
D&D / d20 => Kampagnenwelten => Thema gestartet von: kikai am 17. März 2005, 09:02:06

Titel: Neuigkeiten zur 2nd Ed. WarCraft RPG
Beitrag von: kikai am 17. März 2005, 09:02:06
 Luke Johnson, einer der Entwickler der zweiten Auflage von WarCraft RPG schreibt folgende News zur 2nd Ed.  offiziellen Warcraft-Forum:

Original von Luke Johnson:
Hey hey!

The new Sword & Sorcery Insider is out. It includes two previews for the new World of Warcraft RPG book: the paladin and the Forsaken. (Keep in mind that these were excerpted from the working manuscript, and they may not perfectly reflect the polished versions you'll see in the book - for example, the paladin has mana points, and we did away with mana points during development.)

You can find it here:


