Autor Thema: Aetherspinne  (Gelesen 681 mal)


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« am: 04. Februar 2008, 11:31:48 »
Für Etherworld brauchen wir ein paar neue Kreaturen. Deshalb versuche ich mich hier mal an der Kreation eines kleinen, recht harmlosen aber äusserst wichtigen kleinen Viehs: Der Aetherspinne, Quelle der Aetherseide.

Tiny Magical Beast
HD: 1d10 (5)
Initiative: +3
Speed: 20 ft.
AC: 16 (+2 Dex, +2 natural, +2 size)
Base attack/Grapple: +1/-11
Attack: Bite +4, 1d3-4 + Poison
Special Attacks: Poison, Spell-like abilities
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, ethervision, ethersail
Saves: FORT+2, REF +5, Will +0
Attributes: STR 3 (-4), DEX 16 (+3), CON 10 (+0), INT 3 (-4), WIS 12 (+1), CHA 12 (+1) (+0)
Skills: Hide +15*, Listen +5*, Craft: Weaving +2 (+7)*
Feats: Weapon Finesse
*Etherspiders have +4 racial boni on Hide and Listen checks, as well as Craft: weaving checks when producing ethersails.

Poison(Ex): Fort Save DC 11, Initial and secondary damage: Dazed and 1d4 wisdom damage
Ethervision (Ex): An Etherspider has double the normal range of vision on the ethereal plane. Under normal conditions this is 120ft. instead of 60ft.
Spell-like abilities: CL1, 1/day:Obscuring Mist
Ether sail: Etherspiders use sails made from silky thread to move around on the ethereal plane. Producing a sail takes ten minutes of full concentration from the spider and a Craft: Weaving check with a DC of 15.
The ether sail allows the spider to "fly" on the ethereal plane with a speed of 40ft. and a maneuverability of average.
The sail is suspended on a long, thin, but quite stable thread. The spider can let go of the thread and the sail as a free action. This thread can be sundered, it has 4 HP and a break DC of 24, like a silk rope.

Wäre ein CR von 1 angemessen? Was müsste man noch ändern?
Wenn man davorkniet sieht alles grossartig aus.