Autor Thema: [FR] Infos zur Zeit um das Jahr 1281  (Gelesen 2572 mal)


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[FR] Infos zur Zeit um das Jahr 1281
« am: 13. März 2012, 19:37:06 »

Ich möchte bald in einer Kampagne mitspielen, die im Jahr 1281 in den Vergessenen Reichen spielt.

Ist also von der Zeit her 2. Edition, soweit ich das beurteilen kann.

Ich besitze halt nur das Campaign Setting der 3. Edition, welches zu dieser Zeit kaum Infos enthält.

Könnt ihr mir sagen, wo und wie ich an Infos zu dieser Zeit kommen kann? Vielleicht die wichtigsten Ereignisse dieses Jahres bzw. des Jahres davor nennen?

Oder gibt es vielleicht sogar die Möglichkeit noch irgendwo an das entsprechende Campaign Setting ran zu kommen? Mir ist es nicht einmal gelungen das Richtige zu finden. Irgendwie finde ich online nur ein altes Campaign Settig, welches noch früher angesiedelt ist (vermutlich Edition 1?!). Für Tipps wäre ich dankbar.

Edit: Sorry, ich habe gerade bemerkt, dass ich aus Versehen nicht im FR-Unterforum gepostet habe. Wäre toll, wenn ein Mod das verschieben könnte. Danke!


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[FR] Infos zur Zeit um das Jahr 1281
« Antwort #1 am: 13. März 2012, 19:49:57 »

Ist also von der Zeit her 2. Edition, soweit ich das beurteilen kann.

Nein. Die Second Edition der FR spielte glaube ich so um 1360 TZ, wenn ich nicht irre.

Oder gibt es vielleicht sogar die Möglichkeit noch irgendwo an das entsprechende Campaign Setting ran zu kommen?

Meines Wissens gab es keine Edition der FR die jemals so früh spielte.

Könnt ihr mir sagen, wo und wie ich an Infos zu dieser Zeit kommen kann?
Vielleicht die wichtigsten Ereignisse dieses Jahres bzw. des Jahres davor nennen?

Hier kannst du dir zu den Jahren davor und danach etwas angucken ...

Empfehlen würde ich dir sonst die Grand History of the Realms, da wirst du sicher einiges an Informationen finden.

Gruß, Schreckensjul


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[FR] Infos zur Zeit um das Jahr 1281
« Antwort #2 am: 13. März 2012, 19:55:51 »
1277/Year of the Beholder

King Errilam of Tethyr is accidentally killed while on a hunting trip with elven friends. This incident, and the rumors that grew out of it, sparks centuries of strife and hatred and many cruelties between the royalty of Tethyr and the elves.
Alemander III (1262 to 1288), 1st nephew of Errilam, King of Tethyr (begins persecution of the elves).
The mage Uldinus Lawkland steals a copy of the Simbul's spell trigger spell.

1278/Year of Many Bones

First recorded mention of the Draconomicon.
The Magister Thornar Fleetmoor is killed by a rival, the mage Uldinus Lawkland. Lawkland becomes the new Magister (reigns 1278 to 1280).

1279/Year of the Snarling Dragon

Tulrun leaves Silverymoon and returns to his abode in the Coldwood. Beginning of annual monstrous raids on Tulrun's Tent.
A Cult of the Dragon cell near Luskan destroys itself when the dragons and dracolich involved with the cell do battle over treasure hoards.
The green dragon Drethroyaster goes on a murderous rampage through Battledale, Featherdale, and Tasseldale. More than 700 lost their lives in these attacks. Some time later, Dretch is attacked and nearly dispatched by the conglomeration of adventuring companies known as the Crossed Swords.

1280/Year of the Manticore

Thay's second invasion attempt overwhelms Mulhorand. Sultim is besieged and nearly falls before reinforcements arrive. Priests of Anhur are made scapegoats.
The Old Skull Inn is built in Shadowdale.
The Magister Uldinus Lawkland is killed by the mage Ohland Grethgar, a pupil of the Simbul's. Grethgar becomes the new Magister (reigns 1280 to 1282).

1281/Year of the Cold Soul

Berethond Halfelven disappears during combat with a great green wyrm in the forest west of Dragonspear Castle. He is assumed dead, and Draconomicon, the Book of Dragons, which he carried, is believed lost with him.
Members of a Malar sect lead a "Wild Hunt" through the streets of Elturel. The cultists collected, caged, and then released monsters that they used in their "worship". The Book of Fangs and Talons is associated with this Wild Hunt.

1282/Year of Many Mists

A lich calling itself Sammaster appears in the Desertmouth Mountains and begins gathering humanoids, undead, and dragons into an army.
The Magister Ohland Grethgar is killed in a spell duel in the skies over Orlumbor with the black dragon Starlaurynguldar. The wyrm also died from his wounds, and Azuth offers the office of Magister to the mage Inhil "Hurler-of-Stars" Lauthdryn (reigns 1282 to 1294).

1283/Year of the Crawling Clouds
1284/Year of the Dying Stars
1285/Year of the Blacksnake

By this time, Skyships Glade in Tethyr is used exclusively by illithid slavers.
An adventuring company of paladins, the Company of Twelve, attacks the lich Sammaster's stronghold. Nine are killed, but the lich's physical form is destroyed. Survivors confirm that this indeed was Sammaster First-Speaker.

1286/Year of the Rock

Chapter 28 of "Cormyr: A Novel"
Rhigaerd II (1269 to 1335), King of Cormyr.
Methlas begins building a new pirate-fleet in the Inner Sea.

1287/Year of the Smoky Moon

 A MageFair is held in the Fallen Lands. The Flame of the Spirit appears there in the posession of Udo of Felthaeran.

1288/Year of the Roaring Horn

Last ogre Tharkul falls.
Human kingdom of Thar established.
Mulmaster sends an expeditionary force to Ironfang Keep; beginning of numerous gnoll attacks in the area.
Princess Shaerglynda of Tethyr is killed in Waterdeep. Her killer escapes with her tiara, rings, and necklace, and is never found.
Jaszur (1274 to 1295), 1st son (twin) of Alemander, King of Tethyr (slain in Waterdeep, 1295).
        The gray dwarves of Underspires wage a five-decade-long war with their surface kin.

1289/Year of the Sighing Serpent

The annual attacks on Tulrun's Tent cease, as Tulrun journeys to the lair of Arauthator, spawn of Sneighfanglen and source of the attacks, and proposes a truce.
Tulrun of the Tent discovers that the attacks upon him have been orchestrated by the revenge-seeking white dragon Arauthator. He confronts the wyrm and establishes a truce between them.

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