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[Star Wars] Saga Edition
« am: 11. Dezember 2006, 11:33:25 »
Ist zwar nicht mehr ganz taufrisch, aber es gab im November einen Chat mit den SW-Designern zum Thema Saga Edition, in dem einige interessante Details enthüllt wurden. Zum Beispiel, dass man sich vom VP/WP-System verabschieden will, und dass es weniger, dafür aber flexiblere Grundklassen geben wird. Hier das Transcript des Chats

Zitat von: "Holonet Forums"
<-WizO_Unicorn-> Welcome everyone to the Star Wars Saga Edition chat with Gary Sarli (our own WizO the Hutt) and Rodney Thompson!

WizO_Unicorn raps again for order.

<-WizO_Unicorn-> We will be using protocol for this chat.
I will be asking Gary and Rodney for some opening remarks first. When I open it for questions, put a ? to screen if you have a question, or a ! if you have a comment.
I will call on you in order. Please have your question pretyped and ready to hit send.
Okay, Gary? Can you give us some opening remarks?

<-WizO_the_Hutt-> In March of 2007, Wizards of the Coast plans to relaunch its Star Wars Roleplaying Game line with a 288-page revised core rulebook, referred to as the "Saga Edition" because it includes material from the entire Star Wars saga, including all six Star Wars films.
The Star Wars Roleplaying Game: Saga Edition(tm) is written by Christopher Perkins, Owen K.C. Stephens, and Rodney Thompson, developed by me (Gary M. Sarli) and Andy Collins, and art directed by Paul Hebron.
The Star Wars Roleplaying Game: Saga Edition presents a thorough revision of the existing rules, but it remains a d20 game. The overarching goal is to make the game easier to run while improving the overall play experience.
At 288 pages, the Saga Edition rulebook is slimmer than previous editions, thanks in large part to the more streamlined and elegant rules system.
The new rulebook includes Episode III content and places greater emphasis on the use of Star Wars miniatures and battle maps as play aids for your game.
For example, folded into the back of the book is a double-sided battle map, similar to the battle maps that have appeared previously in Star Wars Miniatures Game products and the Ultimate Missions(tm) series of books.
Alright, that should give all of you a little background on Saga Edition, so now let's go to the Q&A!

<-WizO_Unicorn-> Okay, let the questions begin!

<-momirfarooq-> The old Vitality/Wound system was, in my opinion, absolutely brilliant- GM's could throw a lot of firepower at PC's without having to worry about them dying, yet it kept the players on edge by making death a distinct possibility.
Please, please, PLEASE tell me you're not going to throw it away!

<-WizO_the_Hutt-> We're throwing it away. :-)

<-momirfarooq-> NNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!

<-RodneyThompson-> Way to break the news softly, Gary.

<-WizO_the_Hutt-> Seriously, the VP/WP system has far too many quirks, and it doesn't do what it was meant to do -- for example, both VP and HP measure the same thing (your ability to survive an attack, not to *absorb* it)

<-RodneyThompson-> There's a lot of merits and drawbacks to the VP/WP system, but ultimately HP models the movies better, which I think we all agreed on while designing the game.

<-WizO_the_Hutt-> so the problem, then, is the introduction of the "straight to WP" mechanic for critical hits that makes PCs too fragile in the long term -- I did a statistical analysis that concluded that a PC has somewhere around a 30% chance to be killed -- literally "one-shotted" -- at some time before reaching 20th level and when I asked other players about this, almost everyone said, "Well, sure, but we have a house rule for that."
If *everyone* uses a house rule, then there's something wrong with the rule.

<-RodneyThompson-> Let's face it, while gritty realism works for a lot of games, a stormtrooper shouldn't really be able to take out Darth Vader with a critical hit.

<-WizO_the_Hutt-> Exactly.

<-RodneyThompson-> Nevermind that the stormtrooper is probably looking at a court martial at the very least for trying.

<-WizO_the_Hutt-> There's something to be said for "Realism" -- but, really, realism is extremely subjective in a game.
Hit points, on the other hand, are abstract -- just like vitality points -- and they don't have the same "instant death" mechanic. Sure, you CAN die instantly, but it's not quite so easy.
Now, to give you a little reassurance, the new system includes not just hit points, but also a "condition track" that unifies all the conditions in the old game (stunned, dazed, etc.) and when you take a really good hit, you can get pushed up that condition scale, simulating a solid hit that actually slows you down a bit.
(in contrast, the "fatigued" condition usually only came into play with VP/WP at the end of the fight)
So, our experience thus far has been that the new system provides a more textured combat with a lot more flavor and I think that about sums it up, unless Rodney has anything else to add.

<-RodneyThompson-> Nope, go ahead.

<-GhengisSka-> My question is back on the HP system, before it modeled the chumps (stormies well) how will the "grunts" be run with hit poins to model this?

<-WizO_the_Hutt-> Much better than in VP/WP, actually.

<-gstommylee-> Since from gencon there will be a new force system are you guys able at this moment to mention anything more about it?

<-WizO_the_Hutt-> Ok ... let me think about what I can say ;-)
First, we're putting an INSANE amount of work into the Force system to make sure that it can do everything we've seen it do in the Star Wars universe.
Rodney can attest to the length of the document I just sent out last week for final approval.

<-RodneyThompson-> I think it's worth mentioning that the Force actually breaks down into multiple mechanics, technically. The Force is also a pretty integral part of character creation system too.

<-WizO_the_Hutt-> There are two primary ways that a character will use the Force ...
First, through the aptly-named "Use the Force" skill.

<-RodneyThompson-> And yeah, we just did a major review of the Force chapter, and, well, it was several days worth of eye strain and headaches.

<-WizO_the_Hutt-> This skill lets you do a lot of basic Force use that seems to be common to all Force-users, even those who have received no training.
Second, there are "Force powers" that cover more powerful (but also more specific) things that we see Force users do on screen.
Use the Force is also used to activate Force powers.
In addition to that, there are some other things you can do to customize your character for Force use -- Force talents, for example, and some prestige classes have things called Force techniques and Force secrets
(all names subject to change at the last minute).
All of these allow you to "stretch the rules" a bit so you can simulate some of the over-the-top Force use we sometimes see in Star Wars but we still manage to keep the lid on it so you don't dominate the game -- basically, you have to "recharge" when you use a Force power.

<-RodneyThompson-> It's also worth mentioning that we've worked hard to make sure there aren't a lot of continuity hitches between what we see can be done and what heroes and villains can do.
And I'm done on this topic.

<-WizO_the_Hutt-> And there are several different ways to recharge and some can even be done in the middle of a fight, but for the most part the mechanic exists to prevent it from jumping the shark, and that's it for me, too.

<-Starcloud-> When you say, "streamlined and elegant rules", can either of you provide us with an example other than the HP/Condition track? Say, something in the area of skills or combat?

<-WizO_the_Hutt-> Alright ... skills no longer have ranks.

<-RodneyThompson-> Hoo-boy, that cat? It's out of the bag.

<-WizO_the_Hutt-> I know, it sounds strange when you're used to splitting up your ranks, but it's true.
No, Chris actually said this at GenCon, I have it on tape :-P

<-RodneyThompson-> hehe.

<-WizO_the_Hutt-> However, all characters get better at all skills as they get more experienced -- for example, Yoda has been around the block, so the odds are he knows a thing or two about computers.
Alright, one last thing on this: the idea here is to make it easier to create a character and easier to level-up a character without making mistakes.
As an editor, I can't tell you how many times I've seen even the best designers make a mistake when adding skill ranks :-P so I for one am very happy with this change

<-RodneyThompson-> Creating higher level characters from scratch is much faster with the new skill system. I was able to whip up an 18th-level character in about 5-10 minutes.

<-Screamwhip-> Can you tell us a bit about how the more flexible classes have been implemented? Are there still set class abilities, menues, or what? *And how do Force Adepts gain Force Powers?

<-WizO_the_Hutt-> If you've played d20 Modern you'll be familiar with what we did: We're using "talents" to allow each class the maximum degree of flexibility.

<-RodneyThompson-> I pushed very hard for a talents system. It's similar to d20 Modern in some ways, but different in others.
I think, on the whole, each class has access to a lot more talents that are a lot more Star Warsy. Don't go into it looking for rehashes of the Strong Hero talents from Modern.

<-WizO_the_Hutt-> That way, a soldier who specializes in, say, brawling or martial arts can tailor himself to that, but a soldier of the same level who wants to be a sniper or a commando won't look the same.
This flexible system also let us condense the number of base classes -- we dropped the fringer, tech specialist, and force adept, and we combined the Jedi guardian and Jedi consular.
Instead of having those classes, you'll find talents that capture their flavor in other classes -- for example, there's a Fringer Talent Tree in the scout's list.

<-RodneyThompson-> As was said before, most of those classes class features were integrated into the other classes' talent trees.

<-Kit_Toy101-> What planets are the battle maps based on and are they DCI legal? For Miniatures?

<-WizO_the_Hutt-> Not sure if I can leak that one yet, but I'm certain they are DCI legal.

<-RodneyThompson-> Yeah, they definitely are.

<-WizO_the_Hutt-> Absoultely certain about that

<-WizO_the_Hutt loses connection here temporarily->

<-WizO_Sith-> Will there be an RPGA campaign for the Saga Edition, will it be a revamp of Living force?

<-RodneyThompson-> (I don't know about Living Force, so we'll have to wait on Gary for that one).

<-darthmagusiii-> Can you give us a list of all the skills that have been removed and what has replaced them?

<-RodneyThompson-> I don't want to list them all, but for example Search, Spot, Listen, and Sense Motive have all been folded into a Perception skill that pretty much encompasses all of those. Likewise, look for Tumble and Escape Artist to fold into Acrobatics. Since a lot of this is subject to change, I don't want to get into too many specifics, but you get the idea.

<-Baron_Sargon-> So, as for the skills, that means either you have the skill or you don't? But what I really wanted to ask is if there is room to play a dark jedi under the new system? Also, I take it that the new rules make all the manuals null-and-void?

<-RodneyThompson-> Wow, three questions.

<-Baron_Sargon-> What can I say, I love SW and love this game, just wish I could play it more.

<-RodneyThompson-> 1) Basically, yes, but as before some skills can be used untrained, and there are some ways (via talents and feats) to increase your skill bonuses. Just don't look for skill points anymore, because they're gone.
Also, one thing we've done is that some skills have uses that can be done untrained, while that same skill might have other uses that require training.
2) Yes, you can play a Dark Jedi. Built into the core rules.
3) Not null and void, but some conversion will be required.

<-AmericanYeti-> Will Defense be scaled better against BAB? It seems like characters beat the hell out of each other rather regularly while they don't really block anything... So I guess my real question is: Will Hit Points be scaled better against Defense?

<-RodneyThompson-> I think you'll find that Defense and BAB will scale much more evenly than they necessarily were before.
There have been some changes to the way Defense works, which I won't go into too much because I don't know how much I can say. However, you'll find hit points probably won't be eaten through as quickly, as some attacks will now move you along a condition track rather than doing damage.

<-gigerstreak-> Have the Force Ghost and Darkside Spirit been adjusted for the Saga Edition? There was some discussion previously on the revised system not allowing them to interact with the environment like they did in the EU books.

<-RodneyThompson-> Actually, we (as of right now) include mechanics for both light and dark versions of Force spirits, but it's done somewhat differently from before and is tied into an entirely new mechanic. However, right now, the game is designed for players that become spirits to be taken over as GM characters.
Though I'd love to do some "Ghostwalk"-like rules for a future book.

<-WizO_the_Hutt regains connection->

<-ATT_Turan-> Is there thought being put into balancing starship combat so that larger ships properly outpower smaller ones and stand up to each other better, and is there any direct corrolary to the Starship Battles ruleset as there is to the SW Minis?

<-RodneyThompson-> As for starship balance, we've certainly tried to make sure and correct some of the starship imbalance from before. The mechanics of starship combat have been changed slightly, of course, but they won't match up one-for-one with the Starship Battles rules.
As of now, it should be easier to jump between character and starship combat without disrupting the flow of the game.
And it's also going to be a LOT easier to mix ground vehicles and starships, should you wish to do so.

<-WizO_the_Hutt-> Ooh, can I add something on the starships?

<-RodneyThompson-> Knock yourself out, ace.

<-WizO_the_Hutt-> Alright -- when I was doing development on that chapter, I had the benefit of getting an advance copy of the Starship Battles rules (which are going to ROCK, by the way) so i made sure that some basic things match up -- using the same size of grid, keeping starships in the same scale, putting movement and ranges in the same ballpark, and so forth.
However, one thing to keep in mind is that Starship Battles is meant for massive engagements between thousands or tens of thousands of combatants on each side -- in other words, it's basically "mass combat",

<-RodneyThompson-> Looks like I need to move out of the asteroid field so I can send a clear transmission.

<-WizO_the_Hutt-> but the vehicle and starship rules in Saga are still centered on individual PCs.
Thus, the two won't match up 100%, but I'm confident that you could use Starship Battles to simulate the "background" of a big battle while using the RPG rules to run the "foreground," moving pretty seamlessly between them. (as an aside, you can do this with the Star Wars Minis [characters and ground vehicles] too)

<-Ardent-> Can you shed some light -- given the switch to the HP system and the scaling 'character functionality' previously discussed -- how armor will play into the game now? Specifically, will it be elevated from its current status as an afterthought (barring house rules)?

<-RodneyThompson-> I'll let Gary handle this one.

<-WizO_the_Hutt-> Personally, I think armor will have a better place in the rules. Your average character -- say, a scoundrel -- will still not want to wear armor, and even a soldier who specializes in being light and fast won't want it, but if you want to be a "tank," then armor will be a viable part of your character concept.
We have some talents that are specifically designed to make armor more useful to someone who wants to specialize in it -- e.g. the Fetts -- while still leaving it not too attractive for someone who doesn't -- e.g. everyone else.
Oh, one final point:

<-RodneyThompson-> I modeled the Imperial Knights from the new Legacy comics very well this weekend for my own purposes, even using armor. Not every Jedi will want to go that route.

<-WizO_the_Hutt-> Armor is providing a bonus to your defense in these rules -- HOWEVER, most armor also makes you a little harder to "hurt" when taking damage, so you won't go up on the condition scale quite so easily.

<-RodneyThompson-> It dulls otherwise debilitating attacks, in other words.

<-WizO_the_Hutt-> Exactly.

<-Hayabusa-> As we all know, Starships of the Galaxy is difficult to find and there are several ships that appear only in that sourcebook. What kind of ships can we expect to see in Saga Edition and how easy or difficult will the conversion process be?

<-WizO_the_Hutt-> Unfortunately, we don't have room to put even a big chunk of SotG in this book.

<-RodneyThompson-> Mostly new Gungan-designed starships, in the core rulebook. They're very clumsy.

<-WizO_the_Hutt-> lol

<-RodneyThompson-> We have tried to hit all the big ones and cover the movies well.

<-WizO_the_Hutt-> However, I am going to create a conversion document that will make conversion relatively simple.
Most ships should be convertable within 5-10 minutes, I'd say.

<-stsparks72-> Will the different Era's be handled in the same way, especially when it comes to Jedi in the Rebellion Era? Also, is there anything Gary can add on the Living Force or RPGA?

<-WizO_the_Hutt-> Yes, Jedi in the Rebellion Era will still be a bit rare, but i don't think we specifically preclude you from being one -- Rodney, any thoughts on this?

<-RodneyThompson-> Hm. Well, let's just say this: there's nothing mechanical to prevent it.
That's a total flavor issue. If you want to allow Jedi in the Rebellion Era, no mechanics can stop you from doing that.

<-WizO_the_Hutt-> Yeah, I think we just leave it to story and GM restrictions so you can play Order 66 survivors if you want.

<-RodneyThompson-> In fact, I'd argue that some of Obi-Wan's lines in Revenge of the Sith strongly suggest some Jedi DO survive into the Rebellion era.

<-WizO_the_Hutt-> Oh, as for Living Force, I don't have any information at this time, sorry.
A recent SW Insider actually made a very long list of Jedi *known* to have survived Order 66 -- a lot more than you'd think, actually.

<-RodneyThompson-> Also, on a similar note, Force users that aren't Jedi should be much, much easier to create, which could also serve your Rebellion Era Force needs.

<-GhengisSka-> With WP I liked the way the grunts could go down in one hit, with the HP system (D&D or d20 Mod) you can slug it out with even low level things for some time. The higher the level of the "grunt" this will go on for ever (as it does now in D&D)... how do you model the quick death of the grunts from the movie with higher level grunts with HP? Higher level in the other games can't seem to do it with out making a slug fest?

<-WizO_the_Hutt-> We model it by making sure that stormtroopers don't have too many hit points.
In VP/WP, right now, Stormtroopers are a little too tough -- they actually only drop (either -1 WP or knocked out) about 30-40% of the time when shot by a blaster rifle.
With the new rules, Stormtroopers have enough hit points to be intimidating to your average citizen, but they're nothing compared to heroes,thus, you'll usually (but not 100%) drop them when you shoot them with a decent weapon.

<-RodneyThompson-> Not only that, but you're going to see your ability to harm stormtroopers go up as you go up in level, meaning that stormies might threaten you at first level, but by, say, 10th they should be dropping like flies.

<-WizO_the_Hutt-> Also, we added a mechanic that allows higher-level heroes to do a little extra damage, thus making them even more likely to drop grunts and mooks with one hit.

<-RodneyThompson-> Yeah, what Gary said.

<-WizO_the_Hutt-> lol

<-Tevin_Moonbane-> This edition will cover all the movies, how much of the Extended universe will be covered in the Core book (one can only hope that there will be future books to expand), such as KOTOR, New jedi order, and the such.

<-WizO_the_Hutt-> We'll cover some of the EU, but the majority of the book is covering things we see in the movies,

<-RodneyThompson-> I'll admit it; I've tried to sneak in KotOR and Legacy era references here and there.

<-WizO_the_Hutt-> but we designed the rules with the EU in mind.

<-RodneyThompson-> But it's more my own fanboyism shining through in the writing.

<-WizO_the_Hutt-> Yes, you'll find a few things that are actually written as nods to the EU.

<-Baron_Sargon-> So, does that mean we can still use the books or should we expect new versions of all the existing books? I mean, I will be deploying to Iraq again when this is released and will have a hard time replacing them if that's the case.

<-RodneyThompson-> I don't think either of us can speak about future releases...so I've got nothing on that count.

<-WizO_the_Hutt-> From what I understand, we are not making new versions of old books -- no "Ultimate Ultimate Alien Anthology".

<-RodneyThompson-> But I think that you'll find that books will have varying degrees of compatibility.

<-WizO_the_Hutt-> That doesn't mean we won't cover those topics, but we're not going to just rehash all the old stuff.

<-RodneyThompson-> Yar.

<-WizO_the_Hutt-> What Rodney said -- the conversion guidelines should make most stuff usable, and frankly if your players don't see the stats you're using, you could use an RCR stat block and they'd probably never know it.

<-gstommylee-> Okay when it comes to lightsaber crafting is the details expaned out more from the current edition like actually building of the handle itself?

<-WizO_the_Hutt-> No, we keep it simple and abstract, like the rules in the RCR.

<-RodneyThompson-> We all like lightsaber construction rules -- you know I'm a fanboy -- but that's honestly a very low priority when it comes to putting something in the core rulebook. Besides, at a certain point, micromanaging the lightsaber is something that some players will want and some people won't be able to stand.

<-WizO_the_Hutt-> If we ever do something more focused on KOTOR and such, we might make some new stuff for it, but as much as fanboys like Rodney and I would like that, it just doesn't fit in the main rulebook.

<-AmericanYeti-> Will the lightsaber forms be more thought out? The ones in the Hero's Guide were, sorry to say, lame.
EliasWindrider, Raul_Torrin and Honey Nuggets made some good ones on the boards.

<-RodneyThompson-> We were actually working on those a couple of days ago...

<-WizO_the_Hutt-> Rodney, do you think the pages of lightsaber forms I wrote up were more thought out?

<-RodneyThompson-> I'll say this much: the lightsaber forms are in there, as of right now. They work, and they leave room for expansion.

<-WizO_the_Hutt-> I tried very hard to make every form match its background in the universe and also to make it attractive to the player and I really hope we still have enough pages to keep them in there (if not, they'll at least make it into a web enhancement.)

<-RodneyThompson-> As with a lot of the mechanics, we didn't want to spend all our efforts focusing on Jedi, so you'll find them workable if not super detailed. There's not a 5-page dissertation on lightsaber combat.
As an aside: I'll just say that the Hero's Guide rules went through some revisions after they left my hands in the original manuscript.

<-WizO_the_Hutt-> Yeah, a good mechanic is one you can sum up in one sentence, maybe two, so that's the ideal we shoot for.


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    • Bring it BACK!
[Star Wars] Saga Edition
« Antwort #1 am: 11. Dezember 2006, 23:16:06 »
Haben!!! :D

Großteil wusste ich schon, aber trotzdem gut mal wieder was davon zu hören. :)
Nimm 10!


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[Star Wars] Saga Edition
« Antwort #2 am: 12. Dezember 2006, 08:53:12 »
Hört sich tatsächlich recht interessant an das Ganze. Ich hatte ja ursprünglich befürchtet, dass es sich bei dieser Neuauflage lediglich um eine geringfügig angepasste Revision der 2. Edition handelt, aber die Änderungen scheinen ja doch recht radikal zu sein. Ich bin mal gespannt, was dabei am Ende rumkommt. Einige der Konzepte hören sich tatsächlich so an, als würde man sich recht weit vom d20 System entfernen (Skills ohne Ranks).

Ich hoffe auch, dass es im Lauf der Zeit ein paar neue Quellenbände gibt, da ich seinerzeit zu langsam war, um z.B. noch eine Kopie von Starships of the Galaxy oder Power of the Jedi abzugreifen - und die Preise für diese Bücher bei eBay bzw. Amazon Marketplace sind ja bekanntlich jenseits von gut und böse (SotG ab 148 € :o)

Ich fände z.B. eine Neuauflage des Galactic Campaign Guides sehr schön, damit man mal ein richtiges Setting-Buch für Star Wars hat. Grundsätzlich findet man zwar alle relevanten Informationen auch im Netz (also den Fluff) z.B. bei Wookieepedia, aber gegen ein schickes farbiges Hardcoverbuch hätte ich auch nichts einzuwenden.


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[Star Wars] Saga Edition
« Antwort #3 am: 12. Dezember 2006, 09:58:03 »
Das klingt eigentlich alles sehr vielversprechend, aber
Zitat von: "Talwyn"
(Skills ohne Ranks).

erinnert mich irgendwie an die ollen Nonweapon Proficiencies - und diesem Schrott weine ich keine Träne nach.

Bis bald;
Darastins Grundregeln des Rollenspiels:
1. Sei kein Arschloch!  2. Spiele nicht mit Idioten!  3. Redet miteinander!


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[Star Wars] Saga Edition
« Antwort #4 am: 12. Dezember 2006, 11:06:34 »
Ich finde die Begründung eigentlich recht schlüssig, denn ich habe auch schon die Erfarhung gemacht, dass das verteilen der Skill Ranks gerade bei hochstufigen NSC ziemlich nervig ist. Ich weiß wirklich nicht mehr, wie oft es mir schon passiert ist, dass ich mich irgendwo verzählt habe (oder mir eingebildet habe, dass das passiert ist) und deswegen die Skillverteilung gleich nochmal machen durfte. Gerade bei Klassen mit 6+Int Skill Points ist das ziemlich nervig. In D&D ist das in der Regel kein Weltuntergang, da macht es nicht den gewaltigen Unterschied, ob ein Skill nun einen Bonus von +12 oder +13 hat, aber bei Star Wars gibt es ja die Force Skills, die sehr viel mächtiger sind als normale Skills und teilweise auch als Angriffe genutzt werden können. Insofern bin ich mal gespannt, wie die Designer diesen Punkt umgesetzt haben.

Auch die Komplettüberholung der Machtregeln halte ich für sehr sinnvoll. Ich fand das System aus Skills und Feats bei Star Wars schon immer ein wenig umständlich und wenig elegant. Machtkräfte sind Zauber, und so wie sich die Andeutungen in diesem Transcript lesen werden sie in Zukunft wohl auch ähnlich funktionieren.

Luther Engelsnot

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[Star Wars] Saga Edition
« Antwort #5 am: 12. Dezember 2006, 12:17:31 »
Ich finde auch klingt, doch mal gar nicht schlecht und hoffe, dass es etwas wird, aber bevor ich es mir hole, warte ich lieber auf die Meinung von anderen.
Und Quellenbücher wären wirklich schön, da es ja nicht unbedingt so klingt, dass man alles noch verwenden kann, aber wenigstens den Fluffteil und ich habe zum Glück noch eine Ausgabe von Power of the Jedi bekommen.
Obwohl es wirklich schön wäre, wenn die Reihe weiter geführt werden würde, na wir werden es ja sehen was sie draus gemacht haben.
Leite aktuell Star Wars - Edge of the Empire/Age of Rebellion, Warhammer 40k Only War/Dark Heresy als Forenrollenspiel im Online Games Bereich des DnD-Gates.


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[Star Wars] Saga Edition
« Antwort #6 am: 15. Dezember 2006, 13:42:43 »
Zitat von: "Talwyn"
denn ich habe auch schon die Erfarhung gemacht, dass das verteilen der Skill Ranks gerade bei hochstufigen NSC ziemlich nervig ist.

Damit hatte ich eigentlich noch nie größere Probleme...

Insofern bin ich mal gespannt, wie die Designer diesen Punkt umgesetzt haben.

Ich auch. Es muß na nicht zwangsweise schlecht sein; aber es gab nun mal ein vorheriges System, das definitiv sch***e war und ich kann nur hoffen, daß man nicht wieder darauf zurück greift.

Bis bald;
Darastins Grundregeln des Rollenspiels:
1. Sei kein Arschloch!  2. Spiele nicht mit Idioten!  3. Redet miteinander!


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[Star Wars] Saga Edition
« Antwort #7 am: 22. Februar 2007, 14:15:06 »
Bei Amazon.de hat das Kind jetzt einen Namen....ähh- wollte sagen ein Bild bekommen:
On the Internet you can be anything you want.
It's strange that so many people choose to be disagreeable and stupid...


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[Star Wars] Saga Edition
« Antwort #8 am: 23. Februar 2007, 00:54:42 »
Mir schwant Übles...
Ich sehe keinen d20 system tag auf dem Regelbuch...
Und wenn da was erwähnt wird von skills ohne ranks...

Es gab mal SAGA-Regeln für Dragonlance, und nach Aussage meines DSA-SLs muss es das schlechteste RPG-Regelwerk gewesen sein, das er je gespielt hat.

Hoffen wir also das Beste...

Edit: Streicht meinen Schmarrn, ich hab Geister gesehn.
Klingt zumindest interessant, was im Interview zu lesen ist. Solange es keine eierlegende Wollmilchsau wird, denke ich, dass sie sich Mühe gegeben haben.


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[Star Wars] Saga Edition
« Antwort #9 am: 23. Februar 2007, 10:36:42 »
Ich habe mir vor kurzem erst das SW Revised Core Book gekauft, da dieses fast 100 Seiten mehr an Inhalt hat als dieses Buch. Das neue würde ich mir auch kaufen, dennoch bin ich wie auch Heretic etwas skeptisch wenn ich SAGA-System höre. Das DL System war wirklich mies.
Ich hoffe auf eine Rezi von jemandem von euch hier :-)
~ I survived Myth Drannor '06 ~
~ Never trust a smiling Game Master ~
~ Für mehr Handlung in Pornos ~ ~ "Und Dragonborn sind einfach kacke." (© by Scurlock)


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[Star Wars] Saga Edition
« Antwort #10 am: 23. Februar 2007, 20:21:23 »
Sollte da ein ReziExemplar ans Gate kommen und Talamar es durchgehen lassen und frei anbieten, wird das glaube ich eines der umworbensten Büchern seit langem. Auf eine Rezi dürfen wir in jedem Falle hoffen, denke ich!  :D
On the Internet you can be anything you want.
It's strange that so many people choose to be disagreeable and stupid...


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[Star Wars] Saga Edition
« Antwort #11 am: 27. Februar 2007, 13:05:57 »
Wie man dem Transcript schon entnehmen kann handelt es sich selbst verständlich nicht um das Saga-Regelsystem. "Saga" bezieht sich auf die Star Wars Saga und soll deutlich machen, dass es sich bei dem neuen Werk um ein RPG handelt, das eben die komplette Hexalogie abdeckt (und natürlich auch die New Jedi Order Ära). Das Regelwerk wird nach wie vor weitestgehend auf d20 bzw. OGL basieren. Dass das Buch dünner ist als das aktuelle Regelwerk hat wohl vor allem damit zu tun, dass die Designer offensichtlich nach schlankeren, einfacheren Regel gestrebt haben. Ich persönlich finde das gut, denn je mehr Mechanik in einem Rollenspiel steckt, desto mechanischer wird auch der Spielablauf - und das finde ich gerade bei SW nicht sehr wünschenswert. Wenn das Vorhaben also Erfolg hat, und am Ende ein elegantes und gut spielbares System dabei herauskommt bin ich demgegenüber mehr als aufgeschlossen :)

EDIT: Quellenzitat:
The Star Wars Roleplaying Game: Saga Edition presents a thorough revision of the existing rules, but it remains a d20 game


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[Star Wars] Saga Edition
« Antwort #12 am: 27. Februar 2007, 13:33:03 »
Sind dann alle vorherigen d20 SW Bücher (ausgenommen Core Book) noch zu bebrauchen außer im Fluff-Teil?
~ I survived Myth Drannor '06 ~
~ Never trust a smiling Game Master ~
~ Für mehr Handlung in Pornos ~ ~ "Und Dragonborn sind einfach kacke." (© by Scurlock)


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[Star Wars] Saga Edition
« Antwort #13 am: 27. Februar 2007, 15:57:59 »
Zitat von: "Talwyn"
"Saga" bezieht sich auf die Star Wars Saga und soll deutlich machen, dass es sich bei dem neuen Werk um ein RPG handelt, das eben die komplette Hexalogie abdeckt (und natürlich auch die New Jedi Order Ära).

Wobei ich mir fast vorstellen könnte, daß der NJO-Teil ausgegliedert und in ein gesondertes Quellenbuch gesteckt wird. Das Buch wird etwa 100 Seiten weniger umfassen als sein Vorgänger; und auf jeden Fall auch neues Material zu Episode 3. Irgendwo muß doch Platz eingespart werden, und wenn man "Saga" auf die Hexalogie bezieht wäre das IMHO der erste Ansatzspunkt.

Bis bald;
Darastins Grundregeln des Rollenspiels:
1. Sei kein Arschloch!  2. Spiele nicht mit Idioten!  3. Redet miteinander!


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[Star Wars] Saga Edition
« Antwort #14 am: 27. Februar 2007, 17:45:40 »
Zitat von: "Quel'Thalas de Navale"
Sind dann alle vorherigen d20 SW Bücher (ausgenommen Core Book) noch zu bebrauchen außer im Fluff-Teil?

Zitat von: "Chat Transcript"
<-Baron_Sargon-> So, does that mean we can still use the books or should we expect new versions of all the existing books? I mean, I will be deploying to Iraq again when this is released and will have a hard time replacing them if that's the case.

<-RodneyThompson-> I don't think either of us can speak about future releases...so I've got nothing on that count.

<-WizO_the_Hutt-> From what I understand, we are not making new versions of old books -- no "Ultimate Ultimate Alien Anthology".

Bleibt abzuwarten, was das bedeutet...

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