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City Of The Spider Queen - Revision - Dms Only!
« am: 10. November 2003, 22:54:05 »
 City of the Spider Queen Errata - Nur für DMs!!!

Vendui jal!

City of the Spider Queen Errata - DMs only!!!

Zunächst in Deutsch (A couple of words in German first) ... ich habe auf den Amiboards damit begonnen, einige errata zum Abenteuer City of the Spider Queen zu sammeln, mit zugegebener Maßen mittelprächtigem Erfolg. Ich werde die Suche mal hier fortsetzen und die Dinge die mir aufgefallen sind hier posten. Da das Abenteuer in Englisch ist und eventuell einige Neuwestsächsisch sprechende Scouts hier ebenfall vorbeischauen könnten, behalte ich mal die Sprache des Abenteuers bei, falls es keinen stört. Off we go ...

Dunno whether this is a good idea, or officially welcomed, but I read the book and some things caught my eye. Maybe the Wizards are already collecting the missing stuff, or something like erratas, but as these and the Wizards' boards are frequented by many readers and gamers, this could also be an opportunity for them to simply double check.


General stuff and remarks:
- The number of the pages given for NPCs who cover more than one page within the appendix is usually the "wrong" one, i.e., not the one where the NPC stats start, but where they continue. (thanks, Blackthorne)

- Note that some feats or equipment was chosen without double-checking the relevant rules. We have characters wearing heavy armor (anything beyond medium is IMHO too heavy for Drow anyway), but still utilize feats like Spring attack and et al. (Suggestion: change it to mithril armor)

- Note as well that some Drow wearing stuff giving maximum effects (AC or damage), but which are rather unsuitable given the respective character's stats etc.. No insult intended here, but that Drow Ranger/Cleric lady on page p141 has got STR 10, yet wields a greataxe and donning a full plate armor. She's thus way in the heavy loaded category and Bull's STR does not appear in her spell list ... (She's got Divine Power, but this last only for a round per level and she's certainly not willing to walk soaked in sweat over the whole day, does she? ) Not that she can utilize much of her ranger abilities either.
Exactly the same (STR, equipment) goes for the Cult Clerics of Maerimydra (p.146).
(Suggestion: change it to mithril)

- Speaking of stats, it will do no harm to check a few of the NPC's stats, as they seem to have been created with the 25-point-buy method, but more often than not without adding level modifiers (or Drow ability bonuses). This leaves you with pretty average - if not to say sub-standard - opponents for a high-level campaign. Adding a few points here and there will do no harm if the PC waltz through the adventure without too much of a problem. (Especially the high-level NPC need some more individual stats than what is stated, not least Irae - IMHO.)

- Most opponents are Drow and as such they gain various boni. Always keep in mind that most of the Will saves gain a racial +2 bonus which is always missing in the stats columns. See Drow traits for more info here.

- For some reason, Drow in CotSQ are sometimes equipped with unsuitable armor and weaponry, with regard to their size and background. Full-plate, large steel shields in combination with bastard-swords used single-handedly are less than rare in Drow culture. Typical fighting style is two-weapon (sword / dagger, mace / dagger or the like), as the usually small Underdark passages do not allow the use of large weapons (including twinblades) and bulky armor. In places where there is much more space, larger weapons are more common, but not often used anyway.

Monster Rules
- Note that Revenants have always the NEUTRAL alignment, despite what is written in the stats. Thus, holy weapons do not affect them! (It is even mentioned in the revenant part of the appendix ...)
If the PCs walk this adventure because of a decent priest or a fireball-happy mage, substitute some of the undead drow fighting folk with drow cursts (Template given in Monsters of Faerun - Turn, Cold & Fire immunity, better SR). The proximity of the undying temple will explain their appearance.

- The CR of the Spiderstone Golem seems to be somewhat odd, i.e too high if compared to other golems. Given the fact that they act as if they were fighters of their HD-level, it might be correct though. Make sure your players have a chance ... unless you favor the drow.

Non player character errata
- Tierak (p.133) has AC 14 (Mithral chain + no Dex, poor lass), and Lolth only knows why she carries a wand of searing light (and she's silent).

- Szith Morcane Sentry 2 (p.134) Mithral Shirts are masterwork anyway, no need to mention it.

- Szith Morcane Sentry 3 (p.134-5) AB ranged +11 (masterwork bow bonus is missing), ranged damage 1d8+5 (it is even mentioned and yet not added, specialization bonus is missing anyway); Fort save is +5, Will +1 (+3 Drow); AC while climbing is 15.

- Szith Morcane Officer (p.135) off-hand damage with twinblade is 1d8+4 (+ is missing); AC while climbing is 17 (question marks hang over the 8 rare skill points spent on the climb skill, if the character wears "slippers of spider climbing" anyway [you see, it was known in advance that the NPC will have them]).

- Common Drow Commoner (p.135): 1d4 dmg for hand-crossbow OR change line to light-crossbow (as the possessions suggest); Will safe is +0 (but remember Drow bonus) - alignment should be the default NE now.

- Slave Overseer (p.135-136) Initiative bonus is +3.

- Sshumath (p.140), the Half-Dragon should gain the usual advancement in HD, i.e. not d10 / d4 for his fighter and sorcerer levels, but d12 and d6 respectively. (See rules for Half-Dragons in the MM appendix.) His new HP should be around the 88 point mark.

- Stone Giant Elders (p.141) also in MM see below (p. 98 )
AC 26 (-1 Size, +3 Dex, +11 Natural, +3 magical) change flat and touch accordingly, AB: +18 / + 13 melee (as cleric level 14; + 7 STR, +1 Huge Greatclub) or +13 / + 8 ranged (as well as AB MM: + 18 / +13 (+8 STR)
Saves: Fort +13, Ref +7, Will +6

- Phaikkul (see Sshumath above, same again, wrong HD used)

- Hamadh (p.147) has his Move Silently score missing, which should be +25 I think.

- Jhorganni (p.152) has her ring of deflection not included in her AC ... see also AC once she has attached to someone, it's higher as well.

- The Sanctum Defenders (p.159) have a Speed of 20 ft. (heavy armor), gain no Spring Attack feat (heavy armor), ranged attack boni and damage scores are AB 23 / 18 / 13 (excluding Point Blank) and DMG 1d8+7 (magical bow and arrows, mighty bow). DM should hand them melee weapons as well or change the bows to melee weapons instead. (Suggestion would be to cut her fighter levels up and use a decent PrC from level 8 or 10 onwards. Also make sure that they have the space to utilize Spring attack - with or without Death Lances.)

- Irae's melee damage with the claw should be 1d6 instead of 1d4 in her chara stats. Unless the description of the claw is wrong in the appendix. (p.s 159 & 129 resp.)

DM Tips
If the PCs are cruising through this, because they know how to fight undead, include more standard Drow followers of Kiaransalee (check out the Banshee Knight PrC and other stuff' target='_blank'>HERE ) or include some Death Knights or other new Monsters from the MM II or Book of Vile Darkness. A,3' target='_blank'>Vampire Lord from the Monster Mayhem section of the Wizard boards may also spell a welcome change in tactics.

You'll find the Web-enhancement to City of the Spider Queen,3' target='_blank'>here.

... and the Web-enhancement to the Players' Guide to Faerûn, detailing the 3,5E conversion of the CotSQ creatures' target='_blank'>here too

A 3,5 conversion attempt is running at the Wizardboards and you can check those out:' target='_blank'>here![

DMs are advised to use Underdark for more reference on drow items (drowcraft enchantments work wonders) as well as fighting modifiers for restricted areas within the Realms Below. Lost Empires of Faerûn updates the Cursts to 3,5 - just in case they are needed - and finally, Champions of Ruin introduces a fair amount of nice (or nasty) spells and feats, such as Via Negativa.

Last update: 18.09.05
Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think. Then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.


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City Of The Spider Queen - Revision - Dms Only!
« Antwort #1 am: 10. November 2003, 23:30:42 »
 ist schon jemand ernsthaft etwas aufgefallen, was man im Bezug auf die 3.5 aufgefallen ?
Meine Punkte wären:
 - einige Kampftaktiken sind auf das alte Haste ausgelegt, sprich das man zwei Zauber pro Runde sprechen kann. Allen vorran Zaubern und wieder unsichtbar werden in einer Runde

- das abschwächen von darkness macht für die Spieler einiges etwas leichter, allerdings ist mir aufgefallen, dass es trotzdem zu einigen sehr unangenehmen Situationen kommen kann, besonders, wenn sich die Spieler trennen :)
Marge, setz Kaffee auf, dann trink den Kaffee und fang an Burger zu machen!


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City Of The Spider Queen - Revision - Dms Only!
« Antwort #2 am: 02. April 2004, 13:11:16 »
 Jeder 3RE Benutzer und auch die Spieler der deutschen Version sind herzlich eingeladen, ihre Erkenntnisse der restlichen Spielergemeinde mitzuteilen. Ich werde sie dann bei Gelegenheit in den Einführungsbeitrag einfügen.

Lucky dice and all ...
Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think. Then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.


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City Of The Spider Queen - Revision - Dms Only!
« Antwort #3 am: 09. April 2004, 01:35:17 »
 PS. Wo bleibt eigentlich der deutsche FAQ??? Wollte nicht jemand hier ausm Gate einen schreiben?  :)  


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City Of The Spider Queen - Revision - Dms Only!
« Antwort #4 am: 10. April 2004, 00:28:29 »
 Jup, das macht der Daeinar.  ;)  Ich sammle nur Fehler, Unterlassungen und ein paar Ratschläge.
Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think. Then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.


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City Of The Spider Queen - Revision - Dms Only!
« Antwort #5 am: 10. April 2004, 00:40:05 »
Zitat von: "Buddha"
ist schon jemand ernsthaft etwas aufgefallen, was man im Bezug auf die 3.5 aufgefallen ?
Die Wissenschaft nötigt uns, den Glauben an einfache Kausalitäten aufzugeben.
- Friedrich


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City Of The Spider Queen - Revision - Dms Only!
« Antwort #6 am: 10. April 2004, 10:08:28 »
 .. Ich denk mal in Bezug auf Benutzung von Klassen und dergleichen. Der neue Waldi sieht ja etwas besser aus, zudem denke ich daß viele meiner "neuen" 3RE 08/15-Drowkämpfer wahrscheinlich den Swashbuckler als Klasse haben werden (DEX + INT Bonus, Waffenfinesse, Rapier ...), eventuell gepaart mit dem Rogue.
Eventuell kann man einige der NSC auch als Barden umbauen ... um ihnen den Zauberverlust zu ersparen ... ist aber nur ein Gedanke.
Zudem wird laut PGtF ja auch angeraten, einige höherstufige NSC zur Yathrinshee zu machen ... wenngleich das z.B. bei Irae reine Klerikerstufen kostet.  
Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think. Then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.


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City Of The Spider Queen - Revision - Dms Only!
« Antwort #7 am: 02. Mai 2004, 18:34:27 »
 Ich bin mit meiner Gruppe kurz vor Ende des Abenteuers. In der Karte ist im Raum T/U29 ein Auf/Abstiegsloch eingezeichnet, in T/U26 fehlt hier jedoch ein Eintrag. Nun frage ich mich von wo kommt man denn in den alles entscheidenden Raum. Ist das Loch in U29 zuviel oder haben sie es unten vergessen?

Miconar Targos

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City Of The Spider Queen - Revision - Dms Only!
« Antwort #8 am: 03. Mai 2004, 10:56:57 »
Zitat von: "NeuroDad"
Ich bin mit meiner Gruppe kurz vor Ende des Abenteuers. In der Karte ist im Raum T/U29 ein Auf/Abstiegsloch eingezeichnet, in T/U26 fehlt hier jedoch ein Eintrag. Nun frage ich mich von wo kommt man denn in den alles entscheidenden Raum. Ist das Loch in U29 zuviel oder haben sie es unten vergessen?
In der deutschen Version steht zu Raum T26 folgendes (grob jedenfalls): Die Charaktäre können das weder das Portal noch die Tür sehen bis sie durch die Wand von T17 kommen (bei T17 ist auf der Karte sonst aber nochmal ein erklärender Pfeil). Für mich bedeutet das im Klartext, wenn ich mich bei dem ganz "ätherisch" werden nicht vertan habe, daß Du in T29 kommen kannst, wenn Du in den achten Stock kletterst (Treppe hoch in T17 rein und dann ätherisch nach dem Loch gucken)

Ich hoffe das beantwortet Deine Frage. Ansonsten habe ich sie nur falsch verstanden. Oder ich hab den Plan noch nicht verstanden :(

„Honi soit qui mal y pense.“, Eduard III. (* 13. November 1312; † 21. Juni 1377)


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« Antwort #9 am: 03. Mai 2004, 13:43:25 »
 ja alles nicht so einfach mit dem Überlagern von 2 Dimensionen :)
Was ich für ein Problem hab ist wenn im Etherboden von T29 ein Loch ist, dann müsste das Loch auch in der Etherdecke von T26 sein. (was wäre das sonst für ein krasses Loch? :) )
Also entweder ich streich das Loch in T29 oder ich mach eins in T26 rein.
Vielleicht mach ich ja auch ein Geheimloch draus :)


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City Of The Spider Queen - Revision - Dms Only!
« Antwort #10 am: 22. Juni 2004, 13:54:52 »

Besitzer der deutschen Werkes können natürlich jederzeit Hilfestellung leisten und die oben genannten "Fehler" überprüfen und die - so vorhanden - offiziellen Richtigstellungen den Besitzern der Originalausgabe mitteilen.
Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think. Then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.


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City Of The Spider Queen - Revision - Dms Only!
« Antwort #11 am: 24. Juli 2004, 15:45:52 »

I link has been added to the Wizards' FR boards where some folk are attempting a conversion of certain monsters and NPCs to 3,5. Take those at your own peril.
Ust, usstan elgg dos ...

Cease this tirade, take a breath, and think. Then you will realize, enemy of the Dark Elves, that my concern for your well being has always been, at best, limited.


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City Of The Spider Queen - Revision - Dms Only!
« Antwort #12 am: 04. September 2004, 14:33:42 »
 Warum Swashbuckler? Dürfen die leichte Rüstungen tragen?
Hier mal mein Versuch die Drow-Sentries aus Szith Morcane etwas drowhafter zu gestalten. Natürlich Spoiler für Spieler, aber sit ja schon im Titel erwähnt  ;)

Spoiler: Klicke, um den Beitrag zu lesen

Zu beachten ist das ich den Drow etwas bessere Gegenstände gegeben habe, sie sind alle effektiv +1 besser, da sie die Eigenschaft Drowcrafted aus dem Underdark-Sourcebook haben. Werte natürlich 3.5!
"Since it is difficult to join them together, it is safer to be feared than to be loved when one of the two must be lacking."


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City Of The Spider Queen - Revision - Dms Only!
« Antwort #13 am: 05. September 2004, 11:56:59 »
 Noch ein kleines NPC Errata welches mir beim konvertieren der Stats von Zedarr T`saran auffiel: Er erfüllt garnicht die Featanforderungen für Blackguard  :boxed: Ihm fehlt in der englischen Version nämlich das feat cleave...

Werde bald mal meine 3.5 Version von Zedarr posten! Meinungen zu den Szith Morcane Guards?
"Since it is difficult to join them together, it is safer to be feared than to be loved when one of the two must be lacking."


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« Antwort #14 am: 09. September 2004, 11:44:34 »

hier meine etwas aufgepäppelte 3.5 Version von Dorina T`sarran. Bei diesem NSC haben die Designer doch glatt die Bonus feats durch das Vampire-Template vergessen...

Dorina T`sarran: female drow vampire Clr11 of Kiaransalee; CR 14; Medium-size undead; HD 11d12; hp 76; Init +9; Spd 30 ft.; AC 29 (touch 17, flat footed 24) , Atk +16/+11 melee (1d8+10, +1 drowcraft heavy mace) or +13 melee (1d6+2 and 2 negative levels, slam); SA command/rebuke undead 11/day, vampire attacks (see monster manual 3.5); SQ damage reduction 10/silver and magic, drow traits, turn resistance, undeath, vampire traits; SR 22; AL CE; SV Fort +7, Ref +10, Will +12 (+14 against spells); Str 20, Dex 20, Con -, Int 16, Wis 20, Cha 18.
Skills and feats: Bluff +12, Concentration +14, Hide +15, Knowledge (arcana) +10, Knowledge (religion) +12, Listen +18, Move Silently +14, Search +12, Sense Motive +13, Spellcraft +9, Spot +15; Alertness, Brew Potion, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Extra Turning, Highborn Drow, Improved Initative, Lightning Reflexes, Spell Focus (Necromancy), Spell Penetration.
Vampire Attacks: The Will save DCs for Dorina`s dominate and energy drain abilities are both 20.
Turn Resistance (Ex): Dorina is treated as 15-HD creature for all purposes
Spells prepared (6/8/6/6/5/4/2; save DC 15 (16 for Necromancy-spells) + spell level): 0—detect magic (2), guidance, read magic, resistance, virtue; 1st—bane, cause fear, command, deathwatch, divine favor, entropic shield, sanctuary, shield of faith*; 2nd—bulls strength, death knell, desecrate*, hold person, silence, spiritual weapon; 3rd—animate dead*, bestow curse, blindness/deafness, clutch of Kiaransalee (BovD), flesh ripper (BovD), dispel magic; 4th—divine power, fire shield*, freedom of movement, inflict critical wounds, spell immunity; 5th—inflict light wounds, mass*, flame strike, slay living, true seeing; 6th—create undead*, blade barrier.
*Domain spell. Domains: Retribution (strike of vengeance 1/day), Undeath (Extra Turning feat).
Possessions: +1 drowcraft mithril chainmail, +1 drowcraft heavy mace, periapt of wisdom +2, potion of haste.

Ach ja, interssiert überhaupt jemand die Stats noch? ICh habe noch zahlreiche andere NSC konvertiert, werde jedoch die Stats nur posten wenn ich auch ein feedback erhalte!  ;)
"Since it is difficult to join them together, it is safer to be feared than to be loved when one of the two must be lacking."