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« am: 05. Juni 2008, 15:12:48 »
Erste Infos über den Forgotten Realms Campaign Guide gibt es hier:


August: Forgotten Realms Campaign Guide
"Learn ye well the lesson of the pebble that begets a landslide. Likewise a single betrayal unleashed the Spellplague, whose consequences yet dance and stagger across Toril, and beyond."
-- Elminster of Shadowdale
Year of the Ageless One (1479 DR)

The grime of centuries shrouds the hoary old book. Undeterred, you brush away the offending detritus. The smell of dust sharpens the air and hazes the light. A flip through the crackling pages reveals colorful sigils and ancient maps. Your breath catches with realization: You clutch a tome of unique oracular insight that details the length, breadth, and depths of Toril.

The first 4th Edition campaign setting releases later this summer, with a new look at the Forgotten Realms. If you've read the previews, you'll know by now that major changes have affected the Realms: starting with the Spellplague and the 100-year advancement of the timeline. Two books chart the Forgotten Realms: the Campaign Guide (August), and Player's Guide (September). The Campaign Guide contains the following, which are designed to provide DMs with information they can use to run adventures set in the Forgotten Realms:

Chapter 1: The Gray Vale. This chapter contains everything you need to start adventuring in the Realms right away. It provides a campaign starting point, complete with an opening encounter to draw together player characters. Here you'll find the town of Loudwater, detailing important personalities, plots, and rumors, and several dungeon and urban encounters.

Chapter 2: Adventure in the Realms. A toolkit containing useful information for DMs. This chapter offers advice on adjusting a campaign to the current timeline, more about the history of the world, and ways to add a bit of Realms flavor to your game.

Chapter 3: Magic and Fantastic Features. The changed landscape of Toril is described in this chapter. It also contains information about storied magic items and mighty rituals around which to build thrilling adventures.

Chapter 4: Cosmology. More information about the new planar arrangement and its effects on the world.

Chapter 5: Pantheon. This chapter details the new order among the gods and other powerful entities.

Chapter 6: Lands of the Realms. This chapter is more than just a travelogue of Toril. Each entry contains interesting locales and story elements to help you create your own distinct campaign.

Chapter 7: Threats. A new world faces new dangers -- and some old ones that yet threaten. Here are descriptions of dangerous organizations and bizarre new monsters.

 That's a breakdown of the book's contents. For a look at the information presented within the Guide, here's a preview of the Realms Glossary:

Language is a living, changing thing. Using some of the following words during play is a great way to add color to roleplaying. This section is a crash course on how to use “Realmspeak.” These words can help set the mood during encounters, but there’s no need to try all of them, or use any that seem to break the mood. Overuse of dialect or invented words is clumsy, but you can bring the Realms to life by sprinkling in isolated words and phrases from those below, or by inventing words whose context makes their meanings clear. Most of these terms are in Common. Those from other languages are so identified.

changelands: A generic term for a piece of terrain that clearly doesn't fit in with the surrounding terrain, likely due to the Spellplague.
earthmote: A floating chunk of landscape hanging in the sky.
earth node: A place where magical power is concentrated.
Faerie: another name for the Feywild.
forestmote: An earthmote covered with forest.
gulletfire: bad beer or wine.
hawksnarl: A man who’s always yelling or blustering, or is nastier or more aggressive than prudent or necessary (more strongly: “a real hawksnarl”).
mythal: A permanent, site-based enchantment of powerful fey magic.
plagueland: A generic term describing anyplace where active Spellplague yet burns.
plaguechanged: The term for creatures touched by the first wave of Spellplague in the Year of Blue Fire; usually horrible monsters.
Plaguewrought Land, the: A specific location, the largest plagueland in Faerûn. prairiemote: An earthmote covered in tall grass.
Returned Abeir: The continent that was fused to Toril west of the Trackless Sea.
scorchkettle: A woman who delivers impressively blistering words to someone in public; see also “hawksnarl.”
sellsword: A well-established or veteran mercenary, or one of impressive reputation.
Spellplague, the: The event in 1385 DR resulting from Mystra’s death that altered magic and the world forever.
spellscar: A brand of blue fire that grants an ability, usually beneficial, but with some negative aspect.
spellscarred: The term for a creature (usually humanoid) touched by later, less virulent strains of the Spellplague and possessing a spellscar.
throatslake: Anything drinkable that takes care of thirst and doesn’t cause illness in doing so, but isn’t particularly pleasant.
watermote: An earthmote that contains a large water feature.
Weave, the: A term for magic; once used to mean magic mediated by Mystra.
Planen ist alles, Pläne sind nichts.


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  • Pathfinder-Übersetzungsteam
    • Zanan's at the Gates
« Antwort #1 am: 08. Juni 2008, 00:43:17 »
Ein Buch, was wohl nur der Vollständigkeit halber in meinem Schrank stehen wird. Hat ungefähr das Gefühl, als ob man bislang aus der Bibel las und diese im Regal stehen hatte und nun jemand den Koran hinstellt und einem erklärt, daß die Bibel alt und nichtig und der Koran das Non-plus-ultra sei.

PS: Nicht gegen eines der Werke ... von denen keines in meinem* Schrank steht. Geht nur ums Verständnis.

*Wir haben aber noch andere Schränke im Haus  :wink:
Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think. Then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.


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« Antwort #2 am: 08. Juni 2008, 00:45:16 »
Wo bleibt da die Tora in deiner Aufzählung du Antisemit. Wenn das der ZdJ wüsste.
Die Wissenschaft nötigt uns, den Glauben an einfache Kausalitäten aufzugeben.
- Friedrich

Fabius Maximus

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« Antwort #3 am: 08. Juni 2008, 03:08:06 »
Zitat von: "TheRaven"
Wo bleibt da die Tora in deiner Aufzählung du Antisemit. Wenn das der ZdJ wüsste.

Wieso? Die Thora ist doch mit dem AT identisch. Ist also enthalten.  :P
Stolzes Mitglied der Psionik-Liga.


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  • Pathfinder-Übersetzungsteam
    • Zanan's at the Gates
« Antwort #4 am: 08. Juni 2008, 10:12:19 »
Zitat von: "TheRaven"
Wo bleibt da die Tora in deiner Aufzählung du Antisemit. Wenn das der ZdJ wüsste.

Mir fiel der Name gerade nicht ein. BTW, die die mich kennen wissen, daß ich für keine monotheistische Religion etwas übrig habe.
Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think. Then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.


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« Antwort #5 am: 08. Juni 2008, 10:32:24 »
Zitat von: "Fabius Maximus"
Zitat von: "TheRaven"
Wo bleibt da die Tora in deiner Aufzählung du Antisemit. Wenn das der ZdJ wüsste.

Wieso? Die Thora ist doch mit dem AT identisch. Ist also enthalten.  :P

Raven meint sich das TaNaK...
In diesem Thread gibt es wunderbare Beispiele, dass Schulpflicht und Dummheit sich nicht ausschließen. (Tempus Fugit)

4E Archoangel - Love me or leave me!

Fabius Maximus

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« Antwort #6 am: 08. Juni 2008, 16:22:45 »
Zitat von: "Archoangel"
Zitat von: "Fabius Maximus"
Zitat von: "TheRaven"
Wo bleibt da die Tora in deiner Aufzählung du Antisemit. Wenn das der ZdJ wüsste.

Wieso? Die Thora ist doch mit dem AT identisch. Ist also enthalten.  :P

Raven meint sich das TaNaK...

Stolzes Mitglied der Psionik-Liga.