Autor Thema: Erste Storyregion (Elturgard)-Abenteuer sind erhältlich...  (Gelesen 1357 mal)


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... endlich beginnen die neuen "Storyregions". Damit bleibt man über mehrere Abenteuer hinweg in einer Region und lernt Örtlichkeiten und NPCs besser kennen.

Außerdem endlich wieder da, so wie zu LG Zeiten: Die Abenteuer lassen sich auf verschienden Leveln spielen (Lvl 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 für die ersten Abenteuer):

Any character of the appropriate tier may play the
adventure, but the highest-level character in the party
must be within three (3) levels of the lowest-level
character in the party.
Living Forgotten Realms defines five adventure levels
within each tier. The choice of adventure level affects
the difficulty of most obstacles (particularly combat
encounters and skill challenges) the PCs will face during
the adventure, and also determines the rewards
available to the PCs for successfully overcoming those
obstacles. The players must decide as a group which
adventure level they want to play, and inform you of
their decision before beginning the adventure. We
recommend that you calculate the average character
level and use that as a starting point, but a group of
experienced players might choose to "play up" for a
greater challenge, while a group of less-experienced
players might choose to "play down" while they're
learning the ropes.
The group may not choose an adventure level that is
more than three levels above the lowest-level character
in the party. For example, a group with a level 2, level 3,
and four level 5 characters may not choose to play the
level 6 version of an adventure because level 6 is more
than three levels above the 2nd-level character. This
group could choose to face the adventure at either level
2 or level 4, but they will probably choose level 4
because that's the best fit for the group (the average
character level is 25/6 = approximately 4).
If (and only if) the group can't agree on an
adventure level, the DM may cast a tiebreaking vote.


Elturgard, the first of LFR's new Story Areas, premiered two adventures at Dungeons & Dragons Experience 2011. These adventures are now available from for download.

ELTU3-1 Good Intentions
by Elizabeth Chaipraditkul and Pierre van Rooden

A string of grisly murders has hit the town of Triel. Word on the street is that insanity grips the townspeople and a new cult is to blame. Are these just whispers in the dark or is there something more sinister behind it all? A Living Forgotten Realms adventure set in Elturgard for characters of the Heroic tier (levels 1-10). This adventure is the first part of the Sinister Intentions Major Quest. This is a roleplay-intensive adventure with multiple paths for the PCs to potentially explore. We recommend that you allow 5-6 hours of play time, if possible, instead of the normal 4 hours of a convention slot.

ELTU3-2 Blue Wounds
by Scott Horn

In the wake of the recent conflict against the Plaguechanged horde, the paladins of Elturel find themselves and their city pushed to the breaking point. The corruption of the Spellplague yet lingers in many parts of the city, and Elturel's citizens feel overlooked while Torm's faithful focus on vengeance instead of guardianship. In this chaotic environment, hero and villain alike must seek ways to work together for the common good -- or perhaps the appearance of charity merely hides an ulterior motive. A Living Forgotten Realms adventure set in Elturgard for characters of the Heroic tier (levels 1-10). This adventure is the first part of the Controlling Chaos Major Quest.

The theocracy of Elturgard should be familiar to those who have played the DDXP 2010 Battle Interactive, ADCP2-1 The Paladins' Plague. (For those who haven't experienced this battle yet, ask your local convention organizer to offer the adventure -- it's limited to public play only, like all Adventuring Company events.) Although the city of Elturel was saved from a Plaguechanged horde during last year's battle, the victory came at a great cost, and Elturgard faces a variety of threats from within and without.

This Story Area is our first attempt to create a "home base" region, where PCs can have a huge impact on how things develop over time. You'll notice that ELTU3-1 and ELTU3-2 both have extensive Event Summaries (collected via Survey Monkey; links are in the adventures). For those who played these two adventures during their premiere at DDXP 2011, we collected all the Event Summaries from HQ and those results have already been counted.  

As you play the new adventures, you'll learn that there are a number of factions contending for influence in the region, and the results we obtain from Event Summaries will help determine the outcome of their power struggle. Eventually, we will release Meta-Organizations corresponding to some of these factions (and there will be meta-orgs for other Story Areas, and for Core groups, as well). We're still working out the details, but you can expect a full report in an upcoming blog post.

Elturgard needs YOU -- so visit and download the new adventures. As always, we wish you good gaming, and we look forward to hearing your feedback in the forum!
« Letzte Änderung: 12. Februar 2011, 02:14:35 von Amurayi »
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