Autor Thema: [3.5] Cormyr - Tearing of the Weave  (Gelesen 2623 mal)


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[3.5] Cormyr - Tearing of the Weave
« am: 11. Januar 2010, 18:05:54 »
Als Teil meiner 3.5 Kampagne in Ptolu' Salem leite ich gerade das WotC Abenteuer Cormyr - Tearing of the Weave. Da die Kampagne auf Greyhawk spielt, habe ich alles VR-spezifische Material abgeändert. Da es aber in einem (von mir eigens für die Kampagne entworfenen) Subkontinent Greyhawks spielt, der nicht auf irgendeiner offiziellen Karte verzeichnet ist, konnte ich das Örtchen Wheloon übernehmen.

Kurz zu den Charakteren (in Klammern die Nicks von Leuten soweit diese im Gate vertreten sind).

1. Glorin, ein Zwergenkämpfer
2. Lovis, Beschwörer, Mensch (gespielt von Talwyn)
3. Tutegal, ein Kleriker von Boccob [basiert auf der ungarischen Komikfigur in Hófehér]
4. Mookie, ein Shadowcaster aus dem Volk der Goblins (gespielt von Coldwyn)
5. Mork, Barde, Mensch
6. Gaijin, Mönch, Mensch
7. Tealeaf, Halblingschurke
8. Aletheia, Waldläuferin, Mensch

Die Vorgeschichte der Gruppe, die sich Monkey Business nennt, ist recht verworren. Zum Zeitpunkt, wo das Abenteuer "Cormyr" beginnt, konnte die Gruppe bereits den Baron von Orindale [südl. von Wheloon] aus den Klauen der Orks befreien, und tragen seither das Ehrenabzeichen der Barons' League, eine Vereinigung der fünf Baronien im Norden. Den Baronien steht ein Krieg mit den Orks bevor. Die Gruppe hat gerade eine Lieferung Eisen von Orindale nach Wheloon vorgenommen, als das Abenteuer einsetzt.

Den ersten Teil des Abenteuers, eine reine Rollenspielsitzung ohne eine Kampfszene, wird durch mein Spielerhandout damals zusammengefasst (grafisch sehr viel gespickt von Paizo). Die Handlung dieses Abenteuerteils (SPOILER!) ist ja, das ein Tempel von Boccob (FR: Mystra) aufmacht, der nicht ganz koscher ist.

War es mir noch in der ersten Sitzung gelungen, alle Spieler - sogar den Kleriker von Boccob unter den SC - durch meinen NSC Shan Tar zu überzeugen, dass mit dem Tempel alles in Ordnung ist, wurde die Gruppe zu Beginn der zweiten Sitzung durch die Unterrednung mit einem reisenden Boccobkleriker, Thendrik, vom Gegenteil überzeugt. Daraufhin haben sie ihren Verbindungsmann in Wheloon, Constable Thall, nach einigem hin und her überzeugt, dass sie sich den Tempel vornehmen und sich dafür ein paar Männer aus der örtlichen Garnison "entleihen". Durch einen Sprachfehler Thalls haben sie die Bereitstellung von "two dozens of men" als "two thousands of men" missverstanden; die anschließende Enttäuschung der SC, nachdem sich das Missverständnis aufgeklärt hat, hat Thall wettgemacht, indem er den SC zusätzlich ein Katapult geliehen hat. Für die Battlemap später hatte ich das hier:

Was im Anschluss passiert ist, habe ich als Spielleiter wohl nicht besser verdient. :D Einer meiner Spieler hat das (den Rest der Sitzung) später aus der Warte eines Wachmannes von Wheloon zusammengefasst, der aus sicherer Distanz die nächtliche "Belagerung" des Tempels nachverfolgen konnte. Da wir eine englisch-sprachige Gruppe sind, ist das auf Englisch geschrieben.

Ich habe mich entschlossen, das ins Gate 'reinzustellen, weil diese Sitzung und der Bericht für unseren Spielstil exemplarisch ist.

Viel Vergnügen!


“You wanted to see me, Wilkins?” said the man at the desk. It was dark, but the room smelt of smoke and old books.

“Yessir. I have the report you wanted, sir”

“Go ahead, then” said the man, he was already losing patience with his lackey’s meticulous attention to detail and the rules.

“Right away, sir” gabbled Wilkins. He took a deep breath and, with a flourish, opened his notepad. He licked his pencil and began,

“Report of the disturbance at the Temple of Boccob, hereafter referred to as ‘The Temple Incident’. Occuring at a quarter to seven o’ the clock on the 13th day of Midwinter. Acting Sergeant Wilkins reporting.

I was patrolling along Treaclebender Lane as ordered by city ordinance 217b, when I was confronted by a large troop of city militia marching down the lane out of town, in direct contradiction with City Ordinance 27f.

They were apparently being led by a group of officers that can only be described as ‘irregular’. They carried badges showing them to be Baron Redbeard’s Men, and stated they were acting under the jurisdiction of the League Barons.

They had in their possession one large siege weapon, 17 large lumps of rock to be used as ammunition for the aforesaid siege weapon, a number of long ladders, and one mentally unbalanced Pegasus.

The officers in question can be described thusly:

One leader with large smile, dressed all in black, riding the aforementioned Pegasus. He told me that I was looking very well and that my new uniform made me look like a ‘winner with the ladies’. He then went on to assure me that the group’s papers were all in order and that I could ‘check with the Baron if I didn’t believe him, man’. He then went on to explain that the aforementioned pegasus was going to be the ‘best frickin’ thing ever ‘and ‘to watch the skies, baby, watch the skies’. He continued to talk for some minutes until I forgot who I was and what I was supposed to be doing.

One young wizard. Very pale. Quite short. Slightly spotty, but wearing a fabulous cloak. He didn’t look at me, but had his nose in a book whilst sitting on the back of the catapult.

One vertically challenged, possibly gnomish, tinker of some kind. Oldish, rather fat, tending to baldness, wearing a simple brown smock of heavy wool. He didn’t notice anything much other than the machinery of the catapult. He seemed rather overexcited about it, sir, to be honest.

One Dwarf. Long beard. Large metal armour. Usual Dwarf, sir. Not to stereotype, sir. Ermm... to be frank, sir, he was a bit scary, so I tried to ignore him as much as I could, sir. He kept calling me ‘my good man’, and fingering his axe. Eyes like Gimlets, he had, sir.”

“Gimlets?” said the man.

“Yessir, Gimlets. The dwarf who runs the armory over Crosspass way.” **

“Yeess. Get on with it, Wilkins”

"The men proceeded down Treaclebender lane and on up to the Mountain outside of town, sir. I, erm, followed them discreetly, sir, according to training tactic 7. I didn't think number 5 'Hot Pursuit' would be appropriate at this juncture, sir."

"Quite. Perhaps next time."

"Yessir. There, the bulk of their force formed up outside of crossbow range from the Temple whilst the leader rode his Pegasus to the gates to parley with the Temple priests.

I couldn’t hear what was said, sir, but I can only assume that it went badly, because that’s when all Hell broke loose...

The High Priestess that had been conducting the Temple’s side of the parley suddenly screamed loudly for the Guards to ‘kills the fools’, which I have to say, I thought was a bit of an odd thing for a Priestess of knowledge to say. Anyway, almost as the words were leaving her throat, she suddenly developed a severe case of an arrow sticking out of her shoulder – a type 14 from Arlee’s Fletchery on Armold St, I would say, sir. Not sure where the shot came from, sir, possibly from inside the temple, possibly from an unseen assailant up on the mountain.

Then I distinctly saw the Assaulters’ Leader cup his private area, sir, whilst riding the Pegsasus away from the Temple Gates and I heard a high-pitched gnomish giggle as the stone-thrower discharged for the first time. I can’t say for certain how it happened, sir, but the stone landed in the centre of the temple outer courtyard and apparently engulfed the courtyard in red-hot fiery death, sir.

These misdemeanours were accompanied by the Dwarf leading the militia in scaling the walls and engaging in what can only be described as an affront with intent to wound or maim according to City Ordnance 17c on the Temple Guards.

“The Dwarf, Wilkins?”

“Yessir. I think he was part of their Squat team. Anyway, in the meantime, the young wizard rose into the air and apparently unleashed some kind of Hellish insect from the earth with many legs and large teeth. I can only assume this was some kind of pet, sir – unlicensed, of course - and so subject to article 5, sub-section XII of the City Domestic Animals Charter.”

“Mummblemummblemumble”. There was a noise from an as yet unnoticed and much smaller, and spottier, guard next to Wilkins.

“Right, fine, muttered Wilkins, “Young Davies here, who accompanied me, sir, wanted to let us both know that it wasn’t some kind of Hellish insect, sir, as insects only ever have six legs apparently. It was some kind of Hellish Chilopod, He says it should be called a ‘centipede’ on account of it having a hundred legs, sir, but I counted ‘em and it only had 38.

The thirtyeightapede then proceeded up and across the Temple Wall and gave at least two guards quite a nasty bite, sir.”

“Really, Wilkins?”

“Yessir. In one case, I think it bit him in two, sir.”

“I see. Carry on”

“Yessir. Well, sir, the next part was amazing, sir, like something out of a saga or ballad. The leader of the irregular officers turned the pegasus around and rode straight through the gates and at the flames, sir. The whole seemed to stop to watch as he picked up speed heading for those terrible flames. I really thought the pegasus was going to fly, sir."

"And did it?"



"Anyway, the resistance from the temple had seemed enormously strong, sir: at least a dozen, heavily armed men – which I have to say, sir, for a Temple of Knowledge does seem odd, dontcha think? Anyway, the group of irregular officers dealt with this resistance in just a short moment, sir! Hah! Young Davies here nearly wet his... Ahem, sorry, sir. Anyway. They dealt perfunctorily with the armed resistance from the temple, and headed inside.

It was then I decided I should start breathing again, sir, and call for back-up.”


** This joke copyright Terry Pratchett circa 1995
« Letzte Änderung: 11. Januar 2010, 18:33:49 von Windjammer »
A blind man may be very pitturesque; but it takes two eyes to see the picture. - Chesterton


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[3.5] Cormyr - Tearing of the Weave
« Antwort #1 am: 11. Januar 2010, 18:23:19 »
...und im Anschluss der Eröffnungstext der letzten Sitzung (vorgestern), der den Teil des Abenteuers einleitet, wo die SC weiter in das Innere des Tempels dringen.

Wheloon, 3rd week of Midwinter, zero one hundred hours.

A gulf of flames has erupted into the night sky, the fire reflected in the pools of blood on the ostentatious tiles of the temple's outer court.
The screams of the defenders have died down as they exhaled the final breaths of their short, pitiful lifes. A small pile of burnt carcasses, alongside some pierced, bludgeoned and partly devoured corpses disgraces the area near the inner door.

Ignoring the nigh unbearable stench of burnt human flesh - and the gross burps of Lovis's otherworldly centipede - the morale of your men runs high, their mood triumphant. For you have taken the tempe's outermost ring of defense.

Später: die Gruppe benutzt abermals das Katapult, um das (diesmal: zweite) Tempeltoor zu zerschmettern. Das war der Moment für den Auftritt Mookies, dessen Spieler seit einiger Zeit nicht mehr mitgespielt hat. Gespielt im Hintergrund habe ich das:

As the door bursts and you hear some terrified exclamations from those within, the silhouette of a lonesome rider appears on the mountain slope behind you. Black within black, you cannot discern the immediate nature of this new arrival upon this night of grotesque surprises.

The rider's uncanny mount seems to travel with unnatural speed, until he slows it down and you can see the dim red light glowing from the mounts' mean eyes. Very casually, the small rider dismounts, his monstrous features breaking into a childlike smile. With the exuberation children greet their Christmas presents with, one small familiar Goblin points at his mount and says, "Look! Worgie!"

To be continued...
« Letzte Änderung: 11. Januar 2010, 18:31:56 von Windjammer »
A blind man may be very pitturesque; but it takes two eyes to see the picture. - Chesterton