
Systemübergreifend / Systemunabhängig => Conventions, Messen, Spielgelegenheiten (z.B. D&D/Pathfinder-Events) => Thema gestartet von: Amurayi am 29. August 2009, 14:09:40

Titel: LFR auf der DraCon 6: 05.- 06.09.2009
Beitrag von: Amurayi am 29. August 2009, 14:09:40
DraCon 6 in Ober-Olm

6. Rollenspielcon des Zeitreisen e.V vom 05.09. ab 11:00 bis zum 06.09. bis 18:00. Geboten werden: diverse Pen & Paper Runden (u.a. D&D Living Forgotten Realms), warmes Essen und Getränke im Bistro, kostenloser Schlafplatz, Bücherflohmarkt, Frühstück für Übernachter, InTime Taverne, Teezelt und vieles mehr...

Natürlich finden hier wieder Living Forgotten Realms Runden statt.
Es werden noch Spielleiter gesucht! Bitte bei mir melden, wer eine Runde leiten möchte.

Neben den regulären Runden möchte ich auf zwei Highlights hinweisen:

Wir bieten das aktuelle SPECIAL Abenteuer "SPEC 1-3 Ghosts of the Past" an. Dieses Abenteuer wird es erstmals in LFR auf drei verschiedenen Stufenbereichen geben, also Stufe 4-7 und 7-10 und 11-14. Die Abenteuer sind unabhängig voneinander spielbar und wir bieten dies deswegen auch zu verschiedenen Zieten an. Die Abenteuer sind als reine Dungeoncrawls angelegt (ihr wurdet gewarnt!).

Ausserdem gibt es als Spätabend-Runde "ADCP1-1 Jungle Hunt". Dies ist das erste Abenteuer, bei dem min. 4 Spieler in der Runde sich als "Adventuring Company" (Gilden, Häuser, oder wie immer ihr es nennen wollt) zusammenschliessen, um in den Dschungel auf Großwild Jagd zu gehen. Das Abenteuer wird ähnlich wie das Special in 3 Stufenbereichen angeboten. Wer zu so später Stunde noch auf dem DraCon ist, sollte also mal diverse Charaktere bereit halten. Wir sehen dann vor Ort auf welchem Stufenbereich wir es anbieten. Sollten sich im Vorfeld bereits Adventuring Companys als geschlossene Gruppen (min. 4 Teilnehmer) daran teilnehmen wollen, bitte ich um kurze Rückmeldung.

Liste der geplanten Abenteuer:

ADCP1-1 Jungle Hunt (lvl 1-14) (Living Forgotten Realms - D&D 4e)
By Paige Leitman and Dave Brainard. A great hunt has been called in the jungles of Chult. The Amnian trading costers of Port Nyranzaru are competing to see which one can bring in the biggest, rarest beasts as trophies, and they’re looking for adventuring companies to do the hunting. Are you and your companions up to the challenge? A Living Forgotten Realms adventure set in Chult for characters levels 1-14. Important Note: At least four of the characters in the party must be members of the same Adventuring Company in order to play this adventure, and all of the characters must be within a single level band (1-4, 4-7, 7-10, or 11-14). This event may only be run at Wizards Play Network (WPN) Public Play events. It is not available for Private Play.

CORE1-13 The fate of Camp 15 (lvl 1-4) (Living Forgotten Realms - D&D 4e)

EAST1-5 Mole Hunt (lvl 4-7) (Living Forgotten Realms - D&D 4e)
By Jeanette D. Martin. You have been tasked to travel through the Chondalwood in an attempt to retrieve a doppelganger spy working for the dwarves of Eartheart. However, any task involving a doppelganger is sure to have its complications… A Living Forgotten Realms adventure set in the East Rift for characters levels 4-7.

IMPI1-5 How to Hunt a Demon (lvl 4-7) (Living Forgotten Realms - D&D 4e)
By Finn Kisch. Rumor has it that demon-hunting brings rich rewards in the city of Lyrabar. When unforeseen events befall the adventurers, will they become hunters—or hunted? A Living Forgotten Realms adventure set in Impiltur for characters levels 4-7.

TYMA1-1 Elder Wisdom (lvl 1-4 ) (Living Forgotten Realms - D&D 4e)
By Jeff Hertel. A frontier village on the outskirts of Tymanther needs help with a reconnaissance mission. The dragonborn do not often look to outsiders, so this is a good chance to learn about the fate of Unther… and to meet the new neighbors. A Living Forgotten Realms adventure set in Tymanther for characters levels 1-4.

MOON1-5 Lost Love (lvl 7-10) (Living Forgotten Realms - D&D 4e)
By Mick Hand. Moonshadow, an old eladrin adventurer, has been missing for years. Though long enough to be forgotten by man, an eladrin’s life is much longer than most. An old love seeks to learn his fate. This adventure begins or continues the Fey Gates of the Sea of Swords major quest that started in BALD1-5 Lost Refuge. A Living Forgotten Realms adventure set in The Moonshae Isles for characters levels 7-10.

SPEC1-3 Ghosts of the Past: Siren’s Lure (lvl 7-10) (Living Forgotten Realms - D&D 4e)
By Joe Fitzgerald. Every year coronal Ilsevele Miritar, ruler of Myth Drannor, hires a group of adventurers to clean up one of the many dangerous ruins within her forest kingdom. This year she is looking for several groups. What ghosts of the past have forced the eladrin to seek outside help and abandon their cautious ways? A Living Forgotten Realms Core Special adventure set in Myth Drannor for characters levels 7 - 10.

SPEC1-3 Ghosts of the Past: Windsong Tower (lvl 4-7) (Living Forgotten Realms - D&D 4e)
By Brad Gardner. Every year, coronal Ilsevele Miritar, ruler of Myth Drannor, hires a group of adventurers to clean up one of the many dangerous ruins within her forest kingdom. This year she has reached out to several groups. What could have forced the eladrin to seek outside help and abandon their cautious ways? A Living Forgotten Realms adventure set in Myth Drannor for character levels 4 - 7.

SPEC1-3 Ghosts of the Past: Dark Portal (lvl 11-14) (Living Forgotten Realms - D&D 4e)
Every year, coronal Ilsevele Miritar, ruler of Myth Drannor, hires a group of adventurers to clean up one of the many dangerous ruins within her forest kingdom. This year she has reached out to several groups. What could have forced the eladrin to seek outside help and abandon their cautious ways? A Living Forgotten Realms adventure set in Myth Drannor for character levels 11 - 14.

WATE1-5 Lost in the Fog (lvl 1-4) (Living Forgotten Realms - D&D 4e)
By Timothy Bailey. As a deep fog blankets the Crown of the North, a fish gifts the adventurers with the chance to do a good deed. Returning lost property seems like an easy task. A Living Forgotten

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Wir freuen uns auf euch!

Matthias Schäfer
Living Forgotten Realms Admin
Northern Europe