of Epic natural armor +10, Bracers of Improved Initiative, Belt of Dwarvenkind, Vest of Epic Resistance +10, Robe of the Archmagi (white), Headband of Spellcraft +30, Lenses of True Seeing, Boots with deathward, continuous, Ring: Freedom of Movement (slotless), Stone of Good Luck +1, Ioun stone +5 insight bonus to AC, Ioun stone pale green (+1 competence), Ioun stone Iridescent (sustenance/air), Ioun stone clear (sustenance/food+water), Ioun stone orange (caster level +1), Ioun stone Incandescent blue (+2 Wis) Ioun stone Pale blue (+2 Str), Hevards handy haversack, mwk thieves’ tools
Faster Consecrate and faster Purify (Ex): See BoED (p. 62).
Ranged Landemain (Su): Vadania can use the following skills on a range of 9 feet four times per day: Open Lock, Slight of Hand and Disable Device. The DC increases by 5.
Incomptu Sneak Attack (Su): Vadania can declare any four attacks per day to be a Sneak Attack.

Epic Spells:

Vadania's Protection
Conjuration (Creation) [Force]
Spellcraft DC: 78
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 11 minutes
Range: Touch
Target: Personal
Duration: 24 hours (D)
To Develop: 702.000 gp; 14 days; 28.080 XP. Seed: armor  (DC 14), ward (DC14). Factor: ward against Energy Drain, Ability Drain, Ability Damage (+78 DC), +47 additional armor bonus (+94 DC). Mitigating Factors:  Increased Casting Time 10 Minutes (-20 DC).  Target : Personal (-2DC). 4 Participans using a 9th Spell. (-68DC), Abstinence Component (ad hoc -6), burn 2000 XP (-20), sacrifice component (ad hoc -6).

An invisible but tangible field of force surrounds the subject of epic mage armor, providing a +51 armor bonus to Armor Class. Unlike mundane armor, epic mage armor entails no armor check penalty, arcane spell failure chance, or speed reduction. Because epic mage armor is made of force, incorporeal creatures can’t bypass it the way they do normal armor. The spell does also protect you from energy drain, ability drain or Ability Damage.

Abstinence Component: You must abstain from intoxicants and stimulants for one week before casting this spell. You must not suffer from ability damage, ability drain or energy drain at the time you cast this spell including the effects of any previously cast sanctified spells.

XP cost: 2000 XP (kompensiert durch die Rod of Excellent Magic)
Sacrifice component: 1d3 Str drain

Gods Grace
Spellcraft DC: 31
Components: V,S
Casting Time: 11 Minutes
Range: Personal Duration: 40 hours
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes

To Develop: 279.000 gp; 6 days; 11.160 XP. Seeds: /Fortify/ Ability increase (Dex) (DC 17). Factors: 59 extra points of Dexterity (+108 DC), increase Duration by 100 % (+2 DC). Minigating Factors: Abstinence Component (-6 DC), Increasing Casting Time by 10 Minutes (-20 DC), change from target to personal (-2 DC),4 Participans using a 9th Spell. (-68DC) .

You gain +60 points of Dexterity.

Abstinence Component: You must abstain from intoxicants and stimulants for one week before casting this spell. You must not suffer from ability damage, ability drain or energy drain at the time you cast this spell including the effects of any previously cast sanctified spells.


Vadania knows the true name of the Planetars.
Vadania knows the true name of the Pit Fiends.
Vadania knows the true name of the Balor.

Knowing true names grants... (ups, see BoED p. 32)

lv class         Feats              
1 Rogue 1        Consecrate Spell
                    Dodge (racial bonus)
2 LA 1        
3 LA 2
4 LA 3        
5 LA 4            
6 Rogue 2        
7 Sorcerer 1         Weapon Finesse
8 Sorcerer 2        
9 Sorcerer 3    
10 Sorcerer 4         Practiced Spellcaster
11 Sorcerer 5        
12 Sorcerer 6      
13 Rogue 3             Purify Spell
14 Arcane Trickster 1          
15 Arcane Trickster 2      
16 Arcane Trickster 3          Empower Spell
17 Arcane Trickster 4          
18 Arcane Trickster 5      
19 Arcane Trickster 6        Silent Spell
20 Exalted Arcanist 1       Spell Knowledge (Exalted Arcanist bonus)
21 Exalted Arcanist 2      
22 Exalted Arcanist 3      Still Spell
                    Sacred Strike (BoED, Exalted Arcanist bonus)
23 Exalted Arcanist 4    
24 Exalted Arcanist 5   Words of Creation (BoED, Exalted Arcanist bonus)
25 Arcane Trickster 7       Improved Spell Capacity 10
26 Arcane Trickster 8    
27 Arcane Trickster 9  
28 Arcane Trickster 10     Spell Knowledge
29 Rogue 4
30 Rogue 5  
31 Rogue 6         Spell Penetration
32 Arcane Trickster 11    
33 Arcane Trickster 12  
34 Rogue 7       Epic Spellcasting
35 Rogue 8    
36 Rogue 9        
37 Rogue 10     Dexterous Fortitude
38 Arcane Trickster 13    
39 Arcane Trickster 14     Improved Spell Capacity 11 (Arcane Trickster bonus)
40 Arcane Trickster 15     Blinding Speed
Epische Herausforderung 2005: Mittendrin statt nur dabei!

Playing 4E? Fix the Pixies first!


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« Antwort #4 am: 12. Dezember 2005, 14:54:02 »
 Gorin der Älteste
Human, Lawful good
Deity: Ilmater
Age: 72
Monk 17, Sorcerer 3, Paladin 2, Pious Templar 1, Divine Oracle 10, Enlighted Fist 7
Speed: 110 (30 base+ 80 enhancement)
HP: 8 + 16d8 +3d4 +3d10 +10d6 +7d8 +440 = 661

Abilities (32 Point Buy)
STR  9 +5 inherent +12 enhancment                     = 26
DEX 15 +5 inherent +6 enhancment                      = 26
CON 14 +5 inherent +12 enhancment        +1(Level 4)  = 32
INT 10 +5 inherent +6 enhancment  +3 age              = 24
WIS 14 +5 inherent +6 enhancment  +3 age              = 28
CHA 15 +5 inherent +12 enhancment +3 age +9(Level 8+) = 44

Saves         F/ R/ W
Monk          9/ 9/ 9
Sorcerer      1/ 1/ 3
Paladin       3/ 0/ 0
Epic         10/10/10
Divine Grace 17/17/17
resistance   10/10/10
competence    1/ 1/ 1
luck          1/ 1/ 1
abilities    11/ 8/ 9
dodge         0/ 1/ 1
Summe        63/57/60
Specials: mettle, evasion, +2 vs. enchantment

Skill                     Ranks ATT  Misc Total
Knowledge religion        10      7  3    20
Knowledge arcana          10      7       17  
Spellcraft                19      7  2    28
Concentration             43     11  20   74
Spot                      43      9  30+2 83
Tumble                    43     11  2    56
Jump                      10      8  2    20
Heal                       5      9       14
Bluff                      5     17       22
Sense Motive               5      9       14
Diplomacy                  5     17   2+2 26
Listen                    43      9   2   54
Swim                       1      8       9    
Balance                    5     11   2   17    
Use Magic Device (cc)      1     17   30  48 (+4 für Scrolls)
Knowledge planes (cc)      1      7       8
Handle Animal (cc)         1     17       18
Decipher Script (cc)       1      7       8
jeweils noch +1 luck bonus auf alle Skills

AC: 76 = 10(base) +8(DEX) +15(armor) +17(CHA statt WIS) +10(deflection) +5(monk bonus) +5(natural) +5(insight) +1(dodge)
touch 79, flat-footed 72

Attack:  BAB 23 (13 BAB +10 epic)
Full Attack +39/+39/+39/+39/+34/+29 +13(BAB), +1(haste) +10(epic bonus) +8(STR) +5(greater magic weapon) +1(competence) +1(weapon focus)
Damage: 2d10 +8(str)+5(greater magic weapon) (evtl. +2d6 holy +Arcane Strike + spell(touch oder ray))
Special Attacks: disarm 45 = +23 bab +8 STR +8 size(bracers) -4 light weapon +4 feat +1 competence +5 enhancement
Immunities: energy damage(any)(spell effect), mind affecting (spell effekt), poison (su),
Special qualities: tongues(su), freedeom of movement (item), haste (item), death ward(item), mettle(su), evasion(ex),Improved Uncanny Dodge(Ex),Immune to surprise(Ex)

1 Monk 1        Skill Focus (Knowledge Religion)
                 True Believer (human Bonus)(CD)
                 Stunning Fist (monk bonus)
 2 Monk 2        Deflect Arrows (Monk Bonus)
 3 Paladin 1     Ascetic Knight(CV)
 4 Paladin 2        
 5 Monk 3            
 6 Monk 4        Weapon Focus (unarmed strike)
                 Improved Disarm (monk bonus)
 7 Sorcerer 1        
 8 Sorcerer 2        
 9 Sorcerer 3    Ascetic Mage (CA)    
10 Monk 5        
11 Monk 6        
12 Monk 7        Combat Casting
13 Monk 8            
14 Monk 9          
15 Monk 10       Practised Spellcaster
16 Monk 11          
17 Monk 12          
18 Monk 13       Arcane Preparation
19 Monk 14        
20 Monk 15      
21 Monk 16       Exceptional Deflection(epic)
22 Monk 17          
23 P Templar 1    
24 Dv Oracle 1   Improved Ki Strike (epic)  
25 Dv Oracle 2      
26 Dv Oracle 3    
27 Dv Oracle 4   Reflect Arrows (epic)
28 Dv Oracle 5    
29 Dv Oracle 6  
30 Dv Oracle 7   Arcane Strike  
31 Dv Oracle 8  
32 Dv Oracle 9    
33 Dv Oracle 10  Holy Strike(epic)
34 Enl Fist 1      
35 Enl Fist 2    
36 Enl Fist 3    Quicken Spell    
37 Enl Fist 4    
38 Enl Fist 5      
39 Enl Fist 6    Empower Spell  
40 Enl Fist 7    Energy Substitution (Acid)

Specials + class featurs
(monk) Monk AC Bonus (Ex)
(monk) Unarmed Strike 2d10
(monk) Greater Flurry(Ex)
(monk) Stunning Fist 28/day Save DC: Fort. 38
(monk) Still mind (+2 vs. Enchantment spells)
(monk) Improved Evasion(Ex)
(monk) Fast Movement +80 ft(Ex)
(monk) Ki Strike - lawful, epic, holy, adamantit (Su)
(monk) slow fall 80 ft.(Ex)
(monk) Quivering Palm Save DC 26(SuS
(monk) Purity of body (immune to disease except magical oder su)(Ex)
(monk) Wholeness of body (may heal 34 hp/day)(Su)
(monk) Diamond body (immunity to poison)(Su)
(monk) Abundant step(Su)
(monk) Diamond soul (spell resistance 26)(Ex) (lächerlich, ich weiss)
(monk) Timeless Body (Ex)
(paladin) Aura of Good (Ex)
(paladin) Detect Evil (Su)
(paladin) Divine Grace (Su)
(paladin) Smite Evil (Su)
(paladin) Lay on Hands (Su)
(monk) Tongue of the Sun and Moon(Ex)
(divine oracle) Trap sense +3(Ex)
(divine oracle) Presience Sense(Ex)
(divine oracle) Scry bonus(Su)
(divine oracle) Improved Uncanny Dodge(Ex)
(divine oracle) Immune to surprise(Ex)
(pious templar) Mettle(Su)
(enlighted fist) Fist of energy (Su)
(enlighted fist) Arcane fist (burst)(Su)
(enlighted fist) Arcane rejuvenation(Su)
(enlighted fist) Hold ray(Ex)

Spells (Sorcerer):
wie Level 18 Sorcerer,
Casterlevel 23 (+4 practised Spellcaster, +1 ioun stone)
+2 to overcome spell resistance (Robe of the Archmagi)

Lv. per day  known
0   6 +0      9 light, detect magic, read magic, mending, message
1   6 +5      5 Shield,Ray of enfeeblement,True Strike,Magic Missile,
2   12+4      5 Wraithstrike, Scorcing Ray, Scent(CD), Summon Monster II,
3   6 +4      4 Vampiric Touch, Greater Magic Weapon, Blink, Heroism
4   12+3      4 Orb of Force, Orb of Electricity, Assay Resistance, Enervation
5   6 +3      4 Teleport, Wall of Force, Duelward (CA), Overland Flight
6   6 +3      3 Greater Dispel Magic,  True Seeing, Disintegrate
7   6 +3      3 Lesser Wish, Greater Arcane Sight, Energy Immunity(CA)
8   5 +3      2 Mindblank, Polar Ray
9   3 +3      1 Shapechange

Ausrüstung                           Wert            Item space
Bracers of Relentless Might          4,384,000       bracers
Ring of Epic Protection +10          2.000.000       Ring 1
Cloak of Epic Charisma +12           1.440.000       cloak
Amulett of natural armor +5             50.000       amulett
Belt of Magnificence +6 (MIH)          200.000       belt
Vest of Epic Resistance +10          1.000.000       vestment
Epic Robe of the Archmagi (white)    1.623.500       robe/armor (+15 AC)
Lenses of Spot +30                      90.000       goggles
Boots of Haste, continuous             120.000       boots
Headband mit deathward, continuous     112.000       headband
Ring of Spell Turning                   98,280       Ring 2
Inherent Bonus +5 * 6 = 137.500 *6     825.000       -
Ring: Freedom of Movement  2*40.000     80.000       -
Ring of Wizardry II 2*40.000            80.000       -
Ring of Counterspless 2*4.000            8.000       -
Ring of Counterspless 2*4.000            8.000       -
Ring of Counterspless 2*4.000            8.000       -
Stone of Good Luck +1                   20.000       -
Ioun stone +5 insight bonus to AC      125.000       -
Ioun stone pale green (+1 competence)   30.000       -
Ioun stone Iridescent (sustenance/air)  18.000       -
Ioun stone clear (sustenance/food+water) 4.000       -
Ioun stone orange (casterlevel +1)      30.000       -
Ioun Stone Dark blue (alertness)        10.000       -
Hevards handy haversack                  2.000       -
Gloves of UMD +30                       90.000       -
Ring of Concentration +20 (slotless)    80.000       -
Pearl of Power Grad 2                    4.000
Pearl of Power Grad 3                    9.000
Pearl of Power Grad 4                   16.000
Pearl of Power Grad 6                   36.000
Pearl of Power Grad 7                   49.000
Pearl of Power Grad 8                   64.000
Bag of Holding Type V                   10.000

6*wish 10*28.825                       172.950
10*time stop                            38.250
5*Absorption (CA)                       40.500
20*Rigtheous Might (CL 20)              25.000
5*Reverse Gravity                       11.375
20*Divine Agility (CL 20 , CD)          37.500
8*Renewal Pakt (CD)                     28.100
3*Unbinding (CD)                        11.475
8*Zealot Pakt (scroll, CD)              23.600
10*Dimensional Anchor                    7.000  
4*Transmute Rock to Mud                  4.500
4*Transmute Mud to Rock                  4.500  
8*permanency (CL 36,inkl. 2.500 XP )   136.000
10*stone shape                           7.000

Wand Consecrate                         11.250
Wand Divine Power (CL 20)               60.000
Wand Restoration                        26.000
Wand Greater Invisibility (CL 20)       60.000
Staff mit                              153.036
     Greater Spell Immunity
     Rigtheous Might

Mighty +15 composite longbow             2.000 (beides normalerweise im großen
120 große Pfeile mit Adamantititspitzen    800 Bag of Holding)
Holy adamantit Hellebarde +1            12.500

rod of Absorption                       50.000


Shapechange (Solar), 240 min.
Ac +20 (+21 natural -1 size)
Speed 130 ft, fly 230 ft. (good)
Attack: +6 (+7 STR -1 size)
Damage 2d10 wird zu 4d8, +15 statt +8
Special qualities: damage reduction 15/epic and evil, darkvision 60 ft., low light vision, regeneration 15(alles ausser epic and evil, sowie evil descriptor), immunity to acid, cold and petrification, resistance to enery and fire 10, spell resistance 32, alle geführten Waffen gelten als epic und good

Heroism, 240 min
+2 morale bonus on attack rolls, saves, and skill checks.

Divine Power, 20 Runden
BAB steigt um +7, damit ein Angriff/Runde mehr

Shield, 24 min.
+4 AC (shield bonus)


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« Antwort #5 am: 12. Dezember 2005, 21:41:33 »
 Ich muss sagen eure sc wirken alle sehr gut durchdacht und ziemlich stark. Schade das Vandania und gorin schon ausgeschieden sind.
Sieger der Epischen Herausforderung 2005


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« Antwort #6 am: 12. Dezember 2005, 22:35:53 »
 Ormon, die Seele der Gerechtigkeit

Spieler: Ghulstuhl   
Klasse: Menschlicher Monk2 / Paladin4/Swashbuckler3/Magier2 /
Enlighted Fist1 /Divine Crusader1 /
Sacred Fist5 / Pios Templar4 / Mystic Theurge4 / Enlighted Fist4 / Eldritch Knight2 / Divine Emissary6
Volk: Mensch
Typ: Outsider
Subtype: Native
Gesinnung: rechtschaffen gut
Stufe: 39 (37HD+2LA)
Erfahrungspunkte: 741.320
Alter: 25 Jahre
Geschlecht: männlich
Gottheit: Philosophie der mystischen Schnelligkeit
Größe: 165 cm
Gewicht: 65kg
Augenfarbe: Tiefschwarze
Haar: weiß & lang
Sprachen: Handelsprache

Base:   ST13 GE13 KO15 IN13 WE25  CH18 (+2KO,+2WE,+4CH Saint &+9WE (TW36) inbegriffen)
Mag   ST24(60) GE24 KO26(52) IN24 WE36(84) CH29(68)
TP: 8+18W10+10W8+6W4+2W6+37*11 = 8+99+45+15+7+296= 470 (KO52: 951) +1? temporär
Will +101 (Base+14,Episch+8,CH+29,WE+37,Resistenz+10,+1gg.Magie,Kompetenz+1,+2Moral)
Zäh +89 (Base+19,Episch+8,CH+29,KO+21,Resistenz+10,+1gg.Magie,Kompetenz+1,+2Moral)
1/Tag : Für 11 Runden einen +29 Luckbonus auf alle Rettungswürfe (Mysticism Domain)

Unbewaffneter Angriff +79/79/74/69/64 (GAB+27, WE+37, Waffenfoks+1, Enhancementbonus+7, Kompetenz+1,+3Luck,+1Hast,+2Moral)
Schaden 2W10+44 (25Stärke+7Intelligenz+7Enhancementbonus +3Luck +2 Waffenspezialisierung)
Epic Divine Might : +58 Schaden (2 Runden)
Divine Might : +29 Schaden 1(Runde)
Sacred Flames : +21 heiligen Schaden sowie 21 Feuerschaden (10 Runden)
Arkane Strike : +XW4 Schaden sowie +X Attack
Gg Böses : +3W6 +1W4 heiligen Schaden
Gg Menschen o. Mages : +2W6 Schaden
Smite : +34 Schaden / +4 o. 14 Attack
Zusätzliche Angriffe : Flurry of Blows (-2auf alle Attacks)
Zusätzliche Angriffe : Doomwarding Handschuhe (7Ladungen)

Escape Artist +39 (32R+7GE)
Concentration +61 (40R+21KO)
Knowledge Religion +47(40R+7IN)
Craft (Painting) +20 (13R+7IN)
Knowledge Arcane +41(34R+7IN)
Tumble +41 (32R+7GE)
Sense Motive +49 (13R+36WE)
Swim +17 (10R+7ST)
Spot +62 (26R+36WE)
Heal +41 (5R+36WE)
Spellcraft +57 (40R+7IN,misc+10)
Use Magic Device +44 (5R, +29CH, +10 Misc)


1 Hand         Rod of Greater Metamagic Quicken (170.000GM)
2 Hand          Rod of  Metamagic Quicken (75.500GM)
Kopf         Stirnreif der geistigen Macht (3*+6) (180.000GM)
Linsen         Totenschutzlinsen(112.000GM) (permanent Death Ward)
Umhang      Starmantle Cloak (132.000GM) (BoeD)
Amulett         Retributive Amulett der natürlichen Rüstung+5 und Schutz+5(256.000GM)(BoeD)
Rüstung      Hemd der Rüstung+5 des mächtigen Bollwerks (100.000GM)
Robe         Robe der Zauberresistenz 66 (5.400.000GM)         
Weste         Resistenzweste+10 (1.000.000GM)
Armschienen      Armschienen der körperlichen Macht+(3*6) (180.000GM)
Handschuhe      Magebane Humanbane Spellblade (Greater Dispell Magic) Sure Striking Holy Doomwarding  Handschuhe der mächtigen natürlichen Waffen+5  644.500GM)
Ring1         Wizards(6th Level) Ring der Feuer/Schall immunität (1520.000GM)
Ring2         Ring of Wizardry (5th Level) (250.000GM)
Ring3         Slottless Ring of Wizardry(4th Level) (200.000GM)
Ring4         Slottes Ring of Arcane Might (40.000GM) (CA)
Ring5         Slottless Ring of Wizardry(3) (140.000GM)
Ring6         Slottless Ring of Wizardry(2) (80.000GM)
Ring7         Slottless Ring of permanent Divine Favor (4*9*1*2000 =72.000GM)
Ring8         Slottless Ring of permanent Freedom of Movement (1,5*2*7*4 = 84.000GM)
Ring9         Slottless Ring of permanent Mind Blank (0,5*2*8*15* = 120.000GM)
Ring10         Slotless Ring of Spellturning (184.560GM)
Ring11         Slottless Ring of permanent Heroism (2*5*3*2000 = 60.000GM)
Ring12         Slottless Ring of permanent Displacement (4*5*3*2000 = 120.000GM)
Ring13         Slottless Ring of Spellcraft+10 (20.000GM)
Ring14          Slottes Ring of Use Magic Device+10 (20.000GM)
Ring15         Slottless Ring of Permanent Feather Fall (4.400GM)
Gürtel         Mönchsgürtel der Hast (2*13.000 + 4*9*3*2000 = 80.000GM)
Stiefel         Stiefel des Fliegens (3*5*2*2=60.000GM)

Sonstige Ausrüstung

-Ionenstein : Pearly white (20.000GM)
- Ionenstein : Palegreen (30.000GM)
- Ionenstein : Orange (30.000GM)
- Ionenstein : Clear (4.000GM)
- Ionenstein : Iridescent (18.000GM)
- 5 Ringe der drei Wünsche (12/15 Ladungen)
-Iron Bands of Binding (26.000GM)
-handy haversack (2.000GM)
-Epische Zauberentwickelung (1.540.000 GM)
-Fokus für Contingency (1.500GM)
-Staff mit Heal, Righteous Might und Divine Power (50Ladungen)(CL15) (66093GM)
-20 Meterialkomponenten für “True Seeing”
-Scrolls : 30*Greater Planar Ally (165.000GM)
-5*Scrolls : Colossal forcegcage (25.000GM)
-Gold im Wert von (14*1000)(für einen Planetar (17 Tage))*30 = 420.000GM
-1Schriftrolle : Wish

Geldmittel : 13.996.753 ausgegeben

Rünstungsklasse: 64 (10 WE+13 Insight Bonus(WE)+13 Geschicklichkeit +7 Mönch+4+5Rüstung+5natürlich+5Ablenkung+2Sacred); Touch 54, Flatfooted 57
Gebuffte Rüstungsklasse : 163 (10 + 37 Weisheit +37 innere Weisheit + 51 Rüstung +7Geschicklichkeit+4Mönch+5natürlich+5Ablenkung+2Sacred+4Schild+1Hast)
Touch 103, Flatfooted 156

Initiative:+11(+7GE+4Improved Initiative)
Bewegungsrate: 18m (9m+9m Monk)

Talente: 1. Nymph`s Kiss 1. Stufe Waffenfokus (Unbewaffneter Angriff) 1. Verbesserter unbewaffneter Angriff 1. Betäubender Schlag 2. Kampfreflexe 3.Heftiger Angriff  6. Ascetic Knight 7. Waffenfinesse 9. Im Kampf zaubern 10. Schriftrolle herstellen 12. True Believer 15. Initual Attack 18. Sanctify Natural Attack  Eldritch Knight : Arkaner Schlag, Pios Templar Divine Might, Waffenspezialisierung (Unbewaffneter Angriff), Wunsch Schnell zaubern, Divine Crusader : Improved Initiative (Time Domain)
Epische Talente : Great Smiting (21), Epic Spellcasting (24), Multispell(1)(27),Tenacios Magic (Stärke der Gerechtigkeit)(30),Tencacios Magic (Innere Erleuchtung)(33),Tenacios Magic (Aura des Unbändigen)(36), Epic Divine Might(37B)                                                                                                          

Besondere Fähigkeiten:
AC-Bonus+4(2Sacred Fist, 2Monk)
Erhöhter unbewaffneter Schaden  2W10 (Pal4+Monk2+Enlighted Fist4+Sacred Fist5+Monks Belt5)
Betäubender Schlag (16/Tag, SG 67)
Schlaghagel (-2)
Aura des Guten
Böses entdecken
Böses niederstrecken 1/Tag (+27Attack,+32Dmg)
Göttliche Würde
Hände auflegen (36TP)
Aura des Mutes
Göttliche Gesundheit
Untote  vertreiben (32/Tag)
Insightful Strike
Vertrauter (Wiesel)
Sacred Flames 1/Tag
Schadensreduzierung 1/-
Fist of Energy (Elekrizität)

Smite 4/Tag (Angriff+4, Schaden+32)
Bonusdomäne (Mysticism)
Divine Inspiration 2/Tag
Greater Planar Ally 1/Tag
Holy Power (+2 auf alle SG`s die es gibt)(Su)
Holy Touch
Spelll-Like Abilities
Schadensreduzierung 10/Böses
Schnelle Heilung10
Immunität gegen [Kälte, Elektrizität, Säure, Versteinerung],
Protective Aura
Resistance (Poison)+4
Permanent Zungen (CL14)

Arkane Zauber

Casterlevel : 19 (W2+EF3+MT4+EK1+DE6+Ring1+Ionenstein1+Tatoe1)
Faktoren : Assay Resistence (+10 auf Spellresistance durchdringen)
   Lower Spell Resistance : (-15SR)
   Spell Enhancer (+2Casterlevel)

Wirkbar pro Tag : [4/6/12/12/12/10/8/4/2]
Bekannte Zauber
0 Alle
1 True Strike, Schild, Ray of Enfeeblement, Protection from Chaos
2 Wraith Strike, False Life, Create Magic Tattoo, Blindsight
3 Vampric Touch
4 Orb of Force,  Spell Enhancer, Assay Resistance, Lower Spell Resistance, Demensionstür
5 Touch of Adamantine, Summon Monster5, Wall of Force
6 True Seeing, Illusory Pit, Greater Dispell Magic
7 Emerald Flame Fist, Greater Teleport
8 Irrestible Dance


Grad1 : 4*Truke Strike, 2*Shield
Grad2 : 9*Wraith Strike, 1*Create Magic Tattoe, 1*Blindsight,1*False Life
Grad3 : 12*Vampiric Touch
Grad4 : Orb of Force 8, Assay Resistance2, Spell Enhancer*2
Grad5: 10*Quickened True Strike
Grad6: True Seeing*3, Antimagic Field*2, Greater Dispell Magic*3
Grad7: Emerald FlameFist*1, Greater Teleport*2, Antimagic Aura*1
Grad8: 2*Quickend Orb of Force

Göttliche Zauber

Casterlevel : 11 (DC1+SF4+MT4+Ionenstein1+1Tattoe)

Grad1 True Strike 7/Tag
Grad2 Gentle Repose 6/Tag
Grad3 Haste 6/Tag
Grad4 Freedom of Movement 6/Tag
Grad5 Permanceny 6/Tag
Grad6 Contigincy 4/Tag
Grad7 Moment of Prescience 4/Tag
Grad8 Foresight 3/Tag
Grad9 Time Stop 2/Tag

Epische Zauber

[Maximal 4 Participants bei Ritualen]
[4 Slots]

Innere Erleuchtung

Spellcraft DC: 26
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 11 minutes and 6 days
Range: Touch
Target: Personal
Duration: 120 hours
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
To Develop: 234.000 gp; 6 days; 9360 XP. Seed: Fortify(DC 17). Factor: +53 additional enhancement bonus (+106 DC).Increased Duration : +400%(+8DC) (Backslash 3W6 (-3DC). Increased Casting Time : 10 Minutes (-20DC) & 6days (-12DC) Target : Personal (-2DC). 4 Participans using a 9th Spell. (-68DC)

Dieser Zauber bringt Ormon einen Verbesserungsbonus von +54 auf Weisheit.

Epische Magierrüstung

Conjuration (Creation) [Force]
Spellcraft DC: 14
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 11 minutes
Range: Touch
Target: Personal
Duration: 24 hours (D)
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
To Develop: 126.000 gp; 3 days; 5040 XP. Seed: armor (DC 14). Factor: +47 additional armor bonus (+94 DC).Backslash 4W6 (-4DC). Increased Casting Time : 10 Minutes (-20DC).  Target : Personal (-2DC). 4 Participans using a 9th Spell. (-68DC)

An invisible but tangible field of force surrounds the subject of epic mage armor, providing a +51 armor bonus to Armor Class. Unlike mundane armor, epic mage armor entails no armor check penalty, arcane spell failure chance, or speed reduction. Because epic mage armor is made of force, incorporeal creatures can’t bypass it the way they do normal armor.

Magie lebt in mir

Spellcraft DC: 15
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 11 minutes and 100 days
Range: Touch
Target or Effect: Personal
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes
To Develop: 135,000 gp; 3 days; 5400 XP. Seed: Ward  (DC14) . Factor : Negate Antimagic Field (+10DC), Negate Antimagic Aura,(+12DC)Permanent (*5DC), Gain +6 on casterlevel checks to beat dispell check (+12DC). Increasead Casting Time 10 Minutes & 100 days (-220DC), Target Personal (-2DC), Backlsash Damage 3d6 (-3DC)

Dieser Zauber schützt Ormon permanent vor den Effekten von antimagischen Felder  und Auren.

Göttliche Abhärtung

Spellcraft DC: 18
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 11 minutes
Range: Touch
Target: Personal
Duration: 100 hours
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
To Develop: 162.000 gp; 4 days; 6480 XP. Seed: Fortify(DC 17). Factor: +31 additional enhancement bonus (+62 DC)+10 to beat Dispell Check(+20DC,Backslash 3W6 (-3DC), Increased Duration by 400% (+8DC). Increased Casting Time : 10 Minutes (-20DC) Target : Personal (-2DC). 4 Participans using a 9th Spell. (-68DC)

Dieser Zauber verleiht Ormon einen Verbesserungsbonus von +32 auf Konstitution.

Stärke der Gerechtigkeit

Spellcraft DC: 18
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 11 minutes
Range: Touch
Target: Personal
Duration: 100 hours
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
To Develop: 162.000 gp; 4 days; 6480 XP. Seed: Fortify(DC 17). Factor: +41 additional enhancement bonus (+82 DC), Increased Duration by 400% (+8DC). Increased Casting Time : 10 Minutes (-20DC) Target : Personal (-2DC). 4 Participans using a 9th Spell. (-68DC)

Dieser Zauber verleiht Ormon einen Verbesserungsbonus von +42 auf Stärke.

Aura des Unbändigen

Spellcraft DC: 22
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 11 minutes
Range: Touch
Target: Personal
Duration: 100 hours
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
To Develop: 198.000 gp; 4 days; 7920 XP. Seed: Fortify(DC 17). Factor: +44 additional enhancement bonus (+92 DC),Backslash 3W6 (-3DC), Increased Duration by 400% (+8DC). Increased Casting Time : 10 Minutes (-20DC) Target : Personal (-2DC). 4 Participans using a 9th Spell. (-68DC)

Dieser Zauber verleiht Ormon einen Verbesserungsbonus von +45 auf Charisma.

Rückkehr zur Perfektion

Conjuration (Healing)
Spellcraft DC: 50
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Target: Personal
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Yes (harmless; see text)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
To Develop : 450.000gp; 8days, 18000 XP Seed : Heal (DC25). Factor : Restore permanently drained ability score points (+6DC), Dispell negative Levels (+2DC), 1 action casting time (+20DC), Target : Personal (-2DC), 1d6 Backslash (-1DC)

This spell channels positive energy into a creature to wipe away disease and injury. Itl completely cures all diseases, blindness, deafness, hit point damage, and temporary as well as permanently drained ability damage. It  neutralizes poisons in the subject’s system so that no additional damage or effects are suffered. It offsets feeblemindedness and cures mental disorders caused by spells or injury to the brain. It dispels all magical effects penalizing the character’s abilities, including effects caused by spells, even epic spells developed with the afflict seed. It does not restore levels or Constitution points lost due to death. It  dispells all negative levels afflicting the target. This reverses level drains by a force or creature. The drained levels are restored only if the creature lost the levels within the last 20 weeks.

Zusammengefasste Kosten zur Entwickelung:-58680 XP (davon 2000 zur Wirkung des Zaubers „Magie lebt in mir“)
-1.459.000 GM
We have to defend ourselves too, and right now, that means beeing anywhere else.


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Die epische Herausforderung Charaktergalerie
« Antwort #7 am: 12. Dezember 2005, 22:54:05 »
 @ghulstuhl: wie hast du das problem mit dem backlash damage gelöst? sind ja immerhin 13w6 pro runde.
Sieger der Epischen Herausforderung 2005


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« Antwort #8 am: 12. Dezember 2005, 23:09:52 »
Zitat von: "Neo"
@ghulstuhl: wie hast du das problem mit dem backlash damage gelöst? sind ja immerhin 13w6 pro runde.
Ich tippe mal auf Fast healing, obwohl ich die paar Punkte Backlash nicht genommen hätte...


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« Antwort #9 am: 13. Dezember 2005, 11:29:13 »
 Ziemlich geniale Zauber dabei, hola, die ziehen ganz schön rein! Ich muss Neo nur zustimmen, alle Charaktere sind auf ihre Weise extrem stark!

Auf den Backlash Kram hab ich von vorn herein verzichtet, aber ich hätte die Duration noch erhöhen sollen  :D

Aber eine Frage hätte ich dann noch: Gibt es einen Charakter, der gegen den Solar angetreten ist? Irgendwie sind alle bisherigen Charaktere gut...
Epische Herausforderung 2005: Mittendrin statt nur dabei!

Playing 4E? Fix the Pixies first!


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« Antwort #10 am: 13. Dezember 2005, 11:49:33 »
 Rizzen spielt nen Red Wizard, er hat den Solar gekillt.
Bitte folgenden Link beachten: Forenrichtlinien[/url]


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« Antwort #11 am: 13. Dezember 2005, 12:17:53 »
 Na, dann immerhin einer :)

@Schwarzie: Stell doch deinen Char auch noch mal hier rein. Der Übersicht halber...
Epische Herausforderung 2005: Mittendrin statt nur dabei!

Playing 4E? Fix the Pixies first!


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« Antwort #12 am: 13. Dezember 2005, 13:52:28 »
 Heilige Zwergenaxt...was für chars!

Das nächste Mal will ich unbedingt mitmachen!
Für die Welt bis du irgendjemand, für irgendjemand bist du die Welt.

Tempus Fugit

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« Antwort #13 am: 13. Dezember 2005, 18:37:28 »
 Der nächste Contest kommt erst im neuen Jahr, ES wird eingeschränkter sein und Nicht-Zauberer werden die besseren Chancen haben. Jene Herausforderung wird Level 50 sein, aber ich brauche noch ein paar Tage (min. 2 Monate) um das zu entwickeln.  :)  
Übermensch, weil Rollenspieler


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« Antwort #14 am: 13. Dezember 2005, 22:40:09 »
 für die nächste challenge werde ich wohl einen druiden spielen...
Sieger der Epischen Herausforderung 2005